Back with another Reddit bot. This one provides games of Hangman to an arbitrary number of players simultaneously. Users interface with the bot by mentioning it for a new game. Once that game is started, the user guesses continuously and the bot replies until win, loss, or forfeit. A user is limited to playing only their own game and there is no branching..
To achieve this, I keep track of active games with a dict of <user,game>, active_games, which is saved to a file in json format every time it changes. The program can be restarted such that it loads the active games from file. This persistence requires that I convert between Hangman instances and dicts, and I'm not sure I've done it the best way. Additionally, whenever a game ends it is removed from active_games and written to another file storing all past games.
Please feel free to comment on anything.
import json
import os
import random
import praw
import requests
FORFEIT = 'forfeit'
WIN = 'You win! Big-brained, you are.'
LOSS = 'You lose. Try again.'
class Hangman:
"""represents the state of a game of Hangman"""
def __init__(self):
self.secret = random_word()
self.lives = INIT_LIVES
self.word_state = ['_'] * len(self.secret)
self.mistakes = []
def fromdict(cls, dictionary):
"""dictionary to Hangman copy/convert constructor"""
instance = cls()
for key in dictionary:
setattr(instance, key, dictionary[key])
return instance
def process_guess(self, guess_body):
"""requires that guess_body is single character: modifies word_state to fill in guess matches"""
for i in range(0, len(self.secret)):
if self.secret[i] == guess_body:
self.word_state[i] = guess_body
def word_correct(self, guess):
return guess == self.secret
def record_mistake(self, mistake_body):
self.lives -= 1
def display_contents(self):
"""return a formatted markdown string containing a report on hangman attributes"""
reply = ''
reply += '\n\nlives: ' + str(self.lives) + '\n\n#'
for char in self.word_state:
reply += char + ' '
reply += '\n\nmistakes: '
reply += ', '.join(self.mistakes)
return reply
def random_word():
"""request one random word from API. If len of word at least MIN_LEN letters, return it (str). Otherwise, request another."""
while True:
r = requests.get('', {'number' : 1})
word = r.json()[0]
if len(word) >= MIN_LEN:
return word
def authenticate():
r = praw.Reddit('hangman', user_agent = "hangmanbot")
return r
def run_bot(reddit, active_games):
# concern: maybe update_active_games_file should be done in same fn as archiving
unread_items = []
for item in reddit.inbox.unread(limit=None):
if bot_mentioned(item):
start_new_game(item, active_games)
update_active_games_file(item, active_games)
continue_game(item, active_games)
update_active_games_file(item, active_games)
except Exception as e: print(e)
def bot_mentioned(item):
return 'u/hangman_bot' in item.body
def start_new_game(item, active_games):
"""reply to item with a comment containing a new Hangman game and remember it."""
if not in active_games:
new_game = Hangman()
active_games[] = new_game
def continue_game(guess, active_games):
"""continue a game by replying to guess with the updated hangman state."""
game = active_games[]
guess_content = guess.body.replace(' ','').replace('\n','').lower()
if game.word_correct(guess_content):
remove_and_archive_game(guess, active_games)
elif guess_content in game.secret: # possibly make this work for substrings len > 1
if game.secret == ''.join(game.word_state):
remove_and_archive_game(guess, active_games)
guess.reply('Correct!' + game.display_contents())
elif game.lives == 1 or FORFEIT in guess_content:
remove_and_archive_game(guess, active_games)
guess.reply(LOSS + '\n\nWord: ' + game.secret)
guess.reply('Incorrect!' + game.display_contents())
def remove_and_archive_game(guess, active_games):
"""remove guess author's game from active, place entry in archive file"""
finished_game = active_games.pop(
if not os.path.isfile('hangmanbot/archived_games.txt'):
with open('hangmanbot/archived_games.txt', 'w') as f:
json.dump({ : [finished_game.__dict__]}, f)
with open('hangmanbot/archived_games.txt', 'r+') as f:
archived_games = json.load(f)
if not in archived_games:
archived_games[] = [finished_game.__dict__]
# seek(0), dump, truncate completely overwrites the file contents.
json.dump(archived_games, f)
def update_active_games_file(item, active_games):
"""update the save file by writing a new active game or modifying an existing game."""
copied = dict()
for key in active_games:
copied[key] = active_games[key].__dict__
with open('hangmanbot/active_games.txt', 'w') as f:
json.dump(copied, f)
def get_active_games():
"""return a dict of <username, Hangman> corresponding to active games."""
if not os.path.isfile("hangmanbot/active_games.txt"):
return dict()
with open("hangmanbot/active_games.txt") as f:
dict_with_dicts = json.load(f)
dict_with_objects = dict()
for key in dict_with_dicts:
dict_with_objects[key] = Hangman.fromdict(dict_with_dicts[key])
return dict_with_objects
def main():
reddit = authenticate()
active_games = get_active_games()
while True:
run_bot(reddit, active_games)
## end definitions
## begin executions
if __name__ == '__main__':