So I've written a URL router which also allows for wildcards (path parameters).
A URL like /users/{uuid}
can be added and then, when a user sends a request to the server with the following target /users/955b2a88-ae80-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004
, the uuid will then equal 955b2a88-ae80-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004
PathMatcher<int> matcher(-1);
matcher.add_path("/users/{uuid}", 1);
Parameters parameters;
assert(matcher.match("/users/9c4ceec8-f929-434e-8ff1-837dd54b7b56", parameters) == 1);
assert(parameters.find("uuid", "") == "9c4ceec8-f929-434e-8ff1-837dd54b7b56");
I have learned C++ through Stack Overflow, therefore I don't really have an idea how production ready code should look like.
I'd like to know what should be written differently and would could be improved.
If you'd like to run the code, it is hosted on GitHub with an example main.cpp
typedef std::string string_t;
class Parameters {
std::vector<std::pair<string_t, string_t>> parameters_;
void add(string_t& name, string_t& value) {
parameters_.emplace_back(name, value);
string_t find(string_t name, string_t default_="") {
for(auto & parameter : parameters_) {
if(parameter.first == name) return parameter.second;
return default_;
void clear() {
template<typename Result>
class PathMatcher {
struct Path {
char character;
std::vector<Path *> children;
std::optional<Result> result;
Path(char character, std::optional<Result> result) : character(character), result(result) {}
~Path() {
for(size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
delete children[i];
Path *
find_child(char character, std::vector<Path *> &parent, bool findWildcard = false, Path **wildcard = nullptr) {
Path *child = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parent.size(); i++) {
if (parent[i]->character == character) {
child = parent[i];
// If wildcards are not wanted, there is no need to continue
if (!findWildcard) break;
} else if (findWildcard && parent[i]->character == wildcard_open_) {
(*wildcard) = parent[i];
// If child has already been found, there is no need to continue
if (child != nullptr) break;
return child;
Path *create_path(std::vector<Path *> &parent, char character, std::optional<Result> value) {
Path *route = new Path(character, value);
return route;
void insert_path(string_t &path, Result &result, Path *step = nullptr, int path_pos = 0) {
* Recursively creates path. A path contains a vector with child paths.
* These linked paths create a chain which can be walked down.
* If we input /users/a and /users/b the following chain would be created.
* / -> u -> s -> e -> r -> s -> / -> a
* -> b
* Now if you want to match against an input, this chain can be walked down until a path no longer contains the matching character.
* If the input would equal /users/c, the chain would be walked until the last '/' and then failing because it only contains the children a & b, not c.
* The last two paths (a & b) will contains a value. This value states that the path has reached its end.
assert(path.size() > 1);
if (path_pos == path.size() - 1) {
// last insertion accompanied by ending value
Path *child = find_child(path[path_pos], step->children);
if (child != nullptr) {
assert(!child->result); // Cant already have a value
child->result = result;
} else {
create_path(step->children, path[path_pos], result);
} else {
Path *child;
if (path_pos == 0) {
child = find_child(path[path_pos], paths_);
} else {
child = find_child(path[path_pos], step->children);
if (child == nullptr && path_pos == 0) {
child = create_path(paths_, path[path_pos], std::nullopt);
} else if (child == nullptr) {
child = create_path(step->children, path[path_pos], std::nullopt);
return insert_path(path, result, child, path_pos + 1);
void get_wildcard_name(Path **wildcard, string_t &wildcard_name) {
* /users/{uuid} and users/{uuid}/friends is allowed
* /users/{uuid} and users/{id}/friends is not allowed, because wildcards at the same positions must match
* This method walks down the chain until the wildcard_close_ character has been found. Everything between start and end is appended to the value.
assert((*wildcard)->children.size() == 1);
if ((*wildcard)->children[0]->character != wildcard_close_) {
wildcard_name.append(1, (*wildcard)->children[0]->character);
*wildcard = (*wildcard)->children[0];
get_wildcard_name(wildcard, wildcard_name);
} else {
*wildcard = (*wildcard)->children[0];
string_t get_wildcard_value(string_t &path, size_t &pos) {
// Walks down the input until the trailing_wildcard_ is found or the end is reached, everything between equals the wildcard value
int begin = pos;
for (; pos < path.size() - 1; pos++) {
if (path[pos + 1] == trailing_wildcard_) {
return path.substr(begin, pos - begin + 1);
return path.substr(begin);
std::vector<Path *> paths_;
Result default_;
char wildcard_open_;
char wildcard_close_;
char trailing_wildcard_;
PathMatcher(Result default_, char wildcard_open='{', char wildcard_close='}', char trailing_wildcard='/')
: default_(default_), wildcard_open_(wildcard_open), wildcard_close_(wildcard_close), trailing_wildcard_(
trailing_wildcard) {}
virtual ~PathMatcher() {
for(size_t i = 0; i < paths_.size(); i++) {
delete paths_[i];
void add_path(string_t path, Result value) {
insert_path(path, value);
Result match(string_t path, Parameters &variables) {
* Starts at paths_ and continues trying to find children matching the next characters in input path.
* If there is no child which matches the next character, but there was a wildcard_open_ as a child,
* the code jumps back to it and sets a Parameters value for the wildcard with its value and then continues normally.
Path *step = find_child(path[0], paths_);
if (step == nullptr) return default_;
Path *lastWildcard = nullptr;
size_t lastWildcardPos;
size_t i = 1;
for (; i < path.size() - 1 && step != nullptr; i++) {
Path *nextWildcard = nullptr;
step = find_child(path[i], step->children, true, &nextWildcard);
if (nextWildcard != nullptr && nextWildcard != lastWildcard) {
lastWildcardPos = i;
lastWildcard = nextWildcard;
if (path[i] == trailing_wildcard_) {
lastWildcard = nullptr;
if (step == nullptr && lastWildcard != nullptr) {
i = lastWildcardPos;
string_t wildcard_name;
get_wildcard_name(&lastWildcard, wildcard_name);
string_t wildcard_value = get_wildcard_value(path, i);
variables.add(wildcard_name, wildcard_value);
if (i == path.size() - 1) {
// Wildcard value reaches end
if (!lastWildcard->result) return default_;
return lastWildcard->result.value();
} else {
step = lastWildcard;
if (step == nullptr) return default_;
Path *wildcard = nullptr;
Path *result = find_child(path[path.size() - 1], step->children, true, &wildcard);
if(result != nullptr && result->result) return result->result.value();
else if(wildcard != nullptr) {
// find wildcard ending and check if it contains a value
string_t wildcardName;
get_wildcard_name(&wildcard, wildcardName);
if(!wildcard->result) return default_;
string_t value = path.substr(path.size() - 1);
variables.add(wildcardName, value);
return wildcard->result.value();
return default_;
? \$\endgroup\$/user/
, even if what follows doesn't look like a UUID at all. With regular expressions, you can write a pattern that only accepts valid UUIDs. \$\endgroup\$