This is a basic sorting function written in jQuery that moves items in the DOM around to create empty spaces for a droppable(). Since there is so much going on in a droppable over event, i'd love some feedback on how this could be done better.
This is all in a function called on the over event of the droppable()
I have an array of empty spots
var emptyHolders = [];
var eid = $(this).attr('id');
cid is the droppable element that you're over top of, so I find the next open slot using
for (var i = 0; i < emptyHolders.length; i++) {
var currentEmpty = emptyHolders[i];
if (currentEmpty > cid) {
nextEmpty = currentEmpty;
i = emptyHolders.length;
} else {
prevEmpty = parseInt(currentEmpty);
If there is a an empty slot further down the list, I use a for loop to loop through moving the items around the DOM to make the space needed to drop the element.
if (nextEmpty != null) {
var moveMe = nextEmpty -1;
for (var i = moveMe; i >= cid; i--) {
var nextcount = i + 1;
var me = $('#pipeline-rank-' + i);
var next = $('#pipeline-rank-' + i).parents('.pipeline-rank-row').next().find('.pipeline-holder');
var pid = $('#pipeline-rank-' + i).find('.content-wrapper').attr('id');
next.append($('#pipeline-rank-' + i).find('.content-wrapper'));
$('#pipeline-rank-' + cid).addClass('holder-empty');
If there is not one further down the list, I do the same thing in reverse to check if there is a spot above the droppable to push items up into.
It's usable here:
Any thoughts are extremely appreciated!