
Just for the sake of practice, I've decided to write a code for polynomial regression with Gradient Descent


import numpy as np

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import approx_fprime as gradient

class polynomial_regression():

    def __init__(self,degrees):
        self.degree = degrees
        self.weights = np.random.randn(degrees+1)
        self.training_loss = []
        self.loss_type = None

    def predict(self, x: float):
        output = 0

        for i in range(len(self.weights)-1):
            output += (x**(i+1) * self.weights[i])

        return output + self.weights[-1]

    def fit(self,X: '1 dim array',y: '1 dim array',epochs,lr,loss,ridge=False,reg_rate=0.1):

        training_loss = []

        if loss == 'MSE':
            loss = MSE
            self.loss_type = 'MSE'
        elif loss == 'RMSE':
            loss = RMSE
            self.loss_type = 'RMSE'
            raise Exception('Undefined loss function')

        for epoch in range(epochs):
            self.weights -= lr*gradient(self.weights,

        self.training_loss = training_loss

def MSE(w,X,y,ridge=False,reg_rate=0.1):
    total = 0
    weights = w[:-1]
    bias = w[-1]

    for i in range(len(X)):
        total += (np.dot(weights,[X[i]**(p+1) for p in range(len(weights))]) + bias - y[i])**2

    if ridge == False:
        return (1/len(X)) * total
        return (1/len(X)) * total + reg_rate*((w**2).sum())

def RMSE(w,X,y,ridge=False, reg_rate = 0.1):
    total = 0
    weights = w[:-1]
    bias = w[-1]

    for i in range(len(X)):
        total += (np.dot(weights,[X[i]**(p+1) for p in range(len(weights))]) + bias - y[i])**2

    if ridge == False:
        return np.sqrt((1/len(X)) * total)

        return np.sqrt((1/len(X)) * total) + reg_rate*((w**2).sum())

def build_graph(X,y,model):

    #Scatter plot of the dataset and the plot of the model's predictions

    #Curve of the training loss
    plt.plot(np.arange(len(model.training_loss)),model.training_loss,label=f'{model.loss_type} loss')
    plt.legend(prop={'size': 20})
    plt.title('Training loss',size=20)

Several tests

    rng = np.random.RandomState( 1) 
    x = (np.linspace(1,5,100))
    y = 3*x + 10 + rng.rand(100)

    x = x/10
    y = y/10

    degree = 1
    epochs = 120
    learning_rate = 0.9

    model = polynomial_regression(degree)


enter image description here

And now with more complex dataset

rng = np.random.RandomState( 1) 
x = (np.linspace(1,5,100))
y = (10*np.cos(x) + rng.rand(100))

x = x/10
y = y/10

degree = 3
epochs = 8*10**3
learning_rate = 0.9

model = polynomial_regression(degree)


enter image description here


  1. You might wonder why I moved functions for MSE and RMSE out of the class. The main reason is because approx_fprime (I renamed it as gradient, for clarity) requires loss function to place an array of variables for which we calculate the gradient as the first argument (see the documentation). If I am to move MSE and RMSE into the class, the first argument, of course, will be self.

  2. Admittedly, Gradient Descent is not the best choice for optimizing polynomial functions. However, I would still prefer to use it here, just for the sake of solidifying my understanding of how GD works.

  3. For more complex dataset (when we'd need to use higher degrees of polynomial), the model converges very slowly (see the training loss for the second dataset). If possible, I would like you to elaborate a bit on what might be the reason.

What can be improved?

Any suggestions will be welcome: algorithm efficiency/code style/naming conventions, or anything else you can come up with. Thanks!


2 Answers 2


Encoding polynomials

According to your code, you represent a polynomial $$\sum\limits_{k=0}^{n} a_kx^k$$ as [a_1, ..., a_n, a_0] which is odd to my eyes.

