I'm reading on how to write proper testing suites here. So I'm trying to follow the selenium example in the docs which is in Java; I'm trying to translate it to Python since my app is written in Python.
So I translated the example like so:
class LoginPage(unittest.TestCase):
FE_URL = os.getenv('FE_URL')
SERVER_URL = os.getenv('SERVER_URL')
def __init__(self, driver):
self.selenium = driver
def find_button_by_text(self, text):
buttons = self.selenium.find_elements_by_tag_name("button")
for btn in buttons:
if text in btn.get_attribute("innerHTML"):
return btn
def login_page(self):
WebDriverWait(self.selenium, MAX_WAIT).until(
EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "login"))
return self.selenium
def type_username(self, username):
username_locator = self.selenium.find_element_by_name("user[email]")
return self.selenium
def type_password(self, password):
password_locator = self.selenium.find_element_by_name("user[password]")
return self.selenium
def submit_login(self):
login_locator = self.find_button_by_text("Continue")
return self.selenium
def submit_login_expecting_failure(self):
return self.selenium
def login_as(self, username, password):
login_page = self.login_page()
return self.submit_login()
and then the actual test is here:
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
USER_NAME = os.getenv('USER_NAME')
PASSWORD = os.getenv('PASSWORD')
def setUpClass(cls):
super(MyTest, cls).setUpClass()
cls.selenium = WebDriver()
# cls.selenium = webdriver.Firefox()
cls.wait = WebDriverWait(cls.selenium, MAX_WAIT)
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(MyTest, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_login(self):
login_page = LoginPage(self.selenium)
main_page = login_page.login_as(self.USER_NAME, self.PASSWORD)
WebDriverWait(main_page, MAX_WAIT).until(
EC.presence_of_element_located((By.LINK_TEXT, "Create alert"))
def test_failed_login(self):
login_page = LoginPage(self.selenium)
page = login_page.submit_login_expecting_failure()
alert = WebDriverWait(page, MAX_WAIT).until(
EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "alert-danger"))
self.assertIn("Invalid Email or Password", alert.text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
The test works. Did I understand this correctly that the driver is setup in the actual test class and not in the LoginPage
Did I hide the actual mechanics of the test correctly? I am using WebDriverWait
in the LoginPage
class to wait till the page is loaded. I see this as kind of an assert replacement but I am not sure how else to wait for the page to have finished loading.
take values that point to a publicly-accessible server you can share with us for the purposes of testing? \$\endgroup\$http://localhost:3000
I put them in env variables cause I thought this is how you are supposed to do it \$\endgroup\$