I have invented the fastest string search algorithm. Can someone prove that it is not fastest?
I am not considering worst case scenarios.
The algorithm can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/fastest-string-search-algo/files/
* Choudhary algorithm
public static int choudharyStringSearchAlgorithm(char[] text, char[] pattern) {
int i = 0;
int index = 0;
int end_index = 0;
boolean not_found = false;
int text_len = text.length;
int pattern_len = pattern.length;
int pi_44 = pattern_len - 1;
int pi_34 = (3 * pattern_len) / 4;
int pi_24 = pattern_len / 2;
int pi_14 = pattern_len / 4;
int[] skip_table = new int[ASIZE];
// preprocess pattern and fill skip_table
for (i = 0; i < pattern_len; i++) {
skip_table[pattern[i]] = pattern_len - 1 - i;
// now search
for (i = 0; i < text_len; i++) {
if ((text_len - i) < pattern_len) {
return -1;
if (pattern[pi_44] != text[i + pi_44]) {
if (skip_table[(int) (text[i + pi_44])] > 0) {
i = i + skip_table[(int) (text[i + pi_44])] - 1;
if (pattern[0] != text[i]) {
if (pattern[pi_24] != text[i + pi_24]) {
if (pattern[pi_34] != text[i + pi_34]) {
if (pattern[pi_14] != text[i + pi_14]) {
end_index = i + pi_44;
not_found = false;
for (index = i; index <= end_index; index++) {
if (text[index] != pattern[index - i]) {
not_found = true;
} // end of inner for loop
if (not_found == false) { // match is found
return i;
} // end of outer for loop
return -1;
} // end of choudharyStringSearchAlgorithm
This [does not implement] Boyer-Moore-Horspool
I'd call it Raita². \$\endgroup\$