Given a CSS file the script generates an HTML preview of all the CSS definitions by recursively drilling down the chain of nested classes, ids and tag names. Rules with position: absolute|fixed|sticky
are wrapped into iframe
elements in order to avoid overlap.
The output goes to stdout since I wanted to avoid keeping storing too much data in memory. Content that goes inside iframes is printed first to a temporary buffer rather than stdout because that text needs to be html-escaped.
Would be interested to get feedback on:
- performance and efficiency (CPU, memory): is there anything inherently inefficient/slow with the chosen approach that can be optimised?
- code organisation
- obvious (or subtle) code smells
- naming and legibility
- possible criteria to check correctness or well-formedness of the generated output
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generates an HTML file for previewing all styles defined in a CSS file
# dependencies: cssutils
# style.css > preview.html
import html
import io
import sys
import cssutils
image_placeholder = "data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='300' height='150' viewBox='0 0 300 150'%3E%3Crect fill='yellow' width='300' height='150'/%3E%3Ctext fill='rgba(0,0,0,0.5)' x='50%25' y='50%25' text-anchor='middle'%3E300×150%3C/text%3E%3C/svg%3E"
def render(s, out):
if out and not out.closed:
return print(s, end='', file=out)
print(s, flush=True)
def down_the_rabbit_hole(chunks, full_selector, out=None):
if len(chunks):
chunk = chunks.pop(0)
render_open_tag(chunk, out)
down_the_rabbit_hole(chunks, full_selector, out)
render_close_tag(chunk, out)
render(full_selector, out)
prefix_map = {
'.': 'class',
'#': 'id'
def extract_class_id(defn, extracted_attrs=''):
for prefix in prefix_map.keys():
if prefix in defn:
items = defn.split(prefix)
value = ' '.join(items[1:])
# return a tuple of (tagname, 'class="bla blu"') or (tagname, 'id="abc"')
tag = items[0]
if any(suffix in tag for suffix in prefix_map.keys()):
return extract_class_id(tag, f'{prefix_map[prefix]}="{value}"')
return items[0], f'{extracted_attrs} {prefix_map[prefix]}="{value}"'
except Exception as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
return defn, ''
def render_open_tag(definition, out):
if definition.startswith(('.', '#')):
_, class_or_id = extract_class_id(definition)
render(f'<div {class_or_id}>', out)
if definition == 'a' or definition.startswith(('a.', 'a#')):
tag, class_or_id = extract_class_id(definition)
render(f'''<a {class_or_id} href="#">''', out)
elif definition == 'img' or definition.startswith(('img.','img#')):
render(f'<img src="{image_placeholder}" alt="[image]">', out)
tag, class_or_id = extract_class_id(definition)
if tag.lower() == 'td':
render(f'<table><thead><tr><th>🟨🟧[th]🟧🟨</th></thead><tbody><tr><td {class_or_id}>🟩🟦[td]🟦🟩<br/>', out)
render(f'<{tag} {class_or_id}>', out)
def render_close_tag(definition, out):
if definition.startswith(('.', '#')):
render('</div>', out)
if definition == 'a' or definition.startswith(('a.', 'a#')):
render(f'⚓️ {definition}</a>', out)
tag, _ = extract_class_id(definition)
if tag.lower() == 'td':
render('</td></tr></tbody></table>', out)
render(f'</{tag}>', out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'):
print(f'Usage: {sys.argv[0]} style.css > preview.html')
already_seen = []
css_file = sys.argv[1]
sheet = cssutils.parseFile(css_file)
print(f'''<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>CSS preview: {css_file}</title>
<link href="{css_file}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
selectors_requiring_iframe = []
# build a list of absolute & fixed rules
for rule in sheet:
if isinstance(rule, cssutils.css.CSSStyleRule):
position = getattr(, 'position', None)
if position in ('fixed', 'absolute', 'sticky'):
for single_selector in rule.selectorList: # type: cssutils.css.Selector
# deduplicate list
selectors_requiring_iframe = list(dict.fromkeys(selectors_requiring_iframe))
for rule in sheet:
if isinstance(rule, cssutils.css.CSSStyleRule):
selectors: cssutils.css.SelectorList = getattr(rule, 'selectorList', [])
full_selectors_text = rule.selectorText
print(f'CSS Rule: {full_selectors_text}', file=sys.stderr)
for single_selector in selectors: # type: cssutils.css.Selector
current_selector_text = single_selector.selectorText
if not single_selector or current_selector_text.startswith(('html', 'body')):
# 1. convert '>' to space
# 2. '~' '*' '+' and '[]' (not supported, ignoring them, convert to space, breaks semantics FIXME)
for c in '>*~+':
if c in current_selector_text:
current_selector_text = current_selector_text.replace(c, ' ')
for c in ':[':
if c in current_selector_text:
current_selector_text = current_selector_text.split(c)[0]
if current_selector_text in already_seen:
if ' ' in current_selector_text:
current_selector_text = current_selector_text.replace(' ', ' ')
position = getattr(, 'position', None)
# if current selector is a child of an absolute/fixed rule then also wrap it in an iframe
matching_abs_parents = [sel for sel in selectors_requiring_iframe if sel in current_selector_text]
need_iframe = position in ('fixed', 'absolute', 'sticky') or len(matching_abs_parents)
need_table = False
out = None
if need_iframe:
f'''<iframe style="border:1px dotted #acad9e;" width="400" height="300" srcdoc="{html.escape(f'<html><head><link href="{css_file}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/></head><body style="background:#f6f4ee">')}''',
out = io.StringIO()
print(f'\t{current_selector_text}', file=sys.stderr)
down_the_rabbit_hole(current_selector_text.split(), full_selectors_text, out)
if need_iframe:
print(html.escape(out.getvalue()), end='')
The latest version is here.