In this python program, I built a ticketing system with functionality such as keeping track of tickets sold and error handling in case there are any invalid inputs.
I need advice on my code in terms of (architecture, risks, opportunities, design) so that I can learn how I can code better & grow my skills.
tickets_remaining = 100
def calculate_price(ticket_amount):
return (ticket_amount * TICKET_PRICE) + SERVICE_CHARGE
while tickets_remaining >= 1:
print('There are {} tickets remaining'.format(tickets_remaining))
# Capture the user's name and assign it to a new variable
name = input('What is your name?: ')
# Ask how many tickets they would like and calculate the price
ticket_amount = input(
'{}, How many tickets would you like?: '.format(name))
# Expect a ValueError to happen and handle it appropriately
ticket_amount = int(ticket_amount)
# Raise a ValueError if the request is more tickets than there are available
if ticket_amount > tickets_remaining:
raise ValueError(
'Sorry, there are only {} tickets remaining.'.format(tickets_remaining))
except ValueError as err:
print('Sorry, invalid input {}'.format(err))
price = calculate_price(ticket_amount)
print('Your total is ${} for {} tickets'.format(price, ticket_amount))
# Prompt the user if they want to proceed Y/N
proceed = input(
'Would you like to proceed with your purchase? yes/no: ')
if proceed.lower() == 'yes':
# TODO: Gather credit card information and process it
tickets_remaining -= ticket_amount
print('Thank you {}, hope to see you again soon.'.format(name))
# Notify the user when the tickets are sold out
print('Sorry, the tickets are sold out.')