Here is a custom class I use to handle different types of orders in Laravel. This question includes the code regarding Order Type A. I want to know whether I can simplify the code. I have different Order Types with the same functions but different in behaviour. That's why I'm using an abstract class to extend all order types.
abstract class BaseOrder
abstract public function getOrder(Order $order);
abstract public function storeOrder(Request $request);
class OrderTypeA extends BaseOrder
private $type = 'A';
public function getOrder(Order $order)
return $order->load('items.product')
->makeHidden(['order_no', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'created_by']);
public function storeOrder($request)
$returnedValues = DB::transaction(function () use ($request) {
$order = new Order;
$order->type = $this->type;
$order->from = $request->json('from');
$order->amount = $request->json('amount');
$order->status = 2;
foreach ($request->json('items') as $item) {
'product_id' => $item['product_id'],
'quantity' => $item['quantity'],
'total' => $item['total'],
return compact('order');
return $returnedValues['order']->load('items');
public function updateOrder($request)
$returnedValues = DB::transaction(function () use ($request) {
if ($request->id) {
$order = Order::findOrFail($request->id);
$order->amount = $request->json('amount');
$order->status = 1;
foreach ($request->json('items') as $item) {
'product_id' => $item['product_id'],
'quantity' => $item['quantity'],
'total' => $item['total'],
} else {
$order = new Order;
$order->type = $this->type;
$order->from = $request->json('from');
$order->to = null;
$order->amount = $request->json('amount');
$order->status = 1;
foreach ($request->json('items') as $item) {
'product_id' => $item['product_id'],
'quantity' => $item['quantity'],
'total' => $item['total'],
return compact('order');
return $returnedValues['order']->load('items');
public function generateOrder($customer)
$order = new stdClass();
$order->id = null;
$order->type = $this->type;
$order->from = $customer->id;
$order->to = null;
$order->status = 1;
$totalAmount = 0;
$items = [];
$stocks = Stock::where('type', 1)
->where('customer_id', $customer->id)
->whereRaw('stock <= reorder_level')
if (count($stocks) > 0) {
foreach ($stocks as $key => $stock) {
if ($stock->minimum_order_quantity != 0) {
$priceListItem = PriceList::where('product_id', $stock->product_id)->latest()->first();
$item = new stdClass;
$item->id = $key;
$item->product_id = $stock->product_id;
$item->product = Product::findOrFail($stock->product_id);
$item->order_id = null;
$item->quantity = (int) $stock->minimum_order_quantity;
$item->total = ((int) $stock->minimum_order_quantity * ((float) $priceListItem->price));
$item->is_checked = true;
$item->created_at = null;
$item->updated_at = null;
$totalAmount += $item->total;
$items[] = $item;
$order->amount = $totalAmount;
$order->items = $items;
return $order;
public function deleteOrder(Order $order)
if ($order->status == 'Draft') {
} else {
return $order;