This code below is supposed to calculate the root of a function using bisection method. I am a newbie to Python, so I do not know how to raise errors. Also, I would like to have a general review on this algorithm design, where I could have optimised, utilised some tricks or any sort of improvements. I feel like I am really not using the full funcionality of Python somehow.
Any comments on how to write a succinct code is appreciated. Thanks.
Program to find root of a function using bisection method
import sys
import math
def is_equal(a,b):
return abs(b-a) < sys.float_info.epsilon
def bisection(f, a, b, TOL=0.01, MAX_ITER=100):
f is the cost function, [a,b] is the initial bracket,
TOL is tolerance, MAX_ITER is maximum iteration.
f_a = f(a)
f_b = f(b)
iter = 0
while iter < MAX_ITER:
c = (a+b)/2
f_c = f(c)
if math.isclose(f_c,0.0,abs_tol=1.0E-6) or abs(b-a)/2<TOL:
return (c, iter)
if f_a * f_c < 0:
b = c
f_b = f_c
a = c
f_a = f_c
iter = iter + 1
return None
def func(x):
The cost function: f(x) = cos(x) - x
return math.cos(x) - x
root, iter = bisection(func, -1, 1, TOL=1.0E-6)
print("Iteration = ", iter)
print("root = ", root, ", func(x) = ", func(root))