
I have a "Palindrome" class that has some functions for verifying if certain things are Palindromes. For the verification, I have 2 different algorithms, one being recursive and the other iterative.

I'm happy with the algorithms however I'm unsure whether the way that I do the overloading and eventually parsing everything to the check charArray function is a smart thing.

I also have some Junit 5 Tests that prove that everything works. Here I'm just unsure if its good code with the multiple nests and the methods/tests I chose and if pretty much having duplicate code for the Iterative and Recursive algorithm is good. Thank you in advance.

Palindrome Class

package com.gr;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * @author Lucifer Uchiha
 * @version 1.0
public class Palindrome {

    /* Iterative */

     * Returns a boolean of whether the char array is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param chars char array containing the characters to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the char array is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isCharArrayPalindromeIterative(char[] chars) {
        if (chars.length < 1)
            return false;
        char[] formattedChars = convertAllCharsToUpperCase(chars);
        boolean isPalindrome = true;
        for (int i = 0; i != formattedChars.length / 2; i++)
            if (formattedChars[i] != formattedChars[(formattedChars.length - 1) - i]) {
                isPalindrome = false;
        return isPalindrome;

     * Returns a boolean of whether the word of type String is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param word the word to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the word is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isWordPalindromeIterative(String word) {
        return isCharArrayPalindromeIterative(word.toCharArray());

     * Returns a boolean of whether the sentence of type String is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param sentence the sentence to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the sentence is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isSentencePalindromeIterative(String sentence) {
        String newSentence = sentence.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]", "");
        return isWordPalindromeIterative(newSentence);

     * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type byte (-128 to 127) is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param number the number to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the number is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isNumberPalindromeIterative(byte number) {
        return isWordPalindromeIterative(String.valueOf(number));

     * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type short (32,768 to 32,767) is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param number the number to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the number is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isNumberPalindromeIterative(short number) {
        return isWordPalindromeIterative(String.valueOf(number));

     * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type int (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param number the number to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the number is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isNumberPalindromeIterative(int number) {
        return isWordPalindromeIterative(String.valueOf(number));

     * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type long (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807) is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param number the number to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the number is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isNumberPalindromeIterative(long number) {
        return isWordPalindromeIterative(String.valueOf(number));

     * Returns a List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the range that is given from
     * start of type long to end of type long.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param start the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @param end   the end of the range, exclusive.
     * @return List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the given range.
    public static List<Long> getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(long start, long end) {
        List<Long> results = new ArrayList<>();
        for (long number = start; number != end; number++)
            if (isNumberPalindromeIterative(number))
        return results;

     * Returns a List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the range that is given from
     * start of type int to end of type int.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param start the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @param end   the end of the range, exclusive.
     * @return List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the given range.
    public static List<Integer> getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(int start, int end) {
        return convertLongListToIntegerList(getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((long) start, (long) end));

     * Returns a List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the range that is given from
     * start of type short to end of type short.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param start the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @param end   the end of the range, exclusive.
     * @return List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the given range.
    public static List<Short> getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(short start, short end) {
        return convertLongListToShortList(getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((long) start, (long) end));

     * Returns a List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the range that is given from
     * start of type byte to end of type byte.
     * This is determined by using the iterative algorithm.
     * @param start the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @param end   the end of the range, exclusive.
     * @return List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the given range.
    public static List<Byte> getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(byte start, byte end) {
        return convertLongListToByteList(getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((long) start, (long) end));

    /* Recursive */

     * Returns a boolean of whether the char array is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param chars char array containing the characters to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the char array is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isCharArrayPalindromeRecursive(char[] chars) {
        if (chars.length < 1)
            return false;
        char[] formattedChars = convertAllCharsToUpperCase(chars);
        return recursion(formattedChars, 0, formattedChars.length - 1);

     * The recursive algorithm.
     * @param chars char array containing the characters to be checked.
     * @param start the left char being compared.
     * @param end   the right char being compared.
     * @return boolean of whether the char array is a palindrome or not.
    private static boolean recursion(char[] chars, int start, int end) {
        if (start == end)
            return true;
        if (chars[start] != chars[end])
            return false;
        if (start < end + 1)
            return recursion(chars, ++start, --end);
        return true;

     * Returns a boolean of whether the word of type String is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param word the word to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the word is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isWordPalindromeRecursive(String word) {
        return isCharArrayPalindromeRecursive(word.toCharArray());

