- Return a deep copy of a double LinkedList.
- Each node also contains an additional random pointer, potentially to any node or null.
Code to start
data class Node<T>(
var data: T?,
var previous: Node<T>? = null,
var next: Node<T>? = null,
var random: Node<T>? = null
class LinkedList {
// TODO: Implement deep copy here.
- Generics - Is there a better approach to handle the generic variance as to not need
as T
when passing in a generic type? i.e.linkedList.add(data = 1 as T)
- Add thread-safety for operations - Are there any specific recommendations on thread-safety for this solution or broader topics to research to understand thread-safety considerations further?
See the full code on GitHub.
class Node<T>(
var prev: Node<T>? = null,
var next: Node<T>? = null,
var rand: Node<T>? = null,
var data: T
class LinkedList<T>(
var first: Node<T>? = null,
var last: Node<T>? = null,
val randMap: HashMap<Node<T>?, Node<T>?> = hashMapOf()
) {
// Add Node to the end of LinkedList
fun add(data: T): Node<T> {
val temp = last
val newNode = Node(prev = temp, data = data)
last = newNode
if (temp == null)
first = newNode
temp.next = newNode
return newNode
fun deepCopyWithoutRandoms(prev: Node<T>?, node: Node<T>?): Node<T>? {
return if (node == null)
else {
val newNode = Node(data = node.data)
if (node.rand != null) {
newNode.rand = node.rand
randMap.put(node.rand, null)
newNode.prev = prev
newNode.next = deepCopyWithoutRandoms(newNode, node.next)
if (randMap.containsKey(node))
randMap.put(node, newNode)
return newNode
fun updateRandoms(node: Node<T>?): Node<T>? {
if (node != null) {
if (node.rand != null)
node.rand = randMap.get(node.rand!!)
return node
} else return null
fun clear() {
var node = first
while (node != null) {
node.prev = null
node.next = null
node.rand = null
node.data = 0 as T
node = node.next
fun toString(first: Node<T>?): String {
var output = ""
var node = first
while (node != null) {
output += String.format("(prev:%s next:%s data:%s random:%s)\n", node.prev, node.next, node.data, node.rand)
node = node.next
return output