.NET does not support generic numbers. It is not possible to enforce a generic method with generic argument T that T is a number. The following code will simply not compile:
public T DifficultCalculation<T>(T a, T b)
T result = a * b + a; // <== WILL NOT COMPILE!
return result;
Console.WriteLine(DifficultCalculation(2, 3)); // Should result in 8.
To overcome this problem I created a class to overcome this, a generic Calculator. Using this calculator, you can do arithmatic operations on a generic type. It is at that moment assumed that the programmer knows what he is doing. The usage would look like:
public T DifficultCalculation<T>(T a, T b)
T result = Calculator<T>.Add(Calculator<T>.Multiply(a, b), a);
return result;
Console.WriteLine(DifficultCalculation(2, 3)); // Results in 8.
Of coure... this makes the code less readable, so I created another struct to overcome this: Number<T>
. In this struct I created every operator I could think of. The code could now be revised as:
public T DifficultCalculation<T>(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
Number<T> result = a * b + a;
return (T)result;
Console.WriteLine(DifficultCalculation(2, 3)); // Results in 8.
I think this can be very handy for some other developers. Before I broadcast it to the world, I want it to be reviewed. If you have any comments about it (about functionality, performance, usability), please let me know!
/// <summary>
/// Class to allow operations (like Add, Multiply, etc.) for generic types. This type should allow these operations themselves.
/// If a type does not support an operation, an exception is throw when using this operation, not during construction of this class.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public static class Calculator<T>
static Calculator()
Add = CreateDelegate<T>(Expression.AddChecked, "Addition", true);
Subtract = CreateDelegate<T>(Expression.SubtractChecked, "Substraction", true);
Multiply = CreateDelegate<T>(Expression.MultiplyChecked, "Multiply", true);
Divide = CreateDelegate<T>(Expression.Divide, "Divide", true);
Modulo = CreateDelegate<T>(Expression.Modulo, "Modulus", true);
Negate = CreateDelegate(Expression.NegateChecked, "Negate", true);
Plus = CreateDelegate(Expression.UnaryPlus, "Plus", true);
Increment = CreateDelegate(Expression.Increment, "Increment", true);
Decrement = CreateDelegate(Expression.Decrement, "Decrement", true);
LeftShift = CreateDelegate<int>(Expression.LeftShift, "LeftShift", false);
RightShift = CreateDelegate<int>(Expression.RightShift, "RightShift", false);
OnesComplement = CreateDelegate(Expression.OnesComplement, "OnesComplement", false);
And = CreateDelegate<T>(Expression.And, "BitwiseAnd", false);
Or = CreateDelegate<T>(Expression.Or, "BitwiseOr", false);
Xor = CreateDelegate<T>(Expression.ExclusiveOr, "ExclusiveOr", false);
static private Func<T, T2, T> CreateDelegate<T2>(Func<Expression, Expression, Expression> @operator, string operatorName, bool isChecked)
Type convertToTypeA = ConvertTo(typeof(T));
Type convertToTypeB = ConvertTo(typeof(T2));
ParameterExpression parameterA = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "a");
ParameterExpression parameterB = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T2), "b");
Expression valueA = (convertToTypeA != null) ? Expression.Convert(parameterA, convertToTypeA) : (Expression)parameterA;
Expression valueB = (convertToTypeB != null) ? Expression.Convert(parameterB, convertToTypeB) : (Expression)parameterB;
Expression body = @operator(valueA, valueB);
if (convertToTypeA != null)
if (isChecked)
body = Expression.ConvertChecked(body, typeof(T));
body = Expression.Convert(body, typeof(T));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T2, T>>(body, parameterA, parameterB).Compile();
return (a, b) =>
throw new InvalidOperationException("Operator " + operatorName + " is not supported by type " + typeof(T).FullName + ".");
static private Func<T, T> CreateDelegate(Func<Expression, Expression> @operator, string operatorName, bool isChecked)
Type convertToType = ConvertTo(typeof(T));
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "a");
Expression value = (convertToType != null) ? Expression.Convert(parameter, convertToType) : (Expression)parameter;
Expression body = @operator(value);
if (convertToType != null)
if (isChecked)
body = Expression.ConvertChecked(body, typeof(T));
body = Expression.Convert(body, typeof(T));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T>>(body, parameter).Compile();
return (a) =>
throw new InvalidOperationException("Operator " + operatorName + " is not supported by type " + typeof(T).FullName + ".");
static private Type ConvertTo(Type type)
switch (Type.GetTypeCode(type))
case TypeCode.Char:
case TypeCode.Byte:
case TypeCode.SByte:
case TypeCode.Int16:
case TypeCode.UInt16:
return typeof(int);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Adds two values of the same type.
