Thanks for all the great feedback in Part 1. I implemented a lot of it. Here is version 2. I am looking for feedback on:
- Recursive solve algorithm. It's too slow. I used Chrome DevTools Performance Profiler to optimize slow functions and I sped it up a lot. But fundamentally I think the algorithm just sucks.
- The slowest, hardest test puzzle I've found so far is the following. It would be good to be able to solve this puzzle in a short amount of time (couple of seconds). 400030000000600800000000001000050090080000600070200000000102700503000040900000000
// getSolutionCountRecursively speed, with limit set to 50,000
// 2508ms initially
// 2186ms added/refactored getTrueKey
// 1519ms added/refactored cloneBoard
// 789ms added/refactored squareIsSolved
// 298ms added/refactored setBoard
// 170ms commented out RegEx in get_legal_move
`use strict`;
class SudokuBoard {
constructor() {
// Not pretty, but I declare the same thing 3 times for performance. Else I have to deep copy the blank_board array, which is expensive according to Chrome devtools performance profile.
this.blank_board = [
this.board = [
this.original_board = [
// This is only meant for use by getSolutionCountRecursively. Faster than set_board
// Everything else should use set_board. set_board performs more data validation.
setBoard(board) {
this.board = board;
static cloneBoard(board) {
let array = [
for ( let i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
for ( let j = 0; j < 9; j++ ) {
array[i][j] = board[i][j];
return array;
// return Helper.deepCopyArray(board);
// returns if board changed or not
set_board(board_string) {
const old_board = SudokuBoard.cloneBoard(this.board);
if ( ! board_string ) {
return false;
if ( ! board_string.match(/^[0-9*_.]{81}$/m) ) {
return false;
// TODO: foreach getBoardSquares
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row++ ) {
for ( let column = 0; column < 9; column++ ) {
let char = board_string.charAt(row*9+column);
if ( char === `*` || char === `_` || char === `.` )
char = 0;
this.board[row][column] = parseInt(char);
if ( ! this.puzzleIsValid() ) {
this.board = SudokuBoard.cloneBoard(old_board);
return false;
return true;
get_board() {
return this.board;
getString() {
let str = ``;
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row++ ) {
for ( let col = 0; col < 9; col++ ) {
str += this.board[row][col];
return str;
// making this its own method to help with debugging
set_original_board(obj) {
this.original_board = SudokuBoard.cloneBoard(obj);
restart_puzzle() {
this.board = SudokuBoard.cloneBoard(this.original_board);
make_move(row, col, value) {
if ( value === `` ) {
value = 0;
this.board[row][col] = value;
getSquaresOnBoard() {
let squares = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
for ( let j = 0; j < 9; j++ ) {
const value = this.board[i][j];
squares.push(new SudokuSquare(i, j, value));
return squares;
// TODO: consider splitting the below code into a SudokuSolver class
// I haven't done it yet because I'd have to pass a board variable around. That's a lot of code re-writing. Not sure it's worth it.
puzzleIsValid() {
try {
this.process_of_elimination(false, false);
} catch {
return false;
return true;
is_legal_move(row, col, value, checkForNonNumbers = true) {
value = parseInt(value);
// check for non numbers
// Regex is very expensive. Only check this for user input.
if ( checkForNonNumbers ) {
if ( ! value.toString().match(/^[1-9]$/m) ) {
return false;
// check row
// TODO: foreach getRowSquares
for ( let i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
if ( value === this.board[row][i] ) {
return false;
// check column
// TODO: foreach getColumnSquares
for ( let i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
if ( value === this.board[i][col] ) {
return false;
// check 3x3 grid
// TODO: foreach getBoxSquares
const row_offset = Math.floor(row/3)*3;
const col_offset = Math.floor(col/3)*3;
for ( let i = 0 + row_offset; i <= 2 + row_offset; i++ ) {
for ( let j = 0 + col_offset; j <= 2 + col_offset; j++ ) {
if ( value === this.board[i][j] ) {
return false;
return true;
// Possibilities {1:true, 2:true, 3:true, 4:true, 5:true, 6:true, 7:true, 8:true, 9:true}
static squareIsSolved(possibilities) {
let trueCount = 0;
for ( let i = 1; i <= 9; i++ ) {
if ( possibilities[i] ) {
if ( trueCount >= 2 ) {
return false;
if ( trueCount === 1 ) {
return true;
return false;
// If 8 of 9 squares are filled in, fill in 9th square.
