
This is my custom function to join strings from an array into one string. We can provide normal separator and the last one. JoinStringsIntoArray(", ", " and ", words...)

func JoinStringsIntoArray(sep string, lastSep string, words ...string) string {
lastElementIndex := len(words) - 1
var joinedString string

for index, word := range words[0:lastElementIndex] {
    if index == lastElementIndex-1 {
        sep = lastSep
    joinedString += word + sep

joinedString += words[lastElementIndex]

    return joinedString

Test for this function

func TestStringsJoinsWithCommas(t *testing.T) {
    var words []string
    words = append(words, "one", "two", "three")

    expectedResult := "one, two and three"
    result := JoinStringsIntoArray(", ", " and ", words...)

    if expectedResult != result {
        t.Errorf("Strings joiner is broken, it should be '%v', we got '%v'", expectedResult, result)

What do you think about this, can this solution be improved? The function works fine but I'm not so sure it's written well.


1 Answer 1


The Go standard library strings package has a Join function:

func Join(elems []string, sep string) string

Your function is a simple extension of strings.Join:

func JoinLast(elems []string, sep, lastSep string) string

However, for no obvious reason, you chose a different function parameter signature:

func JoinLast(sep string, lastSep string, words ...string) string

We need a comment to explain why this isn't an arbitrary or idiosyncratic decision.

Your testing is inadequate. Check boundary conditions. Your function fails on an empty words list.

words = []string{}

You have not provided any testing benchmarks. For example,

BenchmarkJoin-4   5534918  207.9 ns/op   104 B/op  5 allocs/op
func JoinStringsIntoArray(sep string, lastSep string, words ...string) string {
    lastElementIndex := len(words) - 1
    var joinedString string

    for index, word := range words[0:lastElementIndex] {
        if index == lastElementIndex-1 {
            sep = lastSep
        joinedString += word + sep

    joinedString += words[lastElementIndex]

    return joinedString

func BenchmarkJoin(b *testing.B) {
    words := []string{"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}
    for N := 0; N < b.N; N++ {
        JoinStringsIntoArray(", ", " and ", words...)

You can do better. For example, minimize allocation,

BenchmarkJoin-4  16612879   70.95 ns/op   32 B/op  1 allocs/op
func JoinLast(elems []string, sep, lastSep string) string {
    var join strings.Builder
    joinCap := 0
    for i := 0; i < len(elems); i++ {
        joinCap += len(elems[i])
    if len(elems) > 1 {
        joinCap += len(lastSep)
        if len(elems) > 2 {
            joinCap += (len(elems) - 2) * len(sep)

    last := len(elems) - 1 - 1
    for i, elem := range elems {
        if i >= last {
            if i == last {
                sep = lastSep
            } else {
                sep = ""

    return join.String()

func BenchmarkJoin(b *testing.B) {
    words := []string{"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}
    for N := 0; N < b.N; N++ {
        JoinLast(words, ", ", " and ")

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