
The code below is a custom array class that handles indexing, copying, printing, etc. explicitly.
Is there a better approach for specification (declaration and definition) of the assignment operator (with swap function) and the index [] operator?
Furthermore, are there any improvements that can be made to the other methods to improve functionality?

// Overloading operators for Array class

using namespace std;

// A class to represent an integer array
class Array{
    int *ptr;
    int size;
    Array(int *p = NULL, int s = 0);
    Array(const Array&);
    Array& operator= (Array);

    // Overloading [] operator to access elements in array style
    int &operator[] (int);

    // Utility function to print contents
    void print() const;

    friend void swap(Array& first, Array& second);};

// Implementation of [] operator.  This function must return a
// reference as array element can be put on left side
int &Array::operator[](int index){   
    if (index >= size || index < 0){
       throw out_of_range("Index out of Range error");
    return ptr[index];

// constructor for array class
Array::Array(int *p, int s){
    size = s;
    ptr = NULL;
    if (s != 0){
        ptr = new int[s];
        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
            ptr[i] = p[i];}

// destructor for array class
    delete[] ptr;
    ptr = NULL;}

// copy constructor for array class
Array::Array(const Array& A) { 
    size = A.size;
    ptr  = new int[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        ptr[i] = A.ptr[i];}

//swap friend function of assignment operator
void swap(Array& first, Array& second){
    using std::swap;
    swap(first.size, second.size);
    swap(first.ptr, second.ptr);}

//Assignment operator for array class
Array& Array::operator=(Array other){
    swap(*this, other); 
    return *this;}

//print function for array elements
void Array::print() const{
    cout << "{";
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        cout<<ptr[i]<<" ";

// Driver program to test above methods
int main()
    int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
    Array arr1(a, 6);
    arr1[0] = 7;
    Array arr2 = arr1;
    arr1[-1] = 4;
    return 0;

2 Answers 2


This isn't really a code review so much as help on how to get this to compile.

  • Array::Array(int *p = NULL, int s = 0){ default parameters go on the declaration, not the definition.*
  • Array::Array& operator=(Array other){ Qualify the operator with Array::, not the return type. You're not returning an Array::Array**, you're defining the operator= member function of Array
  • void Array::swap(Array& first, Array& second){ swap is not a member of array, it's a friend. Remove the Array::

*This is because the client (caller) to the method needs to know what the defaults are supposed to be, since default parameters are mostly a syntactic shortcut. If you put the defaults into the definition (e.g. a cpp/.o file), a client which includes the header cannot see the definition and thus cannot use them. In other words, there exists no Array::Array() constructor right now, there's only the Array::Array(int *, int), but through C++ magic it can look as though Array::Array() is being called.

** An Array::Array type is impossible because you can't name a child type the same as its parent type. It would be ambiguous with the constructor.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for the feedback! Is it possible to avoid the Aborted (core dumped) message when the out_of_range error is thrown? \$\endgroup\$ Feb 12, 2020 at 23:37
  • \$\begingroup\$ Furthermore, how would one implement a try-catch statement for invalid index values? \$\endgroup\$ Feb 12, 2020 at 23:47
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I would argue that you should not throw an exception on [], but that's debatable. My reasoning is that [] is canonically a dangerous operation in C++, and should be semantically thought of as a dereference of a potentially out-of-bounds address, usable only if you're absolutely certain it will not fail. This type of dangerous operation is integral to C++ since there's no convenient layer below it to handle it better. A method call like GetAt(IndexType) or something might throw by testing the bounds -- not by catching another exception, the class knows whether the argument is valid or not. \$\endgroup\$
    – butt
    Feb 13, 2020 at 0:02

Don't using namespace std; - especially not in a header, where it inflicts the harm on every source that includes the header.

Prefer nullptr to NULL, because the former is more strongly typed.

Use std::size_t for indexing, rather than int.

When overloading operator[], it's usually necessary to provide two versions:

int& operator[](std::size_t);
int const& operator[](std::size_t) const;

Usually, operator[] doesn't throw. Provide a separate "checked" interface if your clients need that as well. That's normally named at().


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