I'm relatively new to Scala and made a small TicTacToe in a functional Style. Any improvement options would be highly appreciated.
There are some things which I am unsure of if they are made in an optimal way.
- Error Handling in the readMove Function
- If i should incorporate types like (type Player = Char, type Field = Int) and if they would benefit the code
- The printBoard function looks unclean and I can't yet figure out how to best change it.
- board(nextMove) = nextPlayer(board) seems to break the style of immutable values.
This is already an improvement from my first version
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.io.StdIn.readLine
object TicTacToeOld {
val startBoard: Array[Char] = Array('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9')
val patterns: Set[Set[Int]] = Set(
Set(0, 1, 2),
Set(3, 4, 5),
Set(6, 7, 8),
Set(0, 3, 6),
Set(1, 4, 7),
Set(2, 5, 8),
Set(0, 4, 8),
Set(2, 4, 6)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
def startGame(): Unit ={
println("Welcome to TicTacToe!")
println("To play, enter the number on the board where you want to play")
private def nextTurn(board: Array[Char]): Unit = {
val nextMove = readMove(board)
board(nextMove) = nextPlayer(board)
if (!isWon(board)) {
private def readMove(board: Array[Char]): Int ={
try {
val input = readLine("Input next Turn: ").toInt-1
if(input<0 || input>8 || !board(input).toString.matches("[1-9]")) {
throw new Exception
} catch {
case _: Exception => readMove(board)
private def nextPlayer(board: Array[Char]): Char = {
val remainingTurns = board.count(_.toString.matches("[1-9]"))
if(remainingTurns%2 == 0) 'x' else 'o'
private def printBoard(board: Array[Char]): Unit = {
0 to 2 map { r =>
0 to 2 map { c =>
board(c + r*3)
} mkString "|"
} mkString ("__________\n", "\n------\n", "\n")
println("Next Player is " + nextPlayer(board))
private def isWon(board: Array[Char]): Boolean = {
if(pattern.forall(board(_) == board(pattern.head))) {
print("Winner is " + board(pattern.head))
return true