I'm new to JavaScript and I decided to make a script that allows other developers to show SVG elements in the web browser. (It is just for learning purposes), and it is still under development.
I coded it in ES5 first and then I'm willing to upgrade it to ES6+ so I can learn and understand the differences.
I really appreciate your help to review it before I move forward and tell me what is wrong, what can I improve, if I used a design pattern in a wrong place... any help from you will be great.
So I tried to implement MVC pattern, inheritance, Factory pattern, function statement, function expression, IIFE ...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src="rasm.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
src lib:
var modelController = function() {'use_strict';
var createSVGElment = function(qualifiedName) {
return document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', qualifiedName)
var Element = function(options) {
this.element = null;
this.style = options.style || '';
Element.prototype.buildElement = function() {
this.element.setAttribute('style', this.style);
var Container = function(options) {
Element.call(this, options);
this.height = options.height || 700;
this.width = options.width || 1200;
this.element = createSVGElment('svg');
Container.prototype.buildElement = function() {
this.element.setAttribute('width', this.width);
this.element.setAttribute('height', this.height);
var Rectangle = function(options) {
Element.call(this, options);
this.height = options.height;
this.width = options.width;
this.x = options.x;
this.y = options.y;
this.text = options.text;
this.element = createSVGElment('rect');
Rectangle.prototype.buildElement = function() {
this.element.setAttribute('x', this.x);
this.element.setAttribute('y', this.y);
this.element.setAttribute('width', this.width);
this.element.setAttribute('height', this.height);
var Ellipse = function(options) {
Element.call(this, options);
this.x = options.cx;
this.y = options.cy;
this.rx = options.rx;
this.width = options.rx * 2;
this.ry = options.ry;
this.height = options.ry * 2;
this.text = options.text;
this.element = createSVGElment('ellipse');
Ellipse.prototype.buildElement = function() {
this.element.setAttribute('cx', this.x);
this.element.setAttribute('cy', this.y);
this.element.setAttribute('rx', this.rx);
this.element.setAttribute('ry', this.ry);
var Link = function(options) {
Element.call(this, options);
this.from = options.from;
this.to = options.to;
this.defsElement = createSVGElment('defs');
this.element = createSVGElment('line');
this.camputePath = function() {
if (this.from instanceof Ellipse) {
this.fromX = this.from.x + this.from.rx;
this.fromY = this.from.y;
} else {
this.fromX = this.from.x + this.from.width;
this.fromY = this.from.y + (this.from.height / 2);
if (this.to instanceof Ellipse) {
this.toX = this.to.x - this.to.rx;
this.toY = this.to.y;
} else {
this.toX = this.to.x;
this.toY = this.to.y + (this.to.height / 2);
Link.prototype.buildElement = function() {
var pathEelement = createSVGElment('path');
pathEelement.setAttribute('d', 'M0,0 L0,6 L7,3 z');
pathEelement.setAttribute('fill', '#000');
var markerEelement = createSVGElment('marker');
markerEelement.setAttribute('id', 'arrow');
markerEelement.setAttribute('markerWidth', '10');
markerEelement.setAttribute('markerHeight', '10');
markerEelement.setAttribute('refX', '0');
markerEelement.setAttribute('refY', '3');
markerEelement.setAttribute('orient', 'auto');
markerEelement.setAttribute('markerUnits', 'strokeWidth');
this.element.setAttribute('x1', this.fromX);
this.element.setAttribute('y1', this.fromY);
this.element.setAttribute('x2', this.toX - 10);
this.element.setAttribute('y2', this.toY);
this.element.setAttribute('stroke', '#000');
this.element.setAttribute('stroke-width', '2');
this.element.setAttribute('marker-end', 'url(#arrow)');
var Text = function(options) {
Element.call(this, options);
this.x = options.x;
this.y = options.y;
this.value = options.value;
this.element = createSVGElment('text');