/// Supported by: All numeric values.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"/>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T, T> Add;
/// <summary>
/// Subtracts two values of the same type.
/// Supported by: All numeric values.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"/>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T, T> Subtract;
/// <summary>
/// Multiplies two values of the same type.
/// Supported by: All numeric values.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"/>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T, T> Multiply;
/// <summary>
/// Divides two values of the same type.
/// Supported by: All numeric values.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"/>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T, T> Divide;
/// <summary>
/// Divides two values of the same type and returns the remainder.
/// Supported by: All numeric values.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"/>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T, T> Modulo;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the negative value of T.
/// Supported by: All numeric values, but will throw an OverflowException on unsigned values which are not 0.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"/>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T> Negate;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the negative value of T.
/// Supported by: All numeric values.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T> Plus;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the negative value of T.
/// Supported by: All numeric values.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"/>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T> Increment;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the negative value of T.
/// Supported by: All numeric values.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="OverflowException"/>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T> Decrement;
/// <summary>
/// Shifts the number to the left.
/// Supported by: All integral types.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, int, T> LeftShift;
/// <summary>
/// Shifts the number to the right.
/// Supported by: All integral types.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, int, T> RightShift;
/// <summary>
/// Inverts all bits inside the value.
/// Supported by: All integral types.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T> OnesComplement;
/// <summary>
/// Performs a bitwise OR.
/// Supported by: All integral types.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T, T> Or;
/// <summary>
/// Performs a bitwise AND
/// Supported by: All integral types.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T, T> And;
/// <summary>
/// Performs a bitwise Exclusive OR.
/// Supported by: All integral types.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"/>
public static readonly Func<T, T, T> Xor;
public struct Number<T>
where T : IComparable<T>, IEquatable<T>
private readonly T _Value;
public Number(T value)
_Value = value;
#region Comparison
public bool Equals(Number<T> other)
return _Value.Equals(other._Value);
public bool Equals(T other)
return _Value.Equals(other);
public int CompareTo(Number<T> other)
return _Value.CompareTo(other._Value);
public int CompareTo(T other)
return _Value.CompareTo(other);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (obj is T)
return _Value.Equals((T)obj);
if (obj is Number<T>)
return _Value.Equals(((Number<T>)obj)._Value);
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return (_Value == null) ? 0 : _Value.GetHashCode();
static public bool operator ==(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return a._Value.Equals(b._Value);
static public bool operator !=(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return !a._Value.Equals(b._Value);
static public bool operator <(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return a._Value.CompareTo(b._Value) < 0;
static public bool operator <=(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return a._Value.CompareTo(b._Value) <= 0;
static public bool operator >(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return a._Value.CompareTo(b._Value) > 0;
static public bool operator >=(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return a._Value.CompareTo(b._Value) >= 0;
static public Number<T> operator !(Number<T> a)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Negate(a._Value));
#region Arithmatic operations
static public Number<T> operator +(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Add(a._Value, b._Value));
static public Number<T> operator -(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Subtract(a._Value, b._Value));
static public Number<T> operator *(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Multiply(a._Value, b._Value));
static public Number<T> operator /(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Divide(a._Value, b._Value));
static public Number<T> operator %(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Modulo(a._Value, b._Value));
static public Number<T> operator -(Number<T> a)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Negate(a._Value));
static public Number<T> operator +(Number<T> a)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Plus(a._Value));
static public Number<T> operator ++(Number<T> a)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Increment(a._Value));
static public Number<T> operator --(Number<T> a)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Decrement(a._Value));
#region Bitwise operations
static public Number<T> operator <<(Number<T> a, int b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.LeftShift(a._Value, b));
static public Number<T> operator >>(Number<T> a, int b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.RightShift(a._Value, b));
static public Number<T> operator &(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.And(a._Value, b._Value));
static public Number<T> operator |(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Or(a._Value, b._Value));
static public Number<T> operator ^(Number<T> a, Number<T> b)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.Xor(a._Value, b._Value));
static public Number<T> operator ~(Number<T> a)
return new Number<T>(Calculator<T>.OnesComplement(a._Value));
#region Casts
static public implicit operator Number<T>(T value)
return new Number<T>(value);
static public explicit operator T(Number<T> value)
return value._Value;
#region Other members
public override string ToString()
return (_Value == null) ? string.Empty : _Value.ToString();