process_of_elimination(hint_mode = false, modifyBoard = true) {
let possibilities;
let empty_col;
let empty_row;
// check row
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row++ ) {
// bool array [true, true, true] is faster than list [1, 2, 3]
possibilities = {1:true, 2:true, 3:true, 4:true, 5:true, 6:true, 7:true, 8:true, 9:true};
empty_col = 0;
for ( let col = 0; col < 9; col++ ) {
const value = this.board[row][col];
if ( value === 0 ) {
empty_col = col;
} else if ( possibilities[value] ) {
possibilities[value] = false;
} else {
if ( SudokuBoard.squareIsSolved(possibilities) ) {
if ( hint_mode ) {
return new SudokuSquare(row, empty_col);
} else if ( modifyBoard ) {
this.board[row][empty_col] = SudokuBoard.getTrueKey(possibilities);
// check column
for ( let col = 0; col < 9; col++ ) {
possibilities = {1:true, 2:true, 3:true, 4:true, 5:true, 6:true, 7:true, 8:true, 9:true};
empty_row = 0;
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row++ ) {
const value = this.board[row][col];
if ( value === 0 ) {
empty_row = row;
} else if ( possibilities[value] ) {
possibilities[value] = false;
} else {
if ( SudokuBoard.squareIsSolved(possibilities) ) {
if ( hint_mode ) {
return new SudokuSquare(empty_row, col);
} else if ( modifyBoard ) {
this.board[empty_row][col] = SudokuBoard.getTrueKey(possibilities);
// check 3x3 grid
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row+=3 ) {
for ( let col = 0; col < 9; col+=3 ) {
possibilities = {1:true, 2:true, 3:true, 4:true, 5:true, 6:true, 7:true, 8:true, 9:true};
empty_row = 0;
empty_col = 0;
const row_offset = Math.floor(row/3)*3;
const col_offset = Math.floor(col/3)*3;
// iterate around 3x3 area
for ( let i = 0 + row_offset; i <= 2 + row_offset; i++ ) {
for ( let j = 0 + col_offset; j <= 2 + col_offset; j++ ) {
const value = this.board[i][j];
if ( value === 0 ) {
empty_row = i;
empty_col = j;
} else if ( possibilities[value] ) {
possibilities[value] = false;
} else {
if ( SudokuBoard.squareIsSolved(possibilities) ) {
if ( hint_mode ) {
return new SudokuSquare(empty_row, empty_col);
} else if ( modifyBoard ) {
this.board[empty_row][empty_col] = SudokuBoard.getTrueKey(possibilities);
puzzleIsSolved() {
for ( let i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {
for ( let j = 0; j < 9; j++ ) {
if ( this.board[i][j] === 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
getNumberOfSolutions() {
if ( ! this.puzzleIsValid() ) {
return 0;
if ( this.puzzleIsSolved() ) {
window.alert('Puzzle is already solved');
return 1;
const initialRecursionTracker = new RecursionTracker();
const initialSudoku = new SudokuBoard();
const finalRecursionTracker = this.getSolutionCountRecursively(initialRecursionTracker);
const numberOfSolutions = finalRecursionTracker.getNumberOfSolutions();
const boardsChecked = finalRecursionTracker.getBoardsChecked();
console.log(`Number of solutions: ` + numberOfSolutions);
console.log(`Boards checked: ` + boardsChecked);
// window.alert(`Puzzle has ${numberOfSolutions} solutions`);
return finalRecursionTracker;
getSolutionCountRecursively(recursionTracker) {
// for first recursion, recursionTracker will be
// this.numberOfSolutions = 0;
// this.solutionSudokuList = null;
// this.sudokuToCheck = Sudoku;
// this.boardsChecked = 0;
// No need to clone recursionTracker. Just keep using the same one.