The most common way to represent a polynomial is probably[a_n, ..., a_1, a_0]. Then for example your predict function becomes

def predict(self, x: float):
    return np.vander([x], len(self.weights)).dot(self.weights)

which is vectorised (by using .dot), so it should be a bit faster. On the other hand, we can vectorise it further by allowing vectorial inputs:

def predict(self, x):
    return np.vander(x, len(self.weights)).dot(self.weights)

This allows us to evaluate things like predict(np.array([-1, 0, 1])).

One consequence is that in your error calculation code you can write something like

mean_sq_error = ((predict(X) - y)**2).mean()

which is vectorised and easy to read.

Calculating the gradients

In (the euclidean norm) norm_2 polynomial fitting reduces to finding weights such that the value of

norm_2(vander(x).dot(weights) - y)

is minimal. The minimum point doesn't change if we compose norm_2 by some non-decreasing function from the left, so e.g. using any of

norm_2_sq = (^ 2)   . norm_2
mse_norm  = (* 1/n) . (^ 2) . norm_2
rmse_norm = (^ 1/2) . mse_norm

will result in the same minimum points. The most natural of these is arguably norm_2_sq.

Let us generalize using this norm. Given a matrix A, and a vector b, we'd like to find $$\operatorname{argmin}_x \| Ax - b \|_2^2,$$ but $$\| Ax - b \|_2^2 = (Ax -b)^T (Ax-b) = x^TA^TAx - x^TA^Tb -b^TAx-b^Tb,$$ so its gradient is $$ 2x^T A^T A - 2b^TA. $$ If you want, you can use this to calculate the gradients of mse, rmse using the chain rule. You don't need to use approx_fprime.

On the other hand, since its second derivative, 2A'A >= 0, our functional is convex, so it takes its global minimum at the zero of its gradient, i.e. the solution of the so-called normal equation: $$ x^T A^TA = b^TA \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad A^TA x = A^T b. $$

As a practice problem, you can solve this equation using some iterative method (e.g. the conjugate gradient method).

General comments

The general consensus is that function names should be written in snake_case, class names in CamelCase

There are a few unnecessary spaces RandomState( 1), parentheses x = (np.linspace(1,5,100)). class PolynomialRegression: is sufficient (no () needed).

Given the ML context, I would reserve weights, bias for denoting the weights of a(n affine-) linear mapping.

Despite writing

    if loss == 'MSE':
        loss = MSE
        self.loss_type = 'MSE'
    elif loss == 'RMSE':
        loss = RMSE
        self.loss_type = 'RMSE'

you hard-coded MSE a few lines later.

Tangentially related: globals()[loss] would be the method named by the value of loss, assuming this method is defined globally.

  • MSE and RMSE are suspiciously similar. Shouldn't

    def RMSE(w,X,y,ridge=False, reg_rate = 0.1):
        return np.sqrt(MSE(w,X,y,ridge=False, reg_rate = 0.1))


  • MSE could be streamlined:

        retval = (1/len(X)) * total
        if ridge:
            retval += reg_rate*((w**2).sum())
        return retval
  • The loop

        for i in range(len(X)):
            total += (np.dot(weights,[X[i]**(p+1) for p in range(len(weights))]) + bias - y[i])**2

    raised some brows on the first reading. Indexing y with i - which enumerates X - is very suspicious. Is there any precondition on lengths of X and y?

    Looking at your tests it appears that \$y_i = f(X_i)\$, so they are of the same length indeed. I strongly recommend to make it explicit, maybe by passing a list of tuples x, y rather than two disconnected lists. I am not a numpy expert, so I can't say how it may affect performance.

    Similarly, I am not sure that len(weights) is a good choice for an inner comprehension. degrees seems much more natural.

    In any case, indexing here is anti-pythonic. Consider

        for arg, val in zip(X, y):
            total += (np.dot(weights,[arg**(p+1) for p in range(degrees + 1)]) + bias - val)**2
  • I would like to see the tests exercising ridge = True case. If you don't expect to ever use this case, do not pass ridge argument to fit at all.


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