
I built a very basic blackjack program a couple of weeks ago, but I've learned a lot since then, and would like some input on a couple of basic functions for card games: a build_deck function and a draw_hand function.

It seems pretty efficient use of code (at least compared to my previous attempt) but I'm sure there are some ways I can improve on it.

import random

def build_deck():
# The deck is a list of tuples, with each tuple representing a card.
# Each card has a name, face, suit, and value.
    deck = []
    value = 0
    face = ''
    for value in range(13):
        value += 1
        suit_list = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']
        for suit in suit_list:
            if value == 1:
                face = 'Ace'
            elif value == 11:
                face = 'Jack'
            elif value == 12:
                face = 'Queen'
            elif value == 13:
                face = 'King'
                face = str(value)
            name = 'the %s of %s' % (face, suit)
            # The deck is shuffled only once, when the deck is first built.
            deck.append((name, face, suit, value))
    return deck

def draw_hand(hand_size):
    # The player receives a card into their hand while the same card is removed from the deck.
    player_hand = []
    for draw in range(int(hand_size)):
        selected_card = (random.choice(deck))
        print('You drew %s.' % (selected_card[0]))
    return player_hand

deck = build_deck()
player_hand= draw_hand(input('How many cards do you want to draw? There are %s cards in the deck.' % (str(len(deck)))))

1 Answer 1


Shuffling the Deck

Your comment # The deck is shuffled only once, when the deck is first built is wrong. You are shuffling the deck 52 times; once after before each card is added:

    deck = []
    for value in range(13):
        suit_list = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']
        for suit in suit_list:
            random.shuffle(deck) # This line is executed 13 * 4 times!
            deck.append((name, face, suit, value))
    return deck

Additionally, you are grabbing cards from a random location in the middle of the deck, so it doesn't matter if you shuffled the deck or not:

        selected_card = (random.choice(deck))

You should build the complete deck, and then shuffle it once:

    deck = []
    for value in range(13):
        suit_list = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']
        for suit in suit_list:
            deck.append((name, face, suit, value))

    return deck

And then, deal from the top of the deck:

        selected_card = deck.pop(0)


    for value in range(13):
        value += 1
        suit_list = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']
        for suit in suit_list:

The suit_list doesn't change. It doesn't need to be recreated for each of the 13 card ranks. You should move it out of the inner loop.

There it is still a local variable. Code which wants to use your deck of cards might want/need to know the what all the suits in your deck are. Is it a normal playing card deck, or a deck of Tarot cards? Is the spade suit represented as "Spades", "SPADES", "S", "♠" or "♤"?

An enum would be a better entity to use as a card suit:

from enum import Enum

Suit = Enum('Suit', 'Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades')

Then a program could safely refer to the spade suit as Suit.Spades, and iinstead of:

        suit_list = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']
        for suit in suit_list:

You'd simply iterate over the Suit enum:

        for suit in Suit:

You can still use suit.name to get a nice string for the suit.

range(start, end, step)

Instead of writing:

    for value in range(13):
        value += 1

use the fact that a range can start at any value, so you don't need to add 1 to the card's rank at each iteration; just iterate over a different range:

    for value in range(1, 13+1):

Each tuple represents a card ...

Ok ... lemme think. The card[0] is the card's rank, and card[1] is the card's suit? Or do have have that backwards ; card[0] is the suit and card[1] is the rank?

With a tuple, it is easy to forget which member is stored in which field. It is way easier to use a named tuple:

from collections import namedtuple

Card = nametuple('Card', 'name, face, suit, value')

Then we wouldn't have to remember; card.rank is the the card's rank, and card.suit is the card's suit.

The only downside is ... uhh ... no, sorry, there are no downsides. A namedtuple is just as efficient time and space wise. You'd create the cards like this:

        deck.append(Card(name, face, suit, value))

And instead of

    print('You drew %s.' % (selected_card[0]))

you'd write:

    print('You drew %s.' % selected_card.name)


The inner parenthesis are unnecessary here:

    print('You drew %s.' % (selected_card[0]))

They take the value "the Ace of Spaces", and ... return that string unaltered. So we end up with the expression str % str, and since the first string contains only one %s code, the argument is directly used.

if you had used (selected_card[0], ), that would have constructed a tuple of 1 values, a string, which could also be applied to that format string. Without the trailing comma, you don't have a tuple.

It is easier to use f-strings. There, the format arguments are placed directly in the format codes, instead of at the end where they have to be match up by positions. Instead of:

            name = 'the %s of %s' % (face, suit)

you could write:

            name = f'the {face} of {suit}'

which is slightly more compact, and much easier to tell where the values are going in the resulting string.

Hand size

def draw_hand(hand_size):
    player_hand = []
    for draw in range(int(hand_size)):

Wait ... what is that int(...) doing there? What are you expecting to pass to draw_hand, if not an integer? Why would you allow it to be a string?

It should be the caller's responsibility for any string to integer conversions. This function should only expect an integer for hand_size.

Improved code

Using NamedTuple instead of namedtuple, a Rank enumeration, and reducing Card to just a tuple of rank and suit, with str(card) corresponding to the card's name, and card.rank.value for the card's value ... along with some other structural modifications:

from random import shuffle
from enum import Enum
from typing import NamedTuple, List
from itertools import product

Suit = Enum('Suit', 'Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades')
Rank = Enum('Rank', 'Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King')

class Card(NamedTuple):
    rank: Rank
    suit: Suit

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.rank.name} of {self.suit.name}"

def build_deck() -> List[Card]:
    deck = [Card(rank, suit) for rank, suit in product(Rank, Suit)]
    return deck

def draw_hand(hand_size: int) -> List[Card]:
    return [deck.pop(0) for _ in range(hand_size)]

def print_hand(hand: List[Card]) -> None:
    print("You drew:", ", ".join(str(card) for card in hand))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    deck = build_deck()
    n = int(input(f"How many cards? There are {len(deck)} cards in the deck: "))
    hand = draw_hand(n)


How many cards? There are 52 cards in the deck: 5
You drew: 2 of Hearts, 9 of Clubs, 5 of Hearts, 7 of Hearts, Queen of Clubs

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for providing the enum and namedtuple code, I haven't seen those before and will read up on them. As far as the int for hand size, I had thought that input() always returned a string, but I might have been wrong in that regard. \$\endgroup\$
    – Joel V
    Commented Apr 20, 2020 at 2:14
  • \$\begingroup\$ input() does return a string, which is why I have int(input)). The point is draw_hand() shouldn’t handle hand_size given as a string. It should expect an integer. \$\endgroup\$
    – AJNeufeld
    Commented Apr 20, 2020 at 5:37
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Using an IntEnum or OrderedEnum, enables card ranks to be compared. Because the Rank Enum uses numbers for member names, the ranks should be accessed using Rank['4'] or Rank['Queen']. While Rank.Queen works, Rank.4 will give a syntax error. \$\endgroup\$
    – RootTwo
    Commented Apr 20, 2020 at 18:36
  • \$\begingroup\$ @RootTwo If you have a number, and need the corresponding card Rank, you should use Rank(4), not Rank['4'], to get the Rack enum who's value is 4. Ordering cards by rank was not important in the OP's previous post (Blackjack), so I stopped before introducing OrderedEnum. It also opens a can or worms about whether ace's should be high or low, and perhaps ordering should be imposed by the game played with the cards and not by the cards themselves. \$\endgroup\$
    – AJNeufeld
    Commented Apr 20, 2020 at 19:18

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