Text.prototype.buildElement = function() {
this.element.setAttribute('x', this.x);
this.element.setAttribute('y', this.y);
this.element.textContent = this.value;
// Element factory
function ElementFactory() {};
ElementFactory.prototype.createElement = function(o) {
switch(o.type) {
case 'container':
this.elementClass = Container;
case 'rect':
this.elementClass = Rectangle;
case 'ellipse':
this.elementClass = Ellipse;
case 'link':
this.elementClass = Link;
case 'text':
this.elementClass = Text;
throw 'Warning: the type ' + o.type + ' is invalid';
return new this.elementClass(o);
var elementFactory = new ElementFactory();
// storing register
var register = {
eltSVG: null,
elts: []
return {
registerElement: function(options) {
var el = elementFactory.createElement(options);
if (options.type === 'container') {
register.eltSVG = el;
} else {
return el;
getRegister: function() {
return register;
var viewController = function() {'use_strict';
return {
displayElement: function(el) {
var selector = el.element.tagName === 'svg' ? 'body' : 'svg';
if (el.defsElement) { // for line element
(function(global, model, view) {'use_strict';
function processText(el, o) {
if (['above', 'inside', 'below'].indexOf(o.text.position) < 0) {
throw "Text position must be: above, inside or below and not " + o.text.position;
var x, y;
if (el.element.tagName === 'rect') {
x = el.x + (el.width * 0.1) // 20% of the width
if (o.text.position === 'above') {
y = el.y - 5;
} else if (o.text.position === 'inside') {
y = el.y + (el.height / 2);
} else if (o.text.position === 'below') {
y = el.y + el.height + 20;
} else { // ellipse
x = el.x - (el.rx * 0.2)
if (o.text.position === 'above') {
y = el.y - el.ry - 5;
} else if (o.text.position === 'inside') {
y = el.y;
} else if (o.text.position === 'below') {
y = el.y + el.ry + 20;
return {
x: x,
y: y,
global.$R = global.Rasm = {
draw: function(options) {
if (options.type !== 'container' && !model.getRegister().eltSVG) {
throw 'You must create an svg element first';
var el = model.registerElement(options);
// process text option
if (options.text) {
var textCoord = processText(el, options);
var text = model.registerElement({
"type": "text",
"x": textCoord.x,
"y": textCoord.y,
"value": options.text.value,
return el;
})(window, modelController, viewController);
An example of how we can use it:
"type": "container",
"height": 700,
"width": 1100,
/** Left side */
var rect1 = $R.draw({
"type": "rect",
"x": 20,
"y": 20,
"width": 345,
"height": 648,
"style": "stroke-dasharray: 5.5; stroke: #006600; fill: #fff"
var rect2 = $R.draw({
"type": "rect",
"x": 50,
"y": 100,
"width": 250,
"height": 100,
"text": {
"position": "inside",
"value": "I'm a text inside a rectangle"
"style": "stroke: #006600; fill: #fff"
var rect3 = $R.draw({
"type": "rect",
"x": 50,
"y": 300,
"width": 250,
"height": 100,
"text": {
"position": "above",
"value": "I'm a text above a rectangle"
"style": "stroke: #006600; fill: #fff"
var rect4 = $R.draw({
"type": "rect",
"x": 50,
"y": 500,
"width": 250,
"height": 100,
"text": {
"position": "below",
"value": "I'm a text below a rectangle"
"style": "stroke: #006600; fill: #fff"
/** Right side */
var rect5 = $R.draw({
"type": "rect",
"x": 700,
"y": 20,
"width": 345,
"height": 648,
"style": "stroke-dasharray: 20; stroke: #006600; fill: #fff"
var ellipse1 = $R.draw({
"type": "ellipse",
"cx": 870,
"cy": 200,
"rx": 150,
"ry": 70,
"text": {
"position": "above",
"value": "I'm a text above an ellipse"
"style": "stroke: #129cc9; fill: #b5e5f5"
var ellipse2 = $R.draw({
"type": "ellipse",
"cx": 860,
"cy": 500,
"rx": 100,
"ry": 70,
"text": {
"position": "inside",
"value": "I'm a text inside an ellipse"
"style": "stroke: #129cc9; fill: #b5e5f5"
/** Links */
"type": "link",
"from": rect2,
"to": ellipse2,
"type": "link",
"from": rect3,
"to": ellipse1,
"type": "link",
"from": rect4,
"to": ellipse1,
I hope you concentrate only on the lib structure and code, the SVG example that I took is just to be able to practice what I have learned.