// Benchmark History (with limit set to 50,000)
// 2508ms initially
// 2186ms added/refactored getTrueKey
// 1519ms added/refactored cloneBoard
// 789ms added/refactored squareIsSolved
// 298ms added/refactored setBoard
// 170ms commented out RegEx in get_legal_move
const RECURSION_LIMIT = 500000;
if ( recursionTracker.getNumberOfSolutions() > 500 ) {
return recursionTracker;
if ( recursionTracker.getBoardsChecked() > RECURSION_LIMIT ) {
return recursionTracker;
const currentSudoku = recursionTracker.getSudokuToCheck();
// foreach boardsquare
for ( let square of currentSudoku.getSquaresOnBoard() ) {
// if square is empty
if ( square.getValue() === 0 ) {
// for each possible number 1-9
for ( let i = 1; i <= 9; i++ ) {
if ( recursionTracker.getBoardsChecked() > RECURSION_LIMIT ) {
return recursionTracker;
const row = square.getRow();
const col = square.getCol();
if ( currentSudoku.is_legal_move(row, col, i, false) ) {
// create new Sudoku
let nextSudoku = new SudokuBoard();
const board = SudokuBoard.cloneBoard(currentSudoku.board);
// make move
nextSudoku.make_move(row, col, i);
// console.log(currentSudoku.getString());
if ( nextSudoku.puzzleIsSolved() ) {
// console.log(nextSudoku.getString());
} else {
recursionTracker = this.getSolutionCountRecursively(recursionTracker);
return recursionTracker;
static getTrueKey(array) {
let count = 0;
let trueKey = false;
for ( let key in array ) {
if ( array[key] ) {
trueKey = key;
if ( count === 1 ) {
return parseInt(trueKey);
} else {
return false;
class RecursionTracker {
constructor() {
this.numberOfSolutions = 0;
this.solutionList = [];
this.sudokuToCheck = null;
this.boardsChecked = 0;
this.earlyExit = false;
getNumberOfSolutions() {
return this.solutionList.length;
getInfoString() {
let string = ``;
string += this.getBoardsChecked() + ` Boards Checked\r\n`;
string += this.solutionList.length + ` Solutions Found\r\n`;
if ( this.earlyExit ) {
string += `Recursion Limit Reached. Exited Early.\r\n`;
if ( this.solutionList.length !== 0 ) {
string += `Solutions:\r\n`;
for ( let solutionString of this.solutionList ) {
string += solutionString + `\r\n`;
return string;
getSudokuToCheck() {
return this.sudokuToCheck;
getBoardsChecked() {
return this.boardsChecked;
markEarlyExit() {
this.earlyExit = true;
addSolution(sudoku) {
const sudokuStringToCheck = sudoku.getString();
if ( ! this.solutionList.includes(sudokuStringToCheck) ) {
setSudokuToCheck(sudoku) {
this.sudokuToCheck = sudoku;
incrementBoardsChecked() {
class SudokuSquare {
constructor(row, col, value = 0) {
this.row = parseInt(row);
this.col = parseInt(col);
this.value = parseInt(value);
getSquare() {
return [this.row, this.col];
getRow() {
return this.row;
getCol() {
return this.col;
getValue() {
return this.value;
setValue(row, col) {
this.row = row;
this.col = col;
class SudokuDOM {
static display_board(
change_square_color = true
) {
const board = sudoku_object.get_board();
this.clear_board(sudoku_squares, change_square_color);
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row++ ) {
for ( let col = 0; col < 9; col++ ) {
const input = sudoku_squares[row][col];
input.disabled = false;
if ( board[row][col] != 0 ) {
input.value = board[row][col];
if ( change_square_color ) {
input.disabled = true;
SudokuDOM.display_string(sudoku_object, string_box, sudoku_wiki_link);
static display_string(sudoku_object, string_box, sudoku_wiki_link) {
string_box.value = sudoku_object.getString();
sudoku_wiki_link.href = `` + sudoku_object.getString();
static clear_board(sudoku_squares, change_square_color = true) {
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row++ ) {
for ( let col = 0; col < 9; col++ ) {
sudoku_squares[row][col].value = ``;
if ( change_square_color ) {
static highlight_illegal_move(obj){
}, 2000);
class Helper {
static createArray(length) {
var arr = new Array(length || 0), i = length;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var args =, 1);
while ( i-- ) {
arr[length-1 - i] = Helper.createArray.apply(this, args);
return arr;
// Listeners
window.addEventListener(`DOMContentLoaded`, (e) => {
// DOM elements stored as constants
const sudoku_table = document.getElementById(`sudoku`);
const restart_button = document.getElementById(`restart`);
const import_button = document.getElementById(`import`);
const new_button = document.getElementById(`new`);
const string_box = document.getElementById(`string-box`);
const puzzle_picker = document.getElementById(`puzzle_picker`);
const sudoku_wiki_link = document.getElementById(`sudoku-wiki-link`);
const algorithm = document.getElementById(`algorithm`);
const validate_button = document.getElementById(`validate`);
const consoleBox = document.getElementById(`console`);
const game1 = new SudokuBoard();
const sudoku_squares = Helper.createArray(9,9);
// Store all the Sudoku square <input type=`text`> elements in variables for quick accessing
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row++ ) {
for ( let col = 0; col < 9; col++ ) {
sudoku_squares[row][col] = sudoku_table.rows[row].cells[col].children[0];
for ( let row = 0; row < 9; row++ ) {
for ( let col = 0; col < 9; col++ ) {
sudoku_squares[row][col].addEventListener(`input`, function(e) {`invalid`);`hint`);
// Listen for illegal moves. If illegal, delete input and turn square red for 2 seconds.
