I am trying to merge multiple pandas data-frames that I read from a file. Here is the function I wrote:
def merge_files(args):
list_df = {}
with args.input as data_in:
for line in data_in:
line = line.strip()
df = pd.read_csv(line, sep="\s+")
df.drop_duplicates(inplace = True)
# change second column name (from the file)
df.columns = ["sample", line.split("/")[-4]]
list_df[line.split("/")[-4]] = df
# Merging all the files into one and fill the missing ratio values with 0
df_merged = reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left,right,on=['sample'], how='outer'), list(list_df.values())).fillna(0)
df_merged.to_csv(args.output, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8', index=False)
But this approach consumes too much memory, Is there a better solution?
- The function is called in a script and given args contains input file (contain locations of the csv files one per line) and output file.
The input file contains locations of 20 files each is ~2M in size and contains ~59133 lines.
Using Python 3, Pandas version '0.25.2'
df.columns = ["sample", line.split("/")[-4]]
for? What aboutlist_df[line.split("/")[-4]] = df
? You're repeating the same operation twice in two lines. Can you share what the files look like? \$\endgroup\$