     * Returns a boolean of whether the sentence of type String is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param sentence the sentence to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the sentence is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isSentencePalindromeRecursive(String sentence) {
        String newSentence = sentence.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]", "");
        return isWordPalindromeRecursive(newSentence);

     * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type byte (-128 to 127) is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param number the number to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the number is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isNumberPalindromeRecursive(byte number) {
        return isWordPalindromeRecursive(String.valueOf(number));

     * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type short (32,768 to 32,767) is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param number the number to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the number is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isNumberPalindromeRecursive(short number) {
        return isWordPalindromeRecursive(String.valueOf(number));

     * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type int (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param number the number to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the number is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isNumberPalindromeRecursive(int number) {
        return isWordPalindromeRecursive(String.valueOf(number));

     * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type long (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807) is a palindrome or not.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param number the number to be checked.
     * @return boolean of whether the number is a palindrome or not.
    public static boolean isNumberPalindromeRecursive(long number) {
        return isWordPalindromeRecursive(String.valueOf(number));

     * Returns a List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the range that is given from
     * start of type long to end of type long.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param start the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @param end   the end of the range, exclusive.
     * @return List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the given range.
    public static List<Long> getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(long start, long end) {
        List<Long> results = new ArrayList<>();
        for (long number = start; number != end; number++)
            if (isNumberPalindromeRecursive(number))
        return results;

     * Returns a List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the range that is given from
     * start of type int to end of type int.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param start the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @param end   the end of the range, exclusive.
     * @return List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the given range.
    public static List<Integer> getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(int start, int end) {
        return convertLongListToIntegerList(getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((long) start, (long) end));

     * Returns a List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the range that is given from
     * start of type short to end of type short.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param start the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @param end   the end of the range, exclusive.
     * @return List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the given range.
    public static List<Short> getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(short start, short end) {
        return convertLongListToShortList(getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((long) start, (long) end));

     * Returns a List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the range that is given from
     * start of type byte to end of type byte.
     * This is determined by using the recursive algorithm.
     * @param start the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @param end   the end of the range, exclusive.
     * @return List containing all the numbers that are palindromes in the given range.
    public static List<Byte> getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(byte start, byte end) {
        return convertLongListToByteList(getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((long) start, (long) end));

     * Converts all letters in the given char array to capital letters if they aren't already.
     * @param chars the start of the range, inclusive.
     * @return char array with the capitalized letters.
    private static char[] convertAllCharsToUpperCase(char[] chars) {
        char[] formattedChars = new char[chars.length];
        for (int i = 0; i != chars.length; i++)
            if (Character.isLetter(chars[i]) && Character.isLowerCase(chars[i]))
                formattedChars[i] = Character.toUpperCase(chars[i]);
                formattedChars[i] = chars[i];
        return formattedChars;

     * Converts a List containing Long values to a List of Bytes.
     * @param listOfLongs the List containing the Long values
     * @return the List containing the Byte values
    private static List<Byte> convertLongListToByteList(List<Long> listOfLongs) {
        List<Byte> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Long i : listOfLongs)
        return result;

     * Converts a List containing Long values to a List of Shorts.
     * @param listOfLongs the List containing the Long values
     * @return the List containing the Shorts values
    private static List<Short> convertLongListToShortList(List<Long> listOfLongs) {
        List<Short> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Long i : listOfLongs)
        return result;

     * Converts a List containing Long values to a List of Integers.
     * @param listOfLongs the List containing the Long values
     * @return the List containing the Integers values
    private static List<Integer> convertLongListToIntegerList(List<Long> listOfLongs) {
        List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Long i : listOfLongs)
        return result;

Palindrome Test Class

package com.gr;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

@DisplayName("Palindrome Class")
public class PalindromeTest {

    // Nested Iterative
    class Iterative {

        class Word {

            void testEmptyString() {

            void testSingleLetter() {

            void testName() {

            void testWord() {

        class Sentence {
            void testEmptyString() {

            void testSingleLetter() {

            void testSingleWord() {

            void testSentence() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("Murder for a jar of red rum"));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("Rats live on no evil star"));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("step on no pets"));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("This should fail"));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("this should fail"));

            void testSentenceWithPunctuation() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("Do geese see God?"));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("Live on time, emit no evil"));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("live on time, emit no evil"));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("Will this fail?"));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeIterative("will this fail?"));