if ( ! game1.is_legal_move(row, col, && != `` ) { = ``;
} else {
game1.make_move(row, col,;
SudokuDOM.display_string(game1, string_box, sudoku_wiki_link);
validate_button.addEventListener(`click`, function(e) {
const t1 =;
const recursionTracker = game1.getNumberOfSolutions();
const t2 =;
// TODO: display recursionTracker stuff like # of solutions, strings of the solutions, etc.
document.querySelector(`#algorithm span`).innerHTML = (t2 - t1).toFixed(1); = `block`;
consoleBox.children[0].innerHTML = recursionTracker.getInfoString(); = `block`;
restart_button.addEventListener(`click`, function(e) {
SudokuDOM.display_board(game1, sudoku_squares, string_box, sudoku_wiki_link);
import_button.addEventListener(`click`, function(e) {
const board = window.prompt(`Please enter a sequence of 81 numbers, with 0 representing an empty square.`);
const board_changed = game1.set_board(board);
if ( board_changed ) {
puzzle_picker.selectedIndex = CUSTOM_PUZZLE_SELECTEDINDEX;
SudokuDOM.display_board(game1, sudoku_squares, string_box, sudoku_wiki_link);
puzzle_picker.addEventListener(`change`, function(e) {
if ( puzzle_picker.value === `import` ) {;
} else if ( puzzle_picker.value === `random` ) {;
} else {
SudokuDOM.display_board(game1, sudoku_squares, string_box, sudoku_wiki_link);
// Pick the default puzzle. Trigger the <select>.change listener so the puzzle gets loaded.
// selectedIndex starts from 0
puzzle_picker.selectedIndex = DEFAULT_PUZZLE_SELECTEDINDEX;
puzzle_picker.dispatchEvent(new Event(`change`));
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#console {display:none;}
#console textarea {width:85ch; height:8em;}
.invalid {background-color:red;}
.imported-square {background-color:lightgray;}
.hint {background-color:limegreen;}
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">
<button id="import" class="done">Import</button>
<button id="restart" class="done">Restart</button>
<button id="validate" class="todo">Solve Recursively</button>
<select id="puzzle_picker">
<option value="000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">[Blank Board]</option>
<option value="import">[Import Puzzle]</option>
<option value="custom">[Custom Puzzle]</option>
<option value="123056789467000000580000000600000000700000000800000000000000000200000000300000000">Testing - Process Of Elimination</option>
<option value="080165427145372968726984135871296354964531782532847691213759846497628513658413279">Testing - Solution Count 1</option>
<option value="380160407140370968726980135870296354964501782532847601213059846497028513658403279">Testing - Solution Count 2</option>
<!-- from -->
<option value="080100007000070960026900130000290304960000082502047000013009840097020000600003070">Beginner</option>
<option value="240070038000006070300040600008020700100000006007030400004080009860400000910060002">Intermediate - Last Number In Row, Col, & Box</option>
<option value="246070038000306074370040600008020700100000006007030400004080069860400007910060042">Intermediate - Naked Single</option>
<table id="sudoku">
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<input id="string-box" type="text" />
Or solve this using <a id="sudoku-wiki-link">Sudoku Wiki Solver</a>
<p id="algorithm">
<span></span> ms
<p id="console">