I am practicing programing in Java. I have started to make a Xs and Os (Tic-Tac-Toe) game and I began with baseline logic of the game. I would appreciate any advice on my programming style, what am I doing wrong and what is good about my code.
Combinations class
public class Combinations
public static Map<Field, Mark> firstRow;
public static Map<Field, Mark> secondRow;
public static Map<Field, Mark> thirdRow;
public static Map<Field, Mark> firstColumn;
public static Map<Field, Mark> secondColumn;
public static Map<Field, Mark> thirdColumn;
public static Map<Field, Mark> backDiagonal;
public static Map<Field, Mark> forwardDiagonal;
private static List<Map<Field, Mark>> combinations = Arrays.asList(firstRow, secondRow, thirdRow,
firstColumn, secondColumn, thirdColumn,
backDiagonal, forwardDiagonal);
private static Map<Field, Mark> winingCombination = null;
public Combinations(Board board)
firstRow = Map.of(Field.A1, board.A1,
Field.B1, board.B1,
Field.C1, board.C1);
secondRow = Map.of(Field.A2, board.A2,
Field.B2, board.B2,
Field.C2, board.C2);
thirdRow = Map.of(Field.A3, board.A3,
Field.B3, board.B3,
Field.A2, board.C3);
firstColumn = Map.of(Field.A1, board.A1,
Field.A2, board.A2,
Field.A3, board.A3);
secondColumn = Map.of(Field.B1, board.B1,
Field.B2, board.B2,
Field.B3, board.B3);
thirdColumn = Map.of(Field.C1, board.C1,
Field.C2, board.C2,
Field.C3, board.C3);
backDiagonal = Map.of(Field.A1, board.A1,
Field.B2, board.B2,
Field.C3, board.C3);
forwardDiagonal = Map.of(Field.A3, board.A3,
Field.B2, board.B2,
Field.C1, board.C1);
public static boolean isFilled(Map<Field, Mark> combination)
for(Entry<Field, Mark> field : combination.entrySet())
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isWiner(Map<Field, Mark> combination, Mark playerMark)
for(Entry<Field, Mark> field : combination.entrySet())
if(field.getValue() != playerMark)
return false;
return true;
public static boolean hasWiningCombination()
return winingCombination != null;
public Map<Field, Mark> getWiningCombination(Mark playerMark)
for(Map<Field, Mark> combination : combinations)
if(isWiner(combination, playerMark))
winingCombination = combination;
return winingCombination;
Field enum class for fields on the board
public enum Field
A1, A2, A3,
B1, B2, B3,
C1, C2, C3;
public boolean isCorner(Field field)
case A1:
case A3:
case C1:
case C3:
return true;
return false;
Mark enum class for player marks on fields
public enum Mark
public static boolean isEmpty(Mark field)
case EMPTY:
return true;
return false;
public static Mark oposite(Mark mark)
case X:
return O;
case O:
return X;
return EMPTY;
? And would also be nice to see an example of usage. \$\endgroup\$