this is my first code review post :) So I wrote this Black Jack game as part of an online Python course and would love some feedback about my coding style and whether or not I have correctly used a 'Pythonic' style in terms of the OOP.
Any general comments are also extremely welcome because I am making a move towards Python as serious commitment and want to follow the standard conventions as closely as possible.
Here is my code. Many thanks
Deck class:
import random
from card import Card
class Deck:
A class for creating a Deck of Cards.
A full deck of 52 cards is created and
can be accessed as a list or as as a string.
Deck exposes a <shuffle> method that will
pseudo-randomly reorganise the list of cards
__card_values = {
'A': 1,
'2': 2,
'3': 3,
'4': 4,
'5': 5,
'6': 6,
'7': 7,
'8': 8,
'9': 9,
'10': 10,
'J': 10,
'Q': 10,
'K': 10,
__suits = ['Clubs', 'Spades', 'Hearts', 'Diamonds']
def __init__(self):
self.__deck = [Card(value + '-' + suit, self.__card_values[value])
for suit in self.__suits
for value in self.__card_values]
def deck(self):
return self.__deck
def deck(self, val):
self.__deck = val
def shuffle(self):
Card class:
class Card:
A class for creating Card objects.
Each Card object has a <face_value>
which denotes the suit and its
value in the Deck. Each Card also
has a <value> which denotes how many
points the Card is worth in the game
def __init__(self, face_value, value):
self.__face_value = face_value
self.__value = value
def face_value(self):
return self.__face_value
def value(self):
return self.__value
def value(self, val):
self.__value = val
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.face_value}'
Hand class
class Hand:
A class for creating a Hand of Cards.
An instance of Hand takes a list of
Card objects as an argument which
becomes the players hand for a single
round. The <take_card> method adds a
new card to the hand
def __init__(self, cards):
self.__cards = cards
def take_card(self, card):
def cards(self):
return self.__cards
def __str__(self):
card_string = ''
for card in
card_string += card.face_value + '\n'
return card_string
Actor class
class Actor:
Super class for creating game
participants, namely the Dealer and
the human Player. An Actor must have
a Hand and the human Actor must have
some chips in order to play. <chips>
is set to 0 by default so the Dealer
will not have any. This class has 2
abstract methods; <lose_bet> and
<win_bet>. Each method effects the
number of chips the Actor has. (For
the Dealer, these methods will simply
def __init__(self, hand=None, chips=0, score=0):
self.__hand = hand
self.__chips = chips
self.__score = score
def hand(self):
return self.__hand
def hand(self, val):
self.__hand = val
def chips(self):
return self.__chips
def chips(self, val):
self.__chips = val
def score(self):
return self.__score
def score(self, val):
self.__score = val
def lost_bet(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must inherit this abstract method")
def won_bet(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must inherit this abstract method")
class Dealer(Actor):
def lost_bet(self):
def won_bet(self):
class Player(Actor):
def lost_bet(self, val):
self.chips -= val
def won_bet(self, val):
self.chips += val
import random
import functools
from deck import Deck
from hand import Hand
from actor import Dealer, Player
def deal_cards(limit, max_cards):
cards = [random.randint(0, limit) for _ in range(0, max_cards)]
while True:
if len(set(cards)) != len(cards):
cards = [random.randint(0, limit) for _ in range(0, max_cards)]
return cards
def remove_cards_from_deck(deck, cards):
for i in cards:
return deck
def calc_score(player, cards):
card_values = [card.value for card in cards]
score = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, card_values)
if score <= 11:
for value in card_values:
if value == 1 and (score + 10) <= 21:
score += 10
return score
def hit(deck, player):
cards = deal_cards(len(deck)-1, 1)
new_card = deck[cards[0]]
player.score = calc_score(player,
deck = remove_cards_from_deck(deck, cards)
return deck
def display_data(dealer, player, player_bet):
print('\nDealer\'s hand:')
print('\nPlayers hand:')
print(f'Current bet: {player_bet}')
player.score = calc_score(player,
print(f'Player Score: {player.score}')
dealer.score = calc_score(dealer,
def has_won(dealer, player):
print('\nDealers Hand:')
print(f"Dealer score: {dealer.score}")
print(f"Player score: {player.score}")
if player.score > 21:
print('\nBust, you loose... boho')
return False
elif player.score <= 21 and player.score > dealer.score or (dealer.score > 21 and player.score <= 21):
print('\nCongrats Player, you won!!')
return True
print('\nSorry Player, house wins... haha')
return False
def start_game(dealer, player, player_bet):
new_deck = Deck()
cards = deal_cards(len(new_deck.deck)-1, 4)
dealer_hand = Hand([new_deck.deck[cards[1]],
player_hand = Hand([new_deck.deck[cards[0]],
new_deck.deck = remove_cards_from_deck(new_deck.deck, cards)
dealer.hand = dealer_hand
player.hand = player_hand
player.score = 0
dealer.score = 0
display_data(dealer, player, player_bet)
while player.score <= 21:
choice = input('\nHit or Stick? (H/S) ')
if choice.lower() == 'h':
new_deck.deck = hit(new_deck.deck, player)
display_data(dealer, player, player_bet)
if choice.lower() == 's':
while dealer.score <= 17:
new_deck.deck = hit(new_deck.deck, dealer)
if dealer.score <= 17:
new_deck.deck = hit(new_deck.deck, dealer)
except Exception:
print('What are you playing at?')
if has_won(dealer, player):
def run():
print('\t\n==================== Welcome to the Black Jack Casino ====================\n')
1. Aces are worth 1 or 11
2. Numbered cards are worth their value
3. Picture cards are worth 10
4. The closest to 21 between you and the dealer is the winner
5. If you go over 21 you loose
6. You can only see one of the dealer's cards
7. 'Hit' to take another card
8. 'Stick' to keep what you have and compare with the dealer
9. If you and the dealer have the same score which is less than or equal to 21,
the house still wins
10. Good luck!!\n
while True:
player_chips = int(input('How many chips do you want to buy? '))
except Exception:
print('Don\'t muck me about...\n')
cash_out = False
dealer = Dealer()
player = Player()
player.chips = player_chips
aces = {'A-Clubs', 'A-Hearts', 'A-Diamonds', 'A-Spades'}
while not cash_out and player.chips > 0:
print(f'Chips: {player.chips}')
player_bet = int(input('Place a bet: '))
if player_bet > player.chips:
print('You don\'t have the readies mate...\n')
start_game(dealer, player, player_bet)
if (player.chips != 0):
quit = input('\nYou want to continue? (Y/N) ')
if quit.lower() == 'n':
cash_out = True
except Exception:
print('Don\'t talk rubbish...\n')
except Exception:
print('Don\'t waste my time...\n')
play_again = input('\nFancy another game? (Y/N) ')
if play_again.lower() == 'y':
print('Next time then sucker...')
except Exception:
print('Don\'t talk rubbish...')
supposed to bepass
, or have you not implemented that yet? \$\endgroup\$NotImplementedError
. Coming from Java myself, it's understandable that you want subclasses to inherit all methods from a super class. This isn't always the case in Python. Since only one class actually uses these two methods,Player
can have these methods in that class, instead of inheriting fromActor
. \$\endgroup\$