Use case - motivation & challenge
Hi all! I have been working with Python for the last two years, but never learned proper object-oriented programming and design patterns. I've decided for this year to close this gap by reading some books and applying the knowledge to a real-world problem. I am looking forward to learning a lot from all the suggestions :)
To kick off my learning, I've decided to automate a recurring weekly task of filling some timesheets located in Microsoft Teams, using a bot to do the heavy lifting for me. The bot should perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the login page
- Fill in username and password
- Sign in
- Navigate to the excel page with the timesheet
- Fill in my weekly hours
Currently, the bot does almost all steps, except the last two, which I haven't implemented yet.
Code breakdown
The code is quite simple. I rely heavily on selenium to perform all actions, so I want to create a chrome instance where the agent will perform its actions.
Naturally, I first import the libraries I am going to use:
import os
import time
import random
from selenium import webdriver
from dataclasses import dataclass
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import ChromeDriverManager
Next up, I define immutable classes whose only purpose is to containerize information that is static, so that code duplication can be avoided.
class XPathsContainer:
teams_login_button: str = '//*[@id="mectrl_main_trigger"]/div/div[1]'
teams_login_user_button: str = '//*[@id="i0116"]'
teams_login_next_button: str = '//*[@id="idSIButton9"]'
teams_login_pwd_button: str = '//*[@id="i0118"]'
teams_sign_in_button: str = '//*[@id="idSIButton9"]'
teams_sign_in_keep_logged_in: str = '//*[@id="KmsiCheckboxField"]'
class UrlsContainer:
teams_login_page: str = ''
Now, I try to implement a base class which is called Driver
. This class contains the initialization of the chrome object and sets the foundations for other agents to be inherited. Each Agent
child class might have (in the future) different actions but they must have a sleep method (to avoid restrictions in using bots), they must be able to click, write information and navigate to pages.
class Driver(ABC):
def __init__(self, action, instruction, driver=None):
if driver:
self.driver = driver
self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())
self.actions = {
'navigate': self.navigate,
'write': self.write
self.parameters = {
'action': None,
'instruction': None
def sleep(self, current_tick=1):
def navigate(self, *args):
def click(self, *args):
def write(self, **kwargs):
def main(self, **kwargs):
Now I implement a basic Agent
child class, which implements the logic of required functions of the base class Driver
class Agent(Driver):
def __init__(self, action, instruction, driver):
super().__init__(action, instruction, driver)
self.action = action
self.instruction = instruction
def sleep(self, current_tick=1):
seconds = random.randint(3, 7)
timeout = time.time() + seconds
while time.time() <= timeout:
print(f"Sleeping to replicate user.... tick {current_tick}/{seconds}")
current_tick += 1
def navigate(self, url):
print(f"Agent navigating to {url}...")
return self.driver.get(url)
def click(self, xpath):
print(f"Agent clicking in '{xpath}'...")
return self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).click()
def write(self, args):
xpath = args[0]
phrase = args[1]
print(f"Agent writing in '{xpath}' the phrase '{phrase}'...")
return self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath).send_keys(phrase)
def main(self, **kwargs):
self.action = kwargs.get('action', self.action)
self.instruction = kwargs.get('instruction', self.instruction)
Finally, I've created a function that updates the parameters of the class whenever there is a set of actions and instructions that need to be executed under the same chrome driver. And I've created a function that takes a script of actions and executes them.
def update_driver_parameters(driver, values):
params = driver.parameters
params['action'] = values[0]
params['instruction'] = values[1]
return params
def run_script(script):
for script_line, script_values in SCRIPT.items():
chrome = Agent(None, None, None)
for instructions in script_values:
params = update_driver_parameters(chrome, instructions)
USER = os.environ["USERNAME"]
SECRET = os.environ["SECRET"]
'login': [
('navigate', UrlsContainer.teams_login_page),
('click', XPathsContainer.teams_login_button),
('write', (XPathsContainer.teams_login_user_button, USER)),
('click', XPathsContainer.teams_login_next_button),
('write', (XPathsContainer.teams_login_pwd_button, SECRET)),
('click', XPathsContainer.teams_sign_in_button),
('click', XPathsContainer.teams_sign_in_keep_logged_in),
('click', XPathsContainer.teams_sign_in_button),
Right now, I think the code has several major concerns, mostly related to being inexperienced in design patterns:
- I rely too much on Xpaths to make the bot do something which will result in an enormous data class if there are many steps to do;
- Also, relying on Xpaths could be bad, because if the page is updated, I will have to retrace steps, but this is probably necessary evil;
- I am not sure whether the implementation of an immutable class is the correct one. I've used
for this; - I have the feeling that the inheritance that I've implemented is quite clunky. I want to be able to share the same driver along with multiple classes. I don't want to create a new driver per action, I always want to fetch the latest context the driver did, but if a new agent is created then a new driver must be assigned to that agent;
- Maybe
arguments could be implemented differently, I am never sure of the correct way to parse them without usingkwargs.get
; - Inconsistent use of args and kwargs, could this be implemented differently?