I have made my own malloc implementation using this resource as a guide https://danluu.com/malloc-tutorial/ I was hoping to receive some feed back on how I can improve upon it, and If I did any major mistakes. I know my implementation has a lot of fragmentation and I pretty much no idea on how to fix it.
- Feed back on my _malloc and _free implementation.
- Does anyone have any good debugger that can be used to debugg x86_64 nasm code
bits 64
%define NULL 0
%define SYSCALL_BRK 12
struc block_meta
.next resq 1 ;pointer to the next block of "block_mata" struct
.size resq 1 ;how many bytes can this block hold
.free resb 1 ;is this block free (0 == no its not free) (1 == yes its is free)
META_SIZE equ 17 ;the size of block_meta in bytes
section .data
global_base dq NULL ;pointer to the first "block_meta" struct
current_sbrk dq 0
section .text
global _start
global _malloc
push 400
call _malloc ;allocationg 100 dwords aka 400 bytes(array of 100 dwords). rax contains pointer
mov r15, rax ;saving pointer of array
;test program where we loop through the array and store 0 - 99 in each pos
xor ebx, ebx
mov [r15 + rbx * 4], ebx
inc ebx
cmp ebx, 100 ;when ebx reaches 100 we have reached the end of the array
jl ._L1
xor ebx, ebx
;print out the array
mov eax, [r15 + rbx * 4]
push rax
call _printInt
add rsp, 8
call _endl
inc ebx
cmp ebx, 100
jl ._L2
push r15
call _free
add rsp, 16 ;clear the stack
mov rax, 60 ;SYSCALL_EXIT
mov rdi, 0
;(first)last argument pused onto the stack must be the amount of bytes
;if successfull then rax will contain pointer to the memory
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
;actual code
cmp qword[rbp + 16], 0 ;compare with first argument
jle ._mallocEpilog ;if zero of negetive exit
cmp qword[global_base], NULL ;if the global_base pointer is "NULL" aka 0 allocate space
jz ._setGlobal_Base
;if global_base is not "NULL"
push qword[rbp + 16] ;how many bytes big does the block need to be
push qword[global_base] ;pointer to "meta_data" struct
call ._findFreeBlock
test rax, rax ;if zero no block was found. need to call ._requestSpace if zero
jz ._needMoreSpace
;found free block
mov rdx, rax ;save the pointer to memory block
add rdx, block_meta.free ;set the block to be not free
mov byte[rdx], 0
jmp ._mallocExit
call ._requestSpace ;we did not find a big enoug block. so make sapce
jmp ._mallocExit
._setGlobal_Base: ;will be used first time malloc is called
push qword[rbp + 16] ;how many bytes does the user want to reserve
push NULL ;the global_base pointer has not been set
call ._requestSpace
mov [global_base], rax ;save the pointer
add rsp, 16 ;clean the stack
add rax, META_SIZE ;add offset because of the "meta_block" struct
pop rbp
;(fist)last agument on the stack must be pointer to the last "block_meta" struct
;second argument must be the size in bytes that need to be allocated
;returns pointer to memory block in rax
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rdi, [rbp + 24] ;how many bytes for the user
add rdi, META_SIZE ;extra bytes for meta data
push rdi
call ._sbrk ;rax will contain the pointer
add rsp, 8 ;clear stack
mov r8, block_meta.next ;putting the offsets in the register for later use
mov r9, block_meta.size
mov r10, block_meta.free
mov qword[rax + r8], NULL ;just setting it to NULL to get rid of garbage data for the next
cmp qword[rbp + 16], NULL ;the last "block_meta" pointer is NULL then jmp
jz ._fillMetaData
mov rcx, [rbp + 16] ;the current last "block_meta" struct in the list
mov qword[rcx + r8], rax ;mov pointer of allocated memory into next pointer of struct
._fillMetaData: ;setting all the other fields in the struct
mov rdi, [rbp + 24] ;how many bytes for the user
mov qword[rax + r9], rdi ;setting the size field of the struct
mov byte[rax + r10], 0 ;setting the free field to be 0 of struct
pop rbp
;(fist)last argument on the stack must be pointer to "block_meta" struct
;second argument is how big the block needs to be
;if successfull then rax will contain pointer to the block
;if failure the rax will contain pointer to the last block of "block_meta" struct
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov rax, [rbp + 16] ;pointer to the "block_meta" struct
mov rdx, [rbp + 24] ;how big do you need the block to be
mov r8, block_meta.next ;offset
mov r9, block_meta.size
mov r10, block_meta.free
jmp ._findFreeBlockLoopCond
mov [rbp + 16], rax ;save current pointer in argument 1
mov rax, [rax + r8] ;go to the next "block_meta" struct
test rax, rax ;if rax is zero we have reached the end of the linked list. exit
jz ._findFreeBlockExit
cmp byte[rax + r10], 0 ;if zero then block is not empty. loop again
jz ._findFreeBlockLoop
cmp [rax + r9], rdx ;if the current block has does not have enough space loop again.
jl ._findFreeBlockLoop
pop rbp
;(fist)last argument must be how much space do you want to reserve
;return pointer in rax
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
;actual code
mov rax, SYSCALL_BRK ;using brk to get initilial address
mov rdi, [current_sbrk] ;starts at 0. gets updated later
mov r8, rax ;save for later
mov rax, SYSCALL_BRK
mov rdi, [rbp + 16] ;first argument (how many bytes)
add rdi, r8 ;needs to start at teh address we saved
mov [current_sbrk], rax ;next time will start at this address
mov rax, r8 ;restore pointer to the memory
pop rbp
;(first)last arguemnt on the stack must be the pointer you want to deallocate memory for
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
;I will be calling the pointer in rax to be the "original block"
mov rax, [rbp + 16] ;pointer to memory that needs to be deallocated
sub rax, META_SIZE ;offset to find the "block_meta" struct
mov rcx, rax
add rcx, block_meta.free ;offset to set free to be 1
mov byte[rcx], 1
pop rbp
;print methods for testing!
%define STDIN 0
%define STDOUT 1
%define STDERR 2
%define SYSCALL_READ 0
%define SYSCALL_EXIT 60
section .data
endl db 10
endlLength equ $ - endl
;no input needed
;just an end line "method"
mov rdi, STDOUT
mov rsi, endl
mov edx, endlLength
;last value pushed to stack will be printed
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
;save registers
push rbx
;actual code
mov rsi, rsp
mov rax, [rbp + 16] ;get the value that user wants to print
mov rbx, 10 ;will be used to divide by 10 later
xor rcx, rcx
cmp rdx, -1 ;check to see if negetive
jne _divisionLoop ;if not negetive jump
;print negetive sign
dec rsi
mov [rsi], byte '-'
mov rdi, STDOUT
mov rdx, 1
inc rsi
;convert to positive number
mov rax, [rbp + 16] ;get the value that needs to be printed
neg rax ;make it a positive
xor rcx, rcx
xor rdx, rdx
div rbx ;divides number by 10 to move over last digit into rdx reg
add dl, '0' ;add the '0' to ascii to convert into ascii val
dec rsi
mov [rsi], dl
inc rcx ;count for how many digits added to stack
test rax, rax
jnz _divisionLoop ;jump if the division did not result in a zero
;print all the values
mov rdi, STDOUT
mov rdx, rcx
;restore register
pop rbx
pop rbp