I had just put together my first public project: simple(sane) new-handler for c++.
It allocates some reserved memory on start up, then releases it piece by piece. It may also raise a signal when each piece is released. It allows to monitor approaching of low memory conditions and gracefully handle them at the system level while there are still some memory available and avoid raising meaningless std::bac_alloc exceptions.
Please, review.
#include <csignal>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <exception>
#include <limits>
#include <new>
#include <utility>
namespace simple {
class NewHandler {
// Initialize the driver and allocate reserved memory blocks
// If not enough memory allocate as many blocks as possible
static void Init(size_t finalBlockSize = 0, size_t reservedBlockCount = 0,
size_t reservedBlockSize = 0, int signo = 0) {
GetWorker().Init(finalBlockSize, reservedBlockCount, reservedBlockSize,
struct State {
size_t allocated_block_count;
size_t available_block_count;
static State GetState() { return GetWorker().GetState(); }
// Full state
struct FullState {
bool init_done;
int signo;
size_t final_block_size;
bool final_block_allocated;
size_t reserved_block_size;
size_t reserved_block_count;
size_t allocated_block_count;
size_t available_block_count;
static FullState GetFullState() { return GetWorker().GetFullState(); }
class Worker;
static void Process() { GetWorker().Process(); }
static Worker& GetWorker() {
static Worker worker_;
return worker_;
class Worker {
: init_done_(),
blk_arr_list_() {}
// Note on concurrency:
// It is a responsibility of the user to call init()
// before entering multithreaded environment
// The environment guarantees that
// the handler call itself is thread safe.
// Volatile is good enough for reporting purposes
// because we do not care about race condition
// between actual and reported usage
void Init(size_t finalBlockSize = 0, size_t reservedBlockCount = 0,
size_t reservedBlockSize = 0, int signo = 0) {
if (init_done_) {
// We expect to be done once and it is done
// more than once we do not care much
final_block_size_ = finalBlockSize;
size_t finalSize =
(final_block_size_ + sizeof(Blk) - 1) / sizeof(Blk) * sizeof(Blk);
if (finalSize) {
final_block_ = new (std::nothrow) Blk[finalSize / sizeof(Blk)];
if (final_block_) {
// Assign a value to map allocated block
final_block_->m_next = 0;
reserved_block_count_ = reservedBlockCount;
unsigned int blockLimit = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
if (reserved_block_count_ < blockLimit)
blockLimit = static_cast<unsigned int>(reserved_block_count_);
reserved_block_size_ = reservedBlockSize;
if (reserved_block_count_ && reserved_block_size_) {
size_t reservedSize = (reserved_block_size_ + sizeof(Blk) - 1) /
sizeof(Blk) * sizeof(Blk);
for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < blockLimit; ii++) {
Blk* blkArr = new (std::nothrow) Blk[reservedSize / sizeof(Blk)];
if (!blkArr) {
allocated_block_count_ = ii;
blkArr[0].m_next = blk_arr_list_;
blk_arr_list_ = blkArr;
if (blk_arr_list_ && !allocated_block_count_) {
// All reserved blocks were allocated
allocated_block_count_ = blockLimit;
available_block_count_ = allocated_block_count_;
signo_ = signo;
init_done_ = true;
State GetState() const volatile {
State s;
memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
if (!init_done_) {
return s;
s.allocated_block_count = allocated_block_count_;
s.available_block_count = available_block_count_;
return s;
FullState GetFullState() const volatile {
FullState s;
memset(&s, 0, sizeof(s));
if (!init_done_) {
return s;
s.init_done = true;
s.signo = signo_;
s.final_block_size = final_block_size_;
if (final_block_) s.final_block_allocated = true;
s.reserved_block_size = reserved_block_size_;
s.reserved_block_count = reserved_block_count_;
s.allocated_block_count = allocated_block_count_;
s.available_block_count = available_block_count_;
return s;
void Process() {
Blk* curBlkArr = blk_arr_list_;
if (curBlkArr) {
// Release the first avalable block to the process
// and raise signal if configured
blk_arr_list_ = curBlkArr[0].m_next;
delete[] curBlkArr;
if (available_block_count_ > 0) available_block_count_--;
if (signo_ != 0) std::raise(signo_);
// Release final block and terminate
delete[] final_block_;
final_block_ = 0;
struct Blk {
Blk* m_next;
bool init_done_;
int signo_;
size_t final_block_size_;
size_t reserved_block_size_;
size_t reserved_block_count_;
unsigned int allocated_block_count_;
volatile unsigned int available_block_count_;
Blk* final_block_;
Blk* blk_arr_list_;
} // namespace simple