I have a dictionary in Python (uglyDict
) that has some really un-cool key names. I would like to rename them based on values from another dictionary (keyMapping
). Here's an example of the dictionaries:
uglyDict = {
"ORDER_NUMBER": "6492",
"Ship To - Name": "J.B Brawls",
"Ship To - Address 1": "42 BAN ROAD",
"Ship To - City": "Jimville",
"Ship To - State": "VA",
"Ship To - Postal Code": "42691"
keyMapping = {
"Market - Store Name": "WSCUSTOMERID",
"Ship To - Name": "ShipToCompany",
"Ship To - Country": "ShipToCountryCode",
"Ship To - Postal Code": "ShipToZipcode",
"Ship To - City": "ShipToCity",
"Date - Order Date": "OrderDate",
"Gift - Message": "SpecialInstructions",
"Customer Email": "ShipToEmail",
"Ship To - Address 2": "ShipToAddress2",
"Ship To - Address 1": "ShipToAddress1",
"Ship To - Phone": "ShipToPhoneNum",
"Order - Number": "ORDER_NUMBER",
"Ship To - State": "ShipToState",
"Carrier - Service Selected": "ShipMethod",
"Item - Qty": "Quantity"
Here is my code so far to rename uglyDict
's keys:
prettyDict = {}
for mkey, mval in keyMapping.items():
for ukey in uglyDict.keys():
if mkey == ukey:
prettyDict[mval] = uglyDict[mkey]
The code works as desired, and prints the dictionary with renamed keys as shown below:
{'ORDER_NUMBER': '6492', 'ShipToCompany': 'J.B Brawls', 'ShipToAddress1': '42 BAN ROAD', 'ShipToCity': 'Jimville', 'ShipToState': 'VA', 'ShipToZipcode': '42691'}
My question is, is there any more efficient/more Pythonic way to do this? Preferably one where I don't have to loop over the keys of both dictionaries. I am using this code with much larger dictionaries and performance is needed.
Any insight is welcome!