
I have the following code to round a number down to the nearest non zero digit in a string, or if the digit is larger than 1 it would round to the second decimal place. I have yet to find a way to do this without converting the number to a string and then using regex.

The end result of the number can be either a string or a digit, I kept it a string because i already converted it to one earlier in the method.

I am curious to know what you guys would do in this situation. I am working with all kinds of numbers (1 -> 50,000+ (generally)), however I am also working with VERY small numbers (4.42223e-9)

As always,

Thank you for taking the time to reading and answering this. I look forward to everyone's responses and criticism

import re

def roundToNearestZero(number):
    number = abs(number)
    if number < 1:
        #number = re.match("^0\\.0*[1-9][0-9]", f"{abs(number):.99f}").group()
        str_number = f"{number:.99f}"
        index = re.search('[1-9]', str_number).start()
        number = f"{str_number[:index + 3]}"
        number = f"{number:,.2f}"
    return number

print( roundToNearestZero(0.0000001232342) )# 0.000000123
print( roundToNearestZero(1.9333) ) # 1.93
print( roundToNearestZero(-0.00333) ) # 0.00333
print( roundToNearestZero(-123.3333) ) # 123.33
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Why would you do this in the first place? This is not only a rounding function, since there is an abs in the mix. \$\endgroup\$
    – Reinderien
    Commented Jul 9, 2021 at 22:52
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Reinderien Hi, thank you for the question. I am creating a price checker and some of the coins/tokens are fractions of pennies. Some could be: 0.000000000012313149 and i am only interested in rounding to the nearest non zero digit: 0.00000000001. the reason i have abs() is because some i am also checking the price change within the last 24 hours and the API I use sends back scientific notation (which is why i have {number.99f}and negative numbers (-0.00000000123 for example) abs(). The abs() is not required in this method. I hope this helps and explains things a little bit more \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 9, 2021 at 23:10
  • \$\begingroup\$ I'm afraid that this entire procedure has a bad-idea fragrance. If you're formatting these values for display only, there are better formats. If this is part of an analysis routine you probably shouldn't be rounding at all. \$\endgroup\$
    – Reinderien
    Commented Jul 10, 2021 at 3:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Reinderien Yes its for display, could you tell me the better formats you're talking about? Thanks again \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 10, 2021 at 7:27

2 Answers 2


A few stylistic edits to consider. Your code is generally fine. In the example below, I made some minor stylistic edits: shorter variable names (because they are just as clear in context as the visually-heavier longer names); direct returns rather than setting number; and taking advantage of the built-in round() function where it applies. I would also add some explanatory comments to the code, as illustrated below. It needs some explanation, for reasons discussed below.

def roundToNearestZero(number):
    n = abs(number)
    if n < 1:
        # Find the first non-zero digit.
        # We want 3 digits, starting at that location.
        s = f'{n:.99f}'
        index = re.search('[1-9]', s).start()
        return s[:index + 3]
        # We want 2 digits after decimal point.
        return str(round(n, 2))

The function is unusual. Less convincing is the function itself. First, it's not a rounding operation: it takes the absolute value, converts to string, and then it does some rounding-adjacent things. If number is 1 or larger, the function actually rounds (to 2 digits past the decimal). Otherwise, the function imposes a floor operation (to 3 digits, starting at the first non-zero). The whole thing seems like a conceptual mess, but I understand that you might be operating under some odd constraints from your project that you cannot easily change.

Choose a better function name. At a minimum you should rename the function. Naming it according to mathematical operations makes little sense due to its inconsistent and unusual behavior. Instead you might consider a name oriented toward its purpose: for example, display_price() or whatever makes more sense based on its role in the project.

Data-centric orchestration. Finally, I would encourage you to adopt a more data-centric approach to working on algorithmic code – while writing code, debugging it, and when asking people for help. Here I'm talking about the orchestration code rather than the function itself. The first thing I did when experimenting with your code its to set up better orchestration:

# This is print-centric. As such, it's not very useful.

print( roundToNearestZero(0.0000001232342) )# 0.000000123
print( roundToNearestZero(1.9333) ) # 1.93
print( roundToNearestZero(-0.00333) ) # 0.00333
print( roundToNearestZero(-123.3333) ) # 123.33

# This is data-centric and thus amenable to efficient testing.
# Any bad edit I made to the code was quickly revealed, and I
# could easily add more test cases as I explored.

def main():
    TESTS = (
        (0.0000001232342, '0.000000123'),
        (1.9333, '1.93'),
        (-0.00333, '0.00333'),
        (-123.3333, '123.33'),
        (0.00000012032342, '0.000000120'),
        (-0.00000012032342, '0.000000120'),
        (-0.000000120999, '0.000000120'),
        (204.947, '204.95'),
    for inp, exp in TESTS:
        got = roundToNearestZero(inp)
        if got == exp:
            print('FAIL', (inp, got, exp))

First recognize that this is not strictly a rounding problem, but a formatting problem. You're doing this strictly for the purposes of display, and so your method should be named as such.

Have a careful read through https://docs.python.org/3/library/string.html#format-specification-mini-language . I think the g specifier would suit this application fine. I see no universe in which it's a good idea to hide the sign from the user, so don't apply abs.

for x in (

If you want slightly more nuanced formatting behaviour than what g can get you - if, for example, you want all quantities at 0.01 or above to be printed in fixed notation and all others in scientific - then you can have an if statement that selects between two different format specifiers, each with their own precision field; in any case you won't need to call round yourself because that's done by the formatting.


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