        class Number {

            void testSingleLongNumber() {

            void testBiggerLongNumber() {

            void testNegativeLongNumber() {

            void testSingleIntegerNumber() {

            void testBiggerIntegerNumber() {

            void testNegativeIntegerNumber() {

            void testSingleShortNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((short) 0));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((short) 1));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((short) 3));

            void testBiggerShortNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((short) 12321));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((short) 12345));

            void testNegativeShortNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((short) -0));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((short) -12321));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((short) -12345));

            void testSingleByteNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((byte) 0));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((byte) 1));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((byte) 3));

            void testBiggerByteNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((byte) 121));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((byte) 123));

            void testNegativeByteNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((byte) -0));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((byte) -121));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeIterative((byte) -123));


        class NumberInRange {
            void testEmptyRangeLong() {
                List<Long> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(122L, 130L));

            void testRangeSingleLong() {
                List<Long> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(1L, 4L));

            void testRangeLong() {
                List<Long> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(120L, 155L));

            void testNegativeRangeLong() {
                List<Long> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(-131L, 0L));

            void testEmptyRangeInteger() {
                List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(122, 130));

            void testRangeSingleInteger() {
                List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(1, 4));

            void testRangeInteger() {
                List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(120, 155));

            void testNegativeRangeInteger() {
                List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative(-131, 0));

            void testEmptyRangeShort() {
                List<Short> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((short) 122, (short) 130));

            void testRangeSingleShort() {
                List<Short> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                        add((short) 1);
                        add((short) 2);
                        add((short) 3);
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((short) 1, (short) 4));

            void testRangeShort() {
                List<Short> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                        add((short) 121);
                        add((short) 131);
                        add((short) 141);
                        add((short) 151);
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((short) 120, (short) 155));

            void testNegativeRangeShort() {
                List<Short> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((short) -131, (short) 0));

            void testEmptyRangeByte() {
                List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((byte) 122, (byte) 125));

            void testRangeSingleByte() {
                List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                        add((byte) 1);
                        add((byte) 2);
                        add((byte) 3);
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((byte) 1, (byte) 4));

            void testRangeByte() {
                List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                        add((byte) 101);
                        add((byte) 111);
                        add((byte) 121);
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((byte) 100, (byte) 125));

            void testNegativeRangeByte() {
                List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeIterative((byte) -125, (byte) 0));

    class Recursive {
        class Word {

            void testEmptyString() {

            void testSingleLetter() {

            void testName() {

            void testWord() {

        class Sentence {
            void testEmptyString() {

            void testSingleLetter() {

            void testSingleWord() {

            void testSentence() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("Murder for a jar of red rum"));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("Rats live on no evil star"));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("step on no pets"));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("This should fail"));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("this should fail"));

            void testSentenceWithPunctuation() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("Do geese see God?"));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("Live on time, emit no evil"));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("live on time, emit no evil"));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("Will this fail?"));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isSentencePalindromeRecursive("will this fail?"));

        class Number {

            void testSingleLongNumber() {

            void testBiggerLongNumber() {

            void testNegativeLongNumber() {

            void testSingleIntegerNumber() {

            void testBiggerIntegerNumber() {

            void testNegativeIntegerNumber() {

            void testSingleShortNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((short) 0));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((short) 1));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((short) 3));

            void testBiggerShortNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((short) 12321));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((short) 12345));

            void testNegativeShortNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((short) -0));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((short) -12321));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((short) -12345));

            void testSingleByteNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((byte) 0));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((byte) 1));
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((byte) 3));

            void testBiggerByteNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((byte) 121));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((byte) 123));

            void testNegativeByteNumber() {
                assertTrue(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((byte) -0));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((byte) -121));
                assertFalse(Palindrome.isNumberPalindromeRecursive((byte) -123));


        class NumberInRange {
            void testEmptyRangeLong() {
                List<Long> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(122L, 130L));

            void testRangeSingleLong() {
                List<Long> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(1L, 4L));

            void testRangeLong() {
                List<Long> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(120L, 155L));

            void testNegativeRangeLong() {
                List<Long> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(-131L, 0L));

            void testEmptyRangeInteger() {
                List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(122, 130));

            void testRangeSingleInteger() {
                List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(1, 4));

            void testRangeInteger() {
                List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(120, 155));

            void testNegativeRangeInteger() {
                List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive(-131, 0));

