How can I improve this PHP MySql Rank generation function?
(Mostly looking to improve speed, but any feedback is very welcome)
Right now I keep stats and ranks in 2 separate tables. The only problem with this is I don't know how combine the select and update queries to possibly increase speed by cutting the PHP processing of the results and the update out of it. Also this function is very time consuming. It takes about 5-10 minutes to process 300,000+ ranks. This isn't really too bad, except I have to do this 50+ times. I do like how it doesn't lock up my database because getting the ranks only takes a few seconds, and all the updates are done individually, which leaves room for other queries to process instead of locking for 5-10 minutes each time.
function get_ranking($rank, $rank_order, $DBH, $test_mode=true)
$test_mode == true ? $limter = ' LIMIT 50' : $limter = '';
$query0 = 'SET @rank=0';
$query1 = 'SELECT @rank:=@rank+1 AS rank, player_id FROM player_stats ORDER BY '.$rank_order.$limter;
$qh = $DBH->prepare($query1);
if ($qh->execute())
while ($result = $qh->fetch())
$query2 = 'UPDATE `player_ranks` SET '.$rank.' = \''.$result['rank'].'\' WHERE `player_id` =\''.$result['player_id'].'\'';
$qh2 = $DBH->prepare($query2);
return true;
return false;
catch (PDOException $e)
return false;
Thanks for any advice/feedback/help!