I'm trying to implement a Priority Search Tree(PST)
following this note: http://cs.brown.edu/courses/cs252/misc/resources/lectures/pdf/notes07.pdf. For convenience, I copied the related peuso-code here:
and the note has also provided an example for creating a PST, I just copied the final tree here:
The following is my code.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
template <typename E>
struct Point2D {
static int used_count;
E _x;
E _y;
Point2D() : _x(0), _y(0) {
std::cout << "Point2D(), used_count = " << used_count << "\n";
Point2D(const E& x, const E& y) : _x(x), _y(y) {
std::cout << "Point2D(const E& x, const E& y), used_count = " << used_count << "\n";
Point2D(int arr[]) : _x(arr[0]), _y(arr[1]) {
std::cout << "Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = " << used_count << "\n";
Point2D(const Point2D& other) { // copy constructor
std::cout << "Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = " << used_count << "\n";
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
Point2D(Point2D& other) { // copy constructor
std::cout << "Point2D(Point2D& other), used_count = " << used_count << "\n";
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
Point2D& operator=(const Point2D& other) { // assignment operator
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
return *this;
Point2D& operator=(Point2D& other) { // assignment operator
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
return *this;
Point2D(Point2D&& other) { // move constructor
if (this != &other) {
std::cout << "Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = " << used_count << "\n";
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
virtual ~Point2D() {
std::cout << "~Point2D(), used_count = " << used_count << "\n";
Point2D operator-(const Point2D& other) {
return Point2D(_x - other._x, _y - other._y);
Point2D operator-(Point2D& other) {
return Point2D(_x - other._x, _y - other._y);
bool operator<(const Point2D& other) {
return (_y < other._y) || (_y == other._y && _x < other._x);
template <typename E>
class PSTMultiset {
struct Element {
std::string _name;
Point2D<E> _point;
Element(const std::string& name, int arr[])
: _name(name), _point(arr) {}
struct ElementComparatorY {
bool operator()(const Element& l, const Element& r) {
return (l._point._y > r._point._y) ||
(l._point._y == r._point._y && l._point._x > r._point._x);
struct ElementComparatorX {
bool operator()(const Element& l, const Element& r) {
return (l._point._x < r._point._x) ||
(l._point._x == r._point._x && l._point._y < r._point._y);
std::multiset<Element, ElementComparatorY> _points;
typedef typename std::multiset<Element, ElementComparatorY>::iterator Iterator;
int _size;
PSTMultiset(int size) : _size(size) {
std::cout << "PSTMultiset(int size)\n";
PSTMultiset(std::string names[], E points[][2], int size)
: PSTMultiset(size) { // Nx2 points
for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
_points.insert(Element(names[i], points[i]));
std::cout << "PSTMultiset(std::string names[], E points[][2])\n";
virtual ~PSTMultiset() {
std::cout << "~PSTMultiset()\n";
void Print(const std::string& title) {
std::cout << title << "\n";
for (auto iter = _points.begin(); iter != _points.end(); iter++) {
const Element& p = *iter;
std::cout << p._name << ": (" << p._point._x << ", " << p._point._y << ")\n";
class Node {
Element _element;
Node *_parent;
Node *_left;
Node *_right;
Node(const Element& element, Node* parent)
: _element(element),
_right(nullptr) {
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Node* node) {
if (node == nullptr) {
return out;
if (node->_left != nullptr) {
out << "L(" << node->_left->_element._name << ")_";
out << node->_element._name
<< ": (" << node->_element._point._x << ", "
<< node->_element._point._y << ")";
if (node->_right != nullptr) {
out << "_R(" << node->_right->_element._name << ")";
return out;
Node *_root;
Node* Build(Node* parent, std::multiset<Element, ElementComparatorY>& points) {
if (points.size() == 0) return nullptr;
if (points.size() == 1) {
Node *node = new Node(*(points.begin()), parent);
return node;
auto first = points.begin();
std::multiset<Element, ElementComparatorX> remainPoints;
auto iter = points.begin(); iter++; // remove the first point (the point with greatest Y)
for (; iter != points.end(); iter++) {
auto mid_iter = remainPoints.begin();
std::advance(mid_iter, remainPoints.size() / 2);
std::multiset<Element, ElementComparatorY> leftPoints(remainPoints.begin(), mid_iter);
std::multiset<Element, ElementComparatorY> rightPoints(mid_iter, remainPoints.end());
Node *node = new Node(*first, parent);
node->_left = Build(node, leftPoints);
node->_right = Build(node, rightPoints);
return node;
void Build() {
_root = Build(nullptr, _points);
void Clear() { // clear the tree by level-order traverse
if (_root == nullptr) return;
std::queue<Node*> q;
int height = 1;
int levelSize = q.size();
while (!q.empty()) {
Node *node = q.front();
std::cout << node << " ";
if (node->_left != nullptr) {
if (node->_right != nullptr) {
delete node;
if (levelSize == 0) {
levelSize = q.size();
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Height: " << height << "\n";
template<> int Point2D<int>::used_count = 0;
int main() {
std::string names[] = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E",
"F", "G", "H", "I", "J",
"K", "M", "N"};
int arr[][2] = {{15, 7},
{16, 2},
{12, 1},
{14, -1},
{10, -2},
{-1, 9},
{6, 4},
{7, 6},
{-2, 5},
{2, 3},
{4, 0},
{9, -3},
{1, 8}};
int size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
PSTMultiset<int> *t = new PSTMultiset<int>(names, arr, size);
// print the multiset
// build PST
delete t;
The output is as follows:
PSTMultiset(int size)
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 1
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 2
~Point2D(), used_count = 1
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 2
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 3
~Point2D(), used_count = 2
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 3
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 4
~Point2D(), used_count = 3
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 4
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 5
~Point2D(), used_count = 4
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 5
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 6
~Point2D(), used_count = 5
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 6
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 7
~Point2D(), used_count = 6
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 7
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 8
~Point2D(), used_count = 7
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 8
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 9
~Point2D(), used_count = 8
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 9
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 10
~Point2D(), used_count = 9
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 10
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 11
~Point2D(), used_count = 10
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 11
