I am trying to solve a problem where I need to find the number of bracket sequences \$p\$ and \$q\$ such that for a given bracket sequence s. I have that \$p + s + q\$ is a valid bracket sequence. Also \$|p+s+q| = 2n\$.
We can use dynamic programming here, i.e. let dp[i][j]
= the number of bracket sequences (which are a prefix of a valid bracket sequence) with \$i\$ (
's and \$j\$ )
's. Also \$i\ge j\$.
Now we have
\$\displaystyle dp(i, j)= \begin{cases} 0&i<j\text{ or }i<0\text{ or }j<0\\ 1&j=0\\ dp(i-1, j)+dp(i, j-1)&\text{otherwise} \end{cases}\$
Now let us suppose
- \$p\$ has \$x\$
's and \$y\$)
's - \$s\$ has \$l\$
's and \$r\$)
Then we must have \$y\ge x\$ for \$p\$ to be valid, \$x+l\ge y+r\$ for \$p+s\$ to be valid and the same must hold for \$p+s_i\$ i.e. in any prefix \$s_i\$ of \$s\$ appended to \$p\$.
So we have \$x+l_i\ge y+r_i\$ or \$x-y+l_i-y_i\ge 0\$. We have \$x-y+l_i-y_i\ge x-y+\min_i\{l_i-r_i\}\ge0\$. So we need to have \$x+\min_i\{l_i-r_i\}\ge y\$
So we can loop over all possible values of \$x,y\$ and see if we can find \$p,q\$. Number of ways of \$p\$ will be dp[x][y]
. Now if we reverse all brackets in \$p+s+q\$ (which is also a valid sequence), we can see that \$q\$ has \$n-y-r\$ (
's and \$n-x-l\$ )
's. So the number of ways of that is dp[n-y-r][n-x-l]
Note: I need to find the solution mod \$10^9+7\$. You can find more details here.
This is the solution that I came up with. I am facing high memory usage (i)How can I improve the memory usage? (ii) Also is there a way I can make it more concise?
The only problem could be the \$dp\$ which will hold \$n^2\$ entries of Int64
import Data.Array
import Data.Int
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Control.Monad
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n', m] <- map read . words <$> getLine -- n'=2n, m=|s|
s <- getLine
print $ solve n' s
solve n' s =
n = n' `div` 2 -- number of ( or )
l = length $ filter (== '(') s
r = length s - l
mm = 10 ^ 9 + 7 :: Int64
arr = array ((0, 0), (n, n))
[ ((i, j), f i j) | i <- [0 .. n], j <- [0 .. n] ] -- the dp array
f i j
| j == 0 -- base case dp
= 1
| j > i -- invalid sequence
= 0
| otherwise
= let left = if i > 0 then arr ! (i - 1, j) else 0
down = if j > 0 then arr ! (i, j - 1) else 0
in (left + down) `mod` mm
minVal =
minimum $ scanl (\v c -> if c == '(' then v + 1 else v - 1) 0 s -- min li - ri
(`mod` mm)
. sum
$ [ let leftWays = arr ! (x, y)
rightWays = arr ! (n - y - r, n - x - l)
in (leftWays * rightWays) `mod` mm
| x <- [0 .. n - l] -- x+l<=n
, y <- [0 .. x + l - r] -- y <= x, y + r <= x - l
, x + minVal >= y -- x + min (li - ri) >= y