This is a follow-up question for A recursive_count Function For Various Type Arbitrary Nested Iterable Implementation in C++ and A Summation Function For Boost.MultiArray in C++. I am trying to implement an arithmetic_mean
template function for calculating the arithmetic mean value of various type arbitrary nested iterable things. The recursive_reduce
function (thanks to G. Sliepen's answer) and the recursive_size
function are used here. Because both recursive_reduce
function and recursive_size
function are needed in the arithmetic_mean
function here, there are two new concepts is_recursive_reduceable
and is_recursive_sizeable
created as follows.
template<typename T>
concept is_recursive_reduceable = requires(T x)
recursive_reduce(x, 0.0);
template<typename T>
concept is_recursive_sizeable = requires(T x)
Next, the main part of arithmetic_mean
template function:
template<class T> requires (is_recursive_reduceable<T> && is_recursive_sizeable<T>)
auto arithmetic_mean(const T& input)
return (recursive_reduce(input, 0.0)) / (recursive_size(input));
Some test cases of this arithmetic_mean
template function.
// std::vector<int> case
std::vector<int> test_vector = {
1, 2, 3
auto arithmetic_mean_result1 = arithmetic_mean(test_vector);
std::cout << arithmetic_mean_result1 << std::endl;
// std::vector<std::vector<int>> case
std::vector<decltype(test_vector)> test_vector2 = {
test_vector, test_vector, test_vector
auto arithmetic_mean_result2 = arithmetic_mean(test_vector2);
std::cout << arithmetic_mean_result2 << std::endl;
// std::deque<int> case
std::deque<int> test_deque;
auto arithmetic_mean_result3 = arithmetic_mean(test_deque);
std::cout << arithmetic_mean_result3 << std::endl;
// std::deque<std::deque<int>> case
std::deque<decltype(test_deque)> test_deque2;
auto arithmetic_mean_result4 = arithmetic_mean(test_deque2);
std::cout << arithmetic_mean_result4 << std::endl;
All suggestions are welcome.
The summary information:
Which question it is a follow-up to?
A recursive_count Function For Various Type Arbitrary Nested Iterable Implementation in C++ and
What changes has been made in the code since last question?
template function is the main part here.Why a new review is being asked for?
I am not sure if it is a good idea to add
concepts here. Moreover, I am wondering that the name of used concept is understandable.