I was recently set Task 2 as seen below and I realise someone answer the question on this site here but I wanted a fresh opinion
- Allows two players to enter their details, which are then authenticated to ensure that they are authorised players.
- Allows each player to roll two 6-sided dice.
- Calculates and outputs the points for each round and each player’s total score.
- Allows the players to play 5 rounds.
- If both players have the same score after 5 rounds, allows each player to roll 1 die each until someone wins.
- Outputs who has won at the end of the 5 rounds.
- Stores the winner’s score, and their name, in an external file.
- Displays the score and player name of the top 5 winning scores from the external file.
try: File = open("Users.txt","r")
except FileNotFoundError:
raise SystemExit("User file not found")
File = open("Users.txt", "r")
def Login(Username, Player):
for Line in File:
ValidUsername = Line.split(",")[0]
ValidPassword = Line.split(",")[1].replace("\n", "")
if Username == ValidUsername:
Password = input("Password: ")
if Password == ValidPassword:
print("Player",Player,"logged in")
return True
else: print("Invalid Details")
return False
while True:
print("Player 1 Login")
Username1 = input("Username: ")
if Login(Username1, 1): break
while True:
print("Player 2 Login")
Username2 = input("Username: ")
if Username1 == Username2:
print("Double login detected")
elif Login(Username2, 2): break
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise SystemExit("Exiting...")
import random
Player1Score = 0
Player2Score = 0
def Roll():
Dice1 = random.randint(1, 6)
Dice2 = random.randint(1, 6)
print("You rolled a",Dice1,"and a",Dice2)
Change = Dice1 + Dice2
Change += 10 if (Dice1 + Dice2) % 2 == 0 else -5
if Change < 0: Change = 0
if Dice1 == Dice2:
Dice3 = random.randint(1, 6)
print("Your third roll is a",Dice3)
Change += Dice3
return Change
for X in range(5):
print("Play:",X + 1,"starting")
input("Player 1, press enter to roll: ")
Player1Score += Roll()
input("Player 2, press enter to roll: ")
Player2Score += Roll()
print("Player 1 now has a score of",Player1Score)
print("Player 2 now has a score of",Player2Score)
if Player1Score > Player2Score: Winner = 1
if Player1Score < Player2Score: Winner = 2
if Player1Score == Player2Score:
print("You both got the same score")
def SameScore():
input("Press enter to roll dice: ")
Dice1 = random.randint(1, 6)
Dice2 = random.randint(1, 6)
print("Player 1 rolled:",Dice1)
print("Player 2 rolled:",Dice2)
if Dice1 == Dice2: return False
if Dice1 > Dice2: return 1
if Dice1 < Dice2: return 2
Winner = False
while not Winner:
Winner = SameScore()
if Winner == 1:
Winner = Username1 + ": " + str(Player1Score)
print(Username1,"won with",Player1Score,"points")
print(Username2,"lost with",Player2Score,"points")
if Winner == 2:
Winner = Username2 + ": " + str(Player2Score)
print(Username2,"won with",Player2Score,"points")
print(Username1,"lost with",Player1Score,"points")
WinnerScore = int(Winner.split(": ")[1])
FileWritten = False
File = open("Scores.txt", "r")
Data = File.readlines();File.close()
for X in range(len(Data)):
if WinnerScore > int(Data[X].split(": ")[1]):
Data.insert(X, Winner + "\n")
if len(Data) > 5: Data.pop(5)
FileWritten = True; break
if len(Data) < 5:
if not FileWritten: Data.append(Winner + "\n")
File = open("Scores.txt","w")
for X in Data:
File.write(X.replace("\n","") + "\n")
except FileNotFoundError:
File = open("Scores.txt","w")
File.write(Winner + "\n")
File = open("Scores.txt","r")
for Line in File:
if Line != "": print(Line.replace("\n", ""))
Any thoughts/optimisations would be greatly appreciated