Inspired by a recent question that caught my interest (now deleted), I wrote a function in Python 3 to rearrange the letters of a given string to create a (any!) palindrome:
- Count the occurrences of each letter in the input
- Iterate over the resulting
(letter, occurrences)
tuples only once:- If the occurences are even, we remember them to add them around the center later
- A valid palindrome can contain only 0 or 1 letter(s) with an odd number of occurrences, so if we've already found the center, we raise an exception. Otherwise, we save the new-found center for later
- Finally, we add the sides around the center and join it to create the resulting palindrome string.
I'm looking for feedback on every aspect you can think of, including
- readability (including docstrings),
- how appropriate the data structures are,
- if the algorithm can be expressed in simpler terms (or replaced altogether) and
- the quality of my tests.
from collections import deque, Counter
def palindrome_from(letters):
Forms a palindrome by rearranging :letters: if possible,
throwing a :ValueError: otherwise.
:param letters: a suitable iterable, usually a string
:return: a string containing a palindrome
counter = Counter(letters)
sides = []
center = deque()
for letter, occurrences in counter.items():
repetitions, odd_count = divmod(occurrences, 2)
if not odd_count:
sides.append(letter * repetitions)
if center:
raise ValueError("no palindrome exists for '{}'".format(letters))
center.append(letter * occurrences)
return ''.join(center)
Unit tests:
(using py.test)
def test_empty_string_is_palindrome():
assert palindrome_from('') == ''
def test_whitespace_string_is_palindrome():
whitespace = ' ' * 5
assert palindrome_from(whitespace) == whitespace
def test_rearranges_letters_to_palindrome():
assert palindrome_from('aabbb') == 'abbba'
def test_raises_exception_for_incompatible_input():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error:
assert "no palindrome exists for 'asdf'" in error.value.args
Manual testing in the console
while True:
word = input('Enter a word: ')
except ValueError as e:
except EOFError: