This is the first Time implementing a Binary Search Tree, based on how it works from the visualgo website. I made this algorithm purely based on what I saw, and the remove method was quite challenging. How can I improve the speed/efficiency and make the code look better?
- Inorder: basically an inorder traversal through the BST Ex: 1 3 4 6 19 25
- Insert: inserts a node with a certain value
- lookup: returns the value if it exists in the BST else returns None
- getMin: returns the min value in the specified node
- remove: removes a value, and if current_node is not specified then, it starts from the root node, a bit recursive, even though I wanted to implement a way without recursion, but I couldn't see it working without it in any way.
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.left = None
self.right = None
class BinarySearchTree:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def inorder(self, current_node):
if current_node:
print(current_node.value, end=' ')
def insert(self, value):
NewNode = Node(value)
current_node = self.root
if current_node is None:
self.root = NewNode
while True:
if value < current_node.value:
if not current_node.left:
current_node.left = NewNode
return self
current_node = current_node.left
if not current_node.right:
current_node.right = NewNode
return self
current_node = current_node.right
def lookup(self, value):
current_node = self.root
if current_node is None:
return None
while current_node:
current_value = current_node.value
if value < current_value:
current_node = current_node.left
elif value > current_value:
current_node = current_node.right
return current_node
def getMin(self, current_node):
while current_node.left is not None:
current_node = current_node.left
return current_node.value
def remove(self, value, current_node=False):
if not current_node:
current_node = self.root
if not current_node: # if the root is None
return None
parent_node = None
while current_node:
current_value = current_node.value
if value < current_value:
parent_node = current_node
current_node = current_node.left
elif value > current_value:
parent_node = current_node
current_node = current_node.right
# No Child
if not current_node.left and not current_node.right:
if parent_node is None:
self.root = None
elif current_node == parent_node.left:
parent_node.left = None
parent_node.right = None
# One Child
elif current_node.right and not current_node.left:
if parent_node is None:
self.root = current_node.right
elif current_node == parent_node.left:
parent_node.left = current_node.right
parent_node.right = current_node.right
elif current_node.left and not current_node.right:
if parent_node is None:
self.root = current_node.left
elif current_node == parent_node.left:
parent_node.left = current_node.left
parent_node.right = current_node.left
# Two Child
in_order_successor = self.getMin(current_node.right)
self.remove(in_order_successor, current_node)
if parent_node is None:
self.root.value = in_order_successor
elif current_node == parent_node.left:
parent_node.left.value = in_order_successor
parent_node.right.value = in_order_successor
return True # if removed
return False # if value doesnt exist