
I'm relatively new to jQuery and am trying to learn best practices/design patterns with JavaScript. Came across this link and decided to try and put it to something useful.

So far I've made a notifications menu dropdown using TinyScrollBar where the user can remove an individual notification. Once removed, the height of the dropdown updates until there are no more.

Here is a demo of what I have so far.

I would like to know ways on how I can improve my JavaScript.


var TEST = TEST || {};

/* Notifications */
TEST.notif = {};
TEST.notif._notifOpen = false;
TEST.notif._el = null;
TEST.notif._sum = 0;
TEST.notif._defaultVPHeight = 350;

TEST.notif.init = function(){

this._el = $('#notifications');

    return false;

// when you click outside the notification menu
// hide the notifications
    if( TEST.notif._notifOpen ) {

// set initial notifications scrollbar height
this._el.tinyscrollbar( {size: TEST.notif._defaultVPHeight} );

TEST.notif.showNotifications = function(){
var $el = this._el,
    $close = $('.notif-close'),
    $li = $('.notif-list li a');

// show notificatoins and update scrollbar position

// stop propagation 
$li.on('click',function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); });

// remove list-item 
$close.on('click', function(e){

    // store
    var liHeight, newH, overviewH;

    // store individual list-item height
    liHeight = $(this).parent().height();

    // remove the list-item you clicked

    // store the new height TEST the viewport
    newH = TEST.notif._defaultVPHeight - liHeight;

    // get height TEST actual contents
    overviewH = $('.overview').height();

    // set new defaultH
    TEST.notif._defaultVPHeight = newH;

    // update scrollbar

    // once scrollbar is disabled, start changing the viewport height
    if( $('#notifications .scrollbar').hasClass('disable') && $('.notif-list li').length > 1 ){
        $('#notifications .viewport').height( overviewH );
    } else if( $('.notif-list li').length == 1 ) {
        $('.notif-list li.empty').show();

    return false;

this._notifOpen = true;

TEST.notif.hideNotifications = function(){
this._notifOpen = false;

TEST.notif.toggleNotifications = function(){
this._notifOpen ? this.hideNotifications() : this.showNotifications();

/* init */

1 Answer 1


From a once over:

  • Review your comments, some of them just take up space and are not very valuable:

    // update scrollbar
  • Indentation ( this might be because of copy pasting ) is off in your code, making it hard(er) to read
  • TEST.notif is a mouthful, I would just go for notifications
  • _el, _sum, _defaultVPHeight should all loose their underscore, they dont make sense. Also I would go either for the Spartan e or the full out element.
  • TEST.notif._notifOpen -> why notifOpen, it's already part of an object called notif, just call it open
  • Use lowerCamelCase consistently: tinyscrollbar_update -> tinyScrollbarUpdate

Other than that, your code is well structured and easy to follow.


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