The program was to turn an integer into exact change and uses a bunch of if statements.
Are there steps a beginner like me can do to remove some or is it just how it will be? I can't find anything on it. At least I'm not sure as I'm still in the basic course.
The program is turned in and was fine and this would be for my personal use. I know I may learn this in my classes in time, but I find more direct answers to help more.
change = int(input('')) # receive input from the user
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# This code it so provide exact change using the least amount of coins possible #
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if change > 0: # checks if there is change to provide coins
if change >= 100: #checks if the amount is greater or equal to 100
if (change // 100) != 0: # this is to check if there is change at this point
if (change // 100) > 1: # provide the plural if more than 1
print('{} Dollars'.format(change // 100))
change = (change % 100)
print('{} Dollar'.format(change // 100)) # prints the dollar amount without a float
change = (change % 100) # this leaves the remainder after calculating the amount of change
else: # if there is no change do this
change = (change % 100) # if there no change here there will be no output
if change <= 99: #checks if the amount is lower or equal to 99
if (change // 25) != 0: # this is to check if there is change at this point
if (change // 25) > 1:
print('{} Quarters'.format(change // 25))
change = (change % 25)
print('{} Quarter'.format(change // 25))
change = (change % 25)
change = (change % 25)
if change <= 24: #checks if the amount is lower or equal to 24
if (change // 10) != 0: # this is to check if there is change at this point
if (change // 10) > 1:
print('{} Dimes'.format(change // 10))
change = (change % 10)
print('{} Dime'.format(change // 10))
change = (change % 10)
change = (change % 10)
if change <= 9: #checks if the amount is lower or equal to 9
if (change // 5) != 0: # this is to check if there is change at this point
if (change // 5) > 1:
print('{} Nickels'.format(change // 5))
change = (change % 5)
print('{} Nickel'.format(change // 5))
change = (change % 5)
change = (change % 5)
if change <= 4: #checks if the amount is lower or equal to 4
if (change // 1) != 0: # this is to check if there is change at this point
if (change // 1) > 1:
print('{} Pennies'.format(change // 1))
print('{} Penny'.format(change // 1))
print('No change') # tells the user to fuck off if there is nothing to convert