I don't really have a problem. But, it's my first time using Kotlin for any project, so I want to know if there is any problem in my code or my code can be made cleaner.
This is an arithmetic parser made in Kotlin. It can evaluate a expression like "(6+4)/(2+3)"
to 2.0
This handles operations like
- Power(^)
- Divison(/)
- Multiplication(*)
- Subtraction(-)
- Addition(+)
It also handles brackets.
My Kotlin Code is :-
import kotlin.math.pow
fun basic(rightNum:String?, leftNum:String?, op:String?):Double? {
return when (op) {
"+" -> {
(rightNum?.toDouble()!! + leftNum?.toDouble()!!)
"-" -> {
(rightNum?.toDouble()!! - leftNum?.toDouble()!!)
"*" -> {
(rightNum?.toDouble()!! * leftNum?.toDouble()!!)
"^" -> {
else -> {
(rightNum?.toDouble()!! / leftNum?.toDouble()!!)
fun elemInside(mainString:String?, listCheck:List<String>):Boolean {
for (ops in listCheck) {
if (mainString?.contains(ops)!!){
return true
return false
fun getOpIndex(query: String?, operations:List<String>):Array<Int> {
var allIndex:Array<Int> = arrayOf()
var dupQuery = query
while (elemInside(dupQuery, operations)) {
for (op in operations) {
if (dupQuery?.contains(op)!!) {
allIndex = allIndex.plusElement(dupQuery.indexOf(op))
dupQuery = dupQuery.substring(0, dupQuery.indexOf(op)) + '1' + dupQuery.substring(dupQuery.indexOf(op) + 1)
return allIndex
fun parseSimple(query:String?):Double? {
val operations = listOf("^", "/", "*", "-", "+")
var allIndex: Array<Int> = arrayOf()
var calcQuery = query
while (elemInside(calcQuery, operations) && (allIndex.size > 1 || if (allIndex.isEmpty()) true else allIndex[0] != 0)) {
for (op in operations) {
calcQuery = calcQuery?.replace("-+", "-")
calcQuery = calcQuery?.replace("--", "+")
calcQuery = calcQuery?.replace("+-", "-")
allIndex = getOpIndex(calcQuery, operations)
if (calcQuery?.contains(op)!!) {
val indexOp = calcQuery.indexOf(op)
val indexIndexOp = allIndex.indexOf(indexOp)
val rightIndex =
if (indexIndexOp == allIndex.lastIndex) calcQuery.lastIndex else allIndex[indexIndexOp + 1]
val leftIndex = if (indexIndexOp == 0) 0 else allIndex[indexIndexOp - 1]
val rightNum =
calcQuery.slice(if (rightIndex == calcQuery.lastIndex) indexOp + 1..rightIndex else indexOp + 1 until rightIndex)
val leftNum = calcQuery.slice(if (leftIndex == 0) leftIndex until indexOp else leftIndex + 1 until indexOp)
val result = basic(leftNum, rightNum, op)
calcQuery = (if (leftIndex != 0) calcQuery.substring(
leftIndex + 1
) else "") + result.toString() + (if(rightIndex != calcQuery.lastIndex) calcQuery.substring(
) else "")
return calcQuery?.toDouble()
fun getAllIndex(query: String?, char: Char, replacement:String="%"):List<Int> {
var myQuery = query
var indexes:List<Int> = listOf()
while (char in myQuery!!) {
val indexFinded = myQuery.indexOf(char)
indexes = indexes.plus(indexFinded)
myQuery = myQuery.substring(0 until indexFinded) + replacement + myQuery.substring(indexFinded+1..myQuery.lastIndex)
return indexes
fun getBrackets(query: String?): List<Int> {
val allEndIndex = getAllIndex(query, ')')
val allStartIndex = getAllIndex(query, '(')
val firstIndex = allStartIndex[0]
for (endIndex in allEndIndex) {
val inBrac = query?.substring(firstIndex+1 until endIndex)
val inBracStart = getAllIndex(inBrac, '(')
val inBracEnd = getAllIndex(inBrac, ')')
if (inBracStart.size == inBracEnd.size){
return listOf(firstIndex, endIndex)
return listOf(-1, -1)
fun evaluate(query:String?):Double? {
var calcQuery = query
var index = 0;
// Check if brackets are present
while (calcQuery?.contains('(')!! && index < 200){
val startBrackets = getBrackets(calcQuery)[0]
val endBrackets = getBrackets(calcQuery)[1]
val inBrackets = calcQuery.slice(startBrackets+1 until endBrackets)
if ('(' in inBrackets && ')' in inBrackets){
val inBracValue = evaluate(inBrackets)
calcQuery = calcQuery.substring(0, startBrackets) + inBracValue.toString() + (if(endBrackets == calcQuery.lastIndex) "" else calcQuery.substring(endBrackets+1..calcQuery.lastIndex))
else {
val inBracValue = parseSimple(inBrackets)
calcQuery = calcQuery.substring(0, startBrackets) + inBracValue.toString() + (if(endBrackets == calcQuery.lastIndex) "" else calcQuery.substring(endBrackets+1..calcQuery.lastIndex))
return parseSimple(calcQuery)
fun main() {
print("Enter the equation: ")
val equation = readLine()
Please tell me how I can improve the code.
The github link is here: https://github.com/ProgrammerPro94/ArithematicParserKotlin