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 12
~Point2D(), used_count = 11
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 12
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 13
~Point2D(), used_count = 12
Point2D(int arr[]), used_count = 13
Point2D(Point2D&& other), used_count = 14
~Point2D(), used_count = 13
PSTMultiset(std::string names[], E points[][2])
F: (-1, 9)
N: (1, 8)
A: (15, 7)
H: (7, 6)
I: (-2, 5)
G: (6, 4)
J: (2, 3)
B: (16, 2)
C: (12, 1)
K: (4, 0)
D: (14, -1)
E: (10, -2)
M: (9, -3)
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 14
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 15
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 16
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 17
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 18
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 19
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 20
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 21
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 22
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 23
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 24
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 25
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 26
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 27
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 28
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 29
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 30
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 31
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 32
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 33
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 34
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 35
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 36
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 37
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 38
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 39
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 40
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 41
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 42
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 43
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 44
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 45
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 46
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 47
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 48
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 49
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 50
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 51
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 52
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 53
~Point2D(), used_count = 52
~Point2D(), used_count = 51
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 52
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 53
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 54
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 55
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 56
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 57
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 58
~Point2D(), used_count = 57
~Point2D(), used_count = 56
~Point2D(), used_count = 55
~Point2D(), used_count = 54
~Point2D(), used_count = 53
~Point2D(), used_count = 52
~Point2D(), used_count = 51
~Point2D(), used_count = 50
~Point2D(), used_count = 49
~Point2D(), used_count = 48
~Point2D(), used_count = 47
~Point2D(), used_count = 46
~Point2D(), used_count = 45
~Point2D(), used_count = 44
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 45
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 46
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 47
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 48
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 49
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 50
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 51
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 52
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 53
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 54
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 55
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 56
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 57
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 58
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 59
~Point2D(), used_count = 58
~Point2D(), used_count = 57
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 58
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 59
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 60
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 61
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 62
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 63
Point2D(const Point2D& other), used_count = 64
~Point2D(), used_count = 63
~Point2D(), used_count = 62
~Point2D(), used_count = 61
~Point2D(), used_count = 60
~Point2D(), used_count = 59
~Point2D(), used_count = 58
~Point2D(), used_count = 57
~Point2D(), used_count = 56
~Point2D(), used_count = 55
~Point2D(), used_count = 54
~Point2D(), used_count = 53
~Point2D(), used_count = 52
~Point2D(), used_count = 51
~Point2D(), used_count = 50
~Point2D(), used_count = 49
~Point2D(), used_count = 48
~Point2D(), used_count = 47
~Point2D(), used_count = 46
~Point2D(), used_count = 45
~Point2D(), used_count = 44
~Point2D(), used_count = 43
~Point2D(), used_count = 42
~Point2D(), used_count = 41
~Point2D(), used_count = 40
~Point2D(), used_count = 39
~Point2D(), used_count = 38
~Point2D(), used_count = 37
~Point2D(), used_count = 36
~Point2D(), used_count = 35
~Point2D(), used_count = 34
~Point2D(), used_count = 33
~Point2D(), used_count = 32
~Point2D(), used_count = 31
~Point2D(), used_count = 30
~Point2D(), used_count = 29
~Point2D(), used_count = 28
~Point2D(), used_count = 27
~Point2D(), used_count = 26
L(N)_F: (-1, 9)_R(A) ~Point2D(), used_count = 25
L(I)_N: (1, 8)_R(H) ~Point2D(), used_count = 24
L(E)_A: (15, 7)_R(B) ~Point2D(), used_count = 23
I: (-2, 5)_R(J) ~Point2D(), used_count = 22
L(K)_H: (7, 6)_R(G) ~Point2D(), used_count = 21
E: (10, -2)_R(M) ~Point2D(), used_count = 20
L(C)_B: (16, 2)_R(D) ~Point2D(), used_count = 19
J: (2, 3) ~Point2D(), used_count = 18
K: (4, 0) ~Point2D(), used_count = 17
G: (6, 4) ~Point2D(), used_count = 16
M: (9, -3) ~Point2D(), used_count = 15
C: (12, 1) ~Point2D(), used_count = 14
D: (14, -1) ~Point2D(), used_count = 13
Height: 5
~Point2D(), used_count = 12
~Point2D(), used_count = 11
~Point2D(), used_count = 10
~Point2D(), used_count = 9
~Point2D(), used_count = 8
~Point2D(), used_count = 7
~Point2D(), used_count = 6
~Point2D(), used_count = 5
~Point2D(), used_count = 4
~Point2D(), used_count = 3
~Point2D(), used_count = 2
~Point2D(), used_count = 1
~Point2D(), used_count = 0
From this result, It seems the PST tree has correctly built with the code. But I'm not sure if the code is efficiency. If you had time and convenient, could you please check the code? I greatly appreciate for any suggestions and comments. Thanks in advance.