I wrote this code to find opposites of words (i.e., words backwards). Input is a list of words. If this list contains a word + its opposite, then it should form a pair. The output should be a list of tuples (pairs).
The output should:
- contain every pair of words only once - it should contain either ('reed', 'deer') or ('deer', 'reed'), but not both.
- not contain palindromes (words which are opposite to themselves) - e.g. 'refer'
def find_opposites(lst):
if lst == [] or len(lst) == 1:
return []
opposites = [] # contains all words backwards (except palindromes)
result = []
for word in lst:
if word != word[::-1]: # avoid palindromes
for word in opposites:
if word in lst:
# if word in both opposites list and original list,
# then it should form a pair with its opposite
tup = (word[::-1], word) # create tuple
if tup[::-1] not in result: # append tuple only if its opposite in not already in result
return result
I have tried to substitute the list opposites with a dictionary as I know lists are slower to process, but it still takes a very long time.
Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to make it run faster, as it takes ages when I run on my corpora which contains over 11.000 words. Thanks a lot :)
I have tried to substitute the list opposites with a dictionary
close, very close :/I know lists are slower to process
lists are simpler, and there are things (like iteration) they're faster at. Dictionaries are faster at membership tests, for one thing, but look at which "collection" you iterate and which you check membership in. \$\endgroup\$