I am trying to generate a Word document with two different tables inside it. For this purpose I have two similar methods where I am passing word document reference and data object and table to the similar methods.
I am looking to make single generic method. So in different places I can use single method and passing parameters to it.
Method 1:
private static List<OpenXmlElement> RenderExhaustEquipmentTableDataAndNotes(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, List<ProjectObject<ExhaustEquipment>> exhaustEquipment,Table table)
HtmlConverter noteConverter = new HtmlConverter(mainDocumentPart);
var equipmentExhaustTypes = new Dictionary<string, List<ProjectObject<ExhaustEquipment>>>();
foreach (var item in exhaustEquipment)
string exhaustEquipmentName = item.TargetObject.Name;
if (!equipmentExhaustTypes.ContainsKey(exhaustEquipmentName))
equipmentExhaustTypes.Add(exhaustEquipmentName, new List<ProjectObject<ExhaustEquipment>>());
List<OpenXmlElement> notes = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
int noteIndex = 1;
foreach (var exhaustEquipmentItem in equipmentExhaustTypes)
List<string> noteIndices = new List<string>();
for (int exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex = 0; exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex < exhaustEquipmentItem.Value.Count; exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex++)
var condition = exhaustEquipmentItem.Value[exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex];
var row = new TableRow();
Run superscriptRun = new Run(new RunProperties(new VerticalTextAlignment { Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript }));
if (exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex == 0)
row.Append(RenderOpenXmlElementContentCell(new Paragraph(
new List<Run> {
new Run(new RunProperties(), new Text(exhaustEquipmentItem.Key) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }),
}), 1,
new OpenXmlElement[] {new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart },new TableCellMargin {
LeftMargin = new LeftMargin { Width = "120" },
TopMargin = new TopMargin { Width = "80" } }
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(null, 1, null, null, new OpenXmlElement[] { new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue } }));
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(condition.TargetObject.IsConstantVolume ? "Yes" : "No"));
if (condition.TargetObject.NotesHTML?.Count > 0)
foreach (var note in condition.TargetObject.NotesHTML)
var compositeElements = noteConverter.Parse(note);
var htmlRuns = compositeElements.First().ChildElements.Where(c => c is Run).Cast<Run>().Select(n => n.CloneNode(true));
notes.Add(new Run(htmlRuns));
if (exhaustEquipmentConditionIndex == exhaustEquipmentItem.Value.Count - 1 && condition.TargetObject.NotesHTML?.Count > 0)
superscriptRun.Append(new Text($"({String.Join(',', noteIndices)})") { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve });
List<OpenXmlElement> notesSection = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
List<OpenXmlElement> result = RenderNotesArray(table, notes, notesSection);
return result;
This is how I am using the above method:
var table = new Table(RenderTableProperties());
table.Append(new TableRow(
RenderTableHeaderCell("Constant Volume"),
RenderTableHeaderCell("Minimum Airflow", units: "(cfm)"),
RenderTableHeaderCell("Wet Bulb Temperature", units: "(cfm)")
body.Append(RenderExhaustEquipmentTableDataAndNotes(mainDocumentPart, designHubProject.ExhaustEquipment, table));
Method 2:
private static List<OpenXmlElement> RenderInfiltrationTableData(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart, List<ProjectObject<Infiltration>> infiltration,Table table)
HtmlConverter noteConverter = new HtmlConverter(mainDocumentPart);
var nameByInflitrationObject = new Dictionary<string, List<ProjectObject<Infiltration>>>();
foreach (var infiltrationData in infiltration)
string infiltrationName = infiltrationData.TargetObject.Name;
if (!nameByInflitrationObject.ContainsKey(infiltrationName))
nameByInflitrationObject.Add(infiltrationName, new List<ProjectObject<Infiltration>>());
List<OpenXmlElement> notes = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
int noteIndex = 1;
foreach (var inflitrationDataItem in nameByInflitrationObject)
List<string> noteIndices = new List<string>();
for (int inflitrationNameIndex = 0; inflitrationNameIndex < inflitrationDataItem.Value.Count; inflitrationNameIndex++)
var dataItem = inflitrationDataItem.Value[inflitrationNameIndex];
var row = new TableRow();
Run superscriptRun = new Run(new RunProperties(new VerticalTextAlignment { Val = VerticalPositionValues.Superscript }));
if (inflitrationNameIndex == 0)
row.Append(RenderOpenXmlElementContentCell(new Paragraph(
new List<Run> {
new Run(new RunProperties(), new Text(inflitrationDataItem.Key) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }),superscriptRun
}), 1,
new OpenXmlElement[] {new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Restart },new TableCellMargin {
LeftMargin = new LeftMargin { Width = "120" },
TopMargin = new TopMargin { Width = "80" }}
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell(null, 1, null, null, new OpenXmlElement[] { new VerticalMerge { Val = MergedCellValues.Continue } }));
row.Append(RenderTextContentCell($"{dataItem.TargetObject.AirflowScalar.ToString("R2", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)} cfm {EnumUtils.StringValueOfEnum(dataItem.TargetObject.InfiltrationCalculationType).ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)}"));
if (dataItem.TargetObject.NotesHTML?.Count > 0)
foreach (var note in dataItem.TargetObject.NotesHTML)
var compositeElements = noteConverter.Parse(note);
var htmlRuns = compositeElements.First().ChildElements.Where(c => c is Run).Cast<Run>().Select(n => n.CloneNode(true));
notes.Add(new Run(htmlRuns));
if (inflitrationNameIndex == inflitrationDataItem.Value.Count - 1 && dataItem.TargetObject.NotesHTML?.Count > 0)
superscriptRun.Append(new Text($"({String.Join(',', noteIndices)})") { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve });
List<OpenXmlElement> notesSection = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
List<OpenXmlElement> result = RenderNotesArray(table, notes, notesSection);
return result;
This is how I am using the above method:
var table = new Table(RenderTableProperties());
table.Append(new TableRow(
RenderTableHeaderCell("Air Flow")
body.Append(RenderInfiltrationTableData(mainDocumentPart, designHubProject.Infiltration, table));
I know this is a lot of code, but are there any ways to convert these to a single method. I am using .net core.
Any ideas or suggestions on how I can refactor these two methods into single method would be very grateful.