            void testEmptyRangeShort() {
                List<Short> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((short) 122, (short) 130));

            void testRangeSingleShort() {
                List<Short> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                        add((short) 1);
                        add((short) 2);
                        add((short) 3);
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((short) 1, (short) 4));

            void testRangeShort() {
                List<Short> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                        add((short) 121);
                        add((short) 131);
                        add((short) 141);
                        add((short) 151);
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((short) 120, (short) 155));

            void testNegativeRangeShort() {
                List<Short> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((short) -131, (short) 0));

            void testEmptyRangeByte() {
                List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((byte) 122, (byte) 125));

            void testRangeSingleByte() {
                List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                        add((byte) 1);
                        add((byte) 2);
                        add((byte) 3);
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((byte) 1, (byte) 4));

            void testRangeByte() {
                List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>() {
                        add((byte) 101);
                        add((byte) 111);
                        add((byte) 121);
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((byte) 100, (byte) 125));

            void testNegativeRangeByte() {
                List<Byte> expected = new ArrayList<>();
                assertEquals(expected, Palindrome.getAllNumberPalindromesInRangeRecursive((byte) -125, (byte) 0));

2 Answers 2


This looks great, enjoyable to read despite the repetition.

package com.gr;

Packages should associate with the author, so they should be something like com.github.lucifer.palindrome for example. But depending on whether this code is being published or not, it does not matter in this case.

This would be a great exercise for object-oriented programming by creating an interface and having two separate implementations:

public interface PalindromeTester;
public class IterativePalindromeTester implements PalindromeTester;
public class RecursivePalindromeTester implements PalindromeTester;

That would solve one-half of your overloading question. The other half is the Number/CharArray/Word thing, you should drop that from the name as it is obvious from the accepted parameters. IT would also cleanup your test-case a bit, as it would be two different test-classes. You even have an abstract test-class and extend that and only set a different instance of PalindromeTester on BeforeEach.

Another thing is, if you can live with widening given values, you could only provide a single method accepting a long. Any short/int will be automatically converted, but that, of course, requires a widening operation under the hood.

There's also Number/BigInteger, which you might want to include.

On another note, you could drop char[] in favor of CharSequence. The later is the base for many different classes (including String, so no overload required) and represents the intent a little better. Regarding that, if you accept any letter, including foreign languages, you most likely want to to work on code-points (int) instead of chars. In UTF-8/UTF-16, not all letters are only a single byte, but can be composed of multiples bytes (up to four, hence int).

 * Returns a boolean of whether the number of type short (32,768 to 32,767)

Don't include min/max values like that in the documentation. First, it's redundant as it is obvious from the used type. Second, it is prone to typos, like in this case.

        List<Long> results = new ArrayList<>();
        for (long number = start; number != end; number++)
            if (isNumberPalindromeRecursive(number))

Be aware that this is autoboxing, meaning a primitive is automatically converted to an Object instance.

for (int i = 0; i != formattedChars.length / 2; i++)

First, I'm a persistent advocate of "real" names for loop variables, like index or counter.

Second, you should revise the break condition to be more robust by checking whether the value is equal or greater the half length.

        boolean isPalindrome = true;
        for (int i = 0; i != formattedChars.length / 2; i++)
            if (formattedChars[i] != formattedChars[(formattedChars.length - 1) - i]) {
                isPalindrome = false;
        return isPalindrome;

Don't store the result, return it directly.

        for (int i = 0; i != formattedChars.length / 2; i++)
            if (formattedChars[i] != formattedChars[(formattedChars.length - 1) - i])
                return false;
        return true;
  • \$\begingroup\$ Hi, thx for the extensive feedback. gr are my initials which is why I named the package com.gr but I could change it to my Github name since I have a repo there for this project. Im guessing I can create an Interface and 2 implementations for the code itself and also the test cases? \$\endgroup\$
    – George R
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 8:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ I wouldn't create an interface for the test-cases, but an abstract test-case with concrete implementations for each implementation would be suitable. \$\endgroup\$
    – Bobby
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 18:16

Having a common interface for the algorithm would solve the code duplication between tests for different implementations. You create a set of tests that any implementation of the interface should fulfill and then just throw different implementations at it (see the L in SOLID principles).

For testing a large set of simple string inputs, put the valid entries into one array and invalid ones in another and create two tests that loop over each array.


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