I've made this to pick the LQR parameters for my self balancing robots simulation. So to break down what I have done,
Randomly Create Population
I create a random population. The population is a list of lists having 4 parameters each of which is randomly generated. But I have applied bounds for them using the values I got from my manual tuning for my simulation.
def population_create(p_size,geno_size,bounds): p = [ random_param(geno_size,bounds) for i in range(p_size)] return p def random_param(g,b): return [random.uniform(b[i][0],b[i][1]) for i in range(g)]
Try it on Robot and Evaluate
2.Then I evaluate each parameter to see how much the wheels have rotated and how much the robot is inclined after one minute.
fitness = encoder_readings + tilt
So the closer the fitness is to zero the better the robot balances. This is done for the whole population
Create next generation
3.Then I make the next generation with Mutation, Crossover and passing healthy individuals directly.
def population_reproduce(p,fitness):
size_p = len(p)
new_p = []
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({"Param":p,"Fitness":fitness})
dataframe = dataframe.sort_values(['Fitness'])
dataframe = dataframe.reset_index(drop=True)
sorted_p = dataframe['Param'].tolist()
elite_part = round(ELITE_PART*size_p)
new_p = new_p + sorted_p[:elite_part]
for i in range(size_p-elite_part):
mom = p[random.randint(0,size_p-1)]
dad = p[random.randint(0,size_p-1)]
child = crossover(mom,dad)
child = mutate(child)
return new_p
def crossover(p1,p2):
crossover = []
locii = [random.randint(0,8) for _ in range(len(p1))]
for i in range(len(p1)):
if locii[i]>4:
return crossover
def mutate(c):
size = len(c)
for i in range(size):
if random.random()< MUTATION_PROBABILITY:
c[i] += random.gauss(c[i]/50,MUTATION_DEVIATION)
return c
This continues for some generations.
These are the links to the full codes.
I would very much appreciate if you could take a look and let me know if this is a correct implementation of a genetic algorithm.
One observation I made is that the fitness doesn't converge to a lower value after each iteration. It randomly goes up and down. Could this be because of some inconsistency in my stimulation on Webots or is it a mistake in my code thats causing this?