I have two tables, one for jobs, and one for the names of industries (e.g. automotive, IT, etc).
In SQL I would just do:
SELECT industryName, count(*)
FROM jobs
JOIN industry
ON jobs.industryId = industry.id
GROUP BY industryName
In LINQ I have the following, but it's three separate statements and I'm pretty sure this would be doable in one.
var allIndustries =
from j in dbConnection.jobs
join i in dbConnection.industries on j.industryId equals i.id
select i.industryName;
var industriesWithCount =
from i in allIndustries
group i by i into iGrouped
select new { Industry = iGrouped.Key, Count = iGrouped.Count() };
var industries = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (var ic in industriesWithCount)
industries.Add(ic.Industry, ic.Count);
Is there a way to make this simpler or shorter?