from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
import datetime
metal_translation = {"Aluminium": "Aluminio", "Copper": "Cobre", "Zinc": "Zinc", "Nickel": "Níquel", "Lead": "Plomo", "Tin": "Estaño",
"Aluminium Alloy": "Aleación de Aluminio", "Cobalt": "Cobalto", "Gold*": "Oro*", "Silver*": "Plata*",
"Steel Scrap**": "Chatarra de Acero", "NASAAC": "NASAAC", "Steel Rebar**": "Varilla de Acero"}
def get_metal_values():
names = []
prices = []
metals = requests.get('').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(metals, 'lxml')
metal_table = soup.find("table", attrs={"class": "ring-times"})
metal_table_names, metal_table_prices = metal_table.tbody.find_all("th"), metal_table.tbody.find_all("td")
for name in metal_table_names:
names.append(name.text.replace("LME ", ""))
for price in metal_table_prices:
return names, prices
def get_peso_conversion():
peso = requests.get('').text
soup1 = BeautifulSoup(peso, 'lxml')
conversion = soup1.find("div", class_="cc-result").text
rate ="\d{2}\.\d{4}", conversion).group()
return rate
def get_time():
date =
time = (f'{}/{date.month}/{date.year} | {date.hour}:{date.minute}')
return time
def convert_values():
names, prices = get_metal_values()
rate = get_peso_conversion()
metal_data = dict(zip(names, prices))
for k, v in metal_data.items():
v = (float(v.replace(",", "")) * float(rate))
v = ("%.2f" % v)
k = metal_translation[k]
print(f'{k}: {v} $')
def program_run():
print("Metal Prices by ETHAN HETRICK")
print(f'{get_time()} | 1 USD = {get_peso_conversion()} MXN\n')
print("Precios de metales de London Metal Exchange: (Por tonelada métrica, *Por onza Troy)\n")
input("\nEscribe 'x' para terminar.\n")
Metal Prices by ETHAN HETRICK
26/6/2020 | 18:28 | 1 USD = 23.0622 MXN
Precios de metales de London Metal Exchange: (Por tonelada métrica, *Por onza Troy)
Aluminio: 36484.40 $
Cobre: 138038.80 $
Zinc: 47438.95 $
Níquel: 293097.50 $
Plomo: 41004.59 $
Estaño: 391826.78 $
Aleación de Aluminio: 27997.51 $
NASAAC: 27444.02 $
Cobalto: 657272.70 $
Oro*: 40711.70 $
Plata*: 410.74 $
Chatarra de Acero: 6065.36 $
Varilla de Acero: 9720.72 $
Escribe 'x' para terminar.
My fiances father owns a metal recycling business in Mexico City, Mexico which requires him to do a lot of calculations when negotiating with clients. Since he was doing this by hand, I decided to automate this for him. I used London Metal Exchange, which is his preferred site to get the current prices, for the metal prices and also got the exchange rate for USD to MXN and applied that as well. I also needed to translate everything to spanish so I used a dictionary. This is my first time utilizing webscraping and the datetime module so any advice to make this program run more efficiently or make the code more concise is much appreciated!