
I'm a very new Haskell programmer, and I've written the following code for loading TSV files. I think it can be improved, but I'm not sure how.

  1. I feel like the giant "do" block in loadData is inelegant, and that there's likely a better way to approach this.
  2. I think I'm trying to avoid the IO monad because I'm not sure how to work with it, but that there's probably a better way to handle mapping parseTSV over the contents of the files.

One note: I'm not super concerned about performance - this will run once at the beginning of my program. I want to load in all the files entirely to build a composite data structure from their contents.

module LanguageMachine (loadData) where

import System.Directory (listDirectory)
import Data.List ((\\), elemIndex)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)

parseTsv :: String -> [(String, Int)]
parseTsv contents = mapMaybe parseLine (lines contents)

parseLine :: String -> Maybe (String, Int)
parseLine line =
    case elemIndex '\t' line of
        Just i ->
                (word, count) = splitAt i line
                Just (word, read count :: Int)
        Nothing -> Nothing

loadData :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [(String, [(String, Int)])]
loadData path exclude = do
    files <- listDirectory path
    let filtered = files \\ exclude
    let prefixed = map ((path ++ "/") ++) filtered
    contents <- traverse readFile prefixed
    let results = map parseTsv contents
    return $ zip filtered results

The files look like this, which are two-value TSV lines of a word and then the number of occurrences of that word:

ARIA    4308
ORE 4208

Thank you!


1 Answer 1


The loadData function looks just fine to me. I don't see a way it could be any more elegant given what it's doing. I do actually like the way you have separated reading the file and parsing it. That's the way to go.

Your concern about "avoiding the IO monad" shouldn't be a concern. On the contrary, that's actually a "best practice", known as "pushing I/O to the boundary". It means that the majority of your program should be pure, and only a thin shell should deal with external world. This way you can easily test and debug the majority of your program.

The only thing I might do is make the last three lines one expression:

traverse readFile prefixed
  <&> map parseTsv
  <&> zip filtered

I find this a bit more readable, but that's just a matter of personal taste.

But the parseLine function could sure use some improvement.

First, the control flow. Look what it's doing: compute a Maybe value, then if it's Just, compute another Maybe value from its contents. That's exactly what "bind" does! This means it can be nicely represented as a do block.

Second, read is a partial function. This means it can fail at runtime if there is a non-number in the file. I understand this probably Should Never Happen™, but you'd be surprised how many things that "should never happen" do, in fact, happen all the time. :-)

But since you're already in the Maybe context, it would be easy to use readMaybe instead, and skip the malformed numbers.

Applying both points:

parseLine line = do
    i <- elemIndex '\t' line
    let (word, strCount) = splitAt i line
    count <- readMaybe strCount
    return (word, count)
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you! The <&> operator is very handy. I'm still getting comfortable thinking in monads, so your feedback is very helpful. \$\endgroup\$ Mar 29, 2020 at 20:44
  • \$\begingroup\$ Glad I could help! \$\endgroup\$ Mar 30, 2020 at 7:42

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