If you buy something from our facility, you will get a box with a shipping label on it. The two main numbers it will have are a FedEx tracking number and a carton number. For cartons that are not already in a manifested or invoiced status within our warehouse management system, it is necessary to check the FedEx website to determine if a carton has left our building. The statuses that I would be looking for on the FedEx website are "picked up", "in-transit", and "delivered".
The FedEx website categorizes tracking numbers in various sections depending on status. In June 2019, while looking at the html elements, there were 19 sections. To clarify, if you have a list of numbers you're looking up, the website takes the tracking numbers out of order, so as you're comparing your list with the website, you're scrolling up and down constantly trying to figure out which section the number is in. In most of my usage, there were only 2-3 sections used, but it still required constant up and down comparing back and forth. Ok, so you have the status on the website, you match that 10+ digit long tracking number with the one on your list, then you can highlight the associated carton number. The carton number that is in-transit is what we need, so we can process the carton number.
Another issue is the FedEx website only allows you to paste in 30 tracking numbers at time. So, if you're doing this manually for 1000 tracking numbers, you must somehow break up your list into 30 chunks at a time, then paste them into the website, do your looking back and forth comparing exercise, then do that 33 more times. That is going to take a long time, and due to nature of the process and length of the numbers, it will be very error-prone. You might even give up, because it’s so tedious.
I had a column of FedEx tracking numbers. In another column, I had a list of the associated carton numbers. My goal was to have a third column show the FedEx status. On that third column, I applied conditional formatting of green fill color to highlight text containing “picked up", "in-transit", "delivered". I could then filter on the green color, and I would have a list of carton numbers that had left the building. That was the end of my coding. From there, I could take that list and paste it into our warehouse management system to do the necessary processing.
Short walkthrough:
Start off on shData (1.User Input) by pasting in the tracking & carton numbers like so:
The code will generate links where each link concatenates up to 30 tracking numbers together, like so:
The code will loop through the links, opening up Internet Explorer, Ctrl+A (selecting all), and Ctrl+C (copy), then return to shPastes(3. Pastes) and paste the results. Some filtering will occur, as to not grab all the unnecessary text.
Finally, in shStatus (4. Status), the filtered pastes will form into a table, and an index match will show the associated carton. A green filter on the status column will only show cartons in-transit, like so:
A few notes
This is my first time posting. I've been programming in VBA for less than a year. I'm a beginner. I don't know how to do arrays. Error handling is new for me. I have RubberDuck installed. This code is actually a re-write of my original, which was awful code, but it worked and saved me a ton of time at work.
I could have used XMLHTTPRequests to grab element id's, but there were too many possible status sections to mess around with, and if the site changed at all, the code might stop working.
I'm looking for a critique, so I can improve further. Thanks for your time.
Worksheet Codename: shData
Option Explicit
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Private Sub StartTrackingButton_Click()
If DoSimpleChecks = "Not Ready" Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Function DoSimpleChecks() As String
DoSimpleChecks = vbNullString
'//Check if data has been pasted
With shData
If .Range("A2").Value = vbNullString Or .Range("B2").Value = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Please paste in the following data:" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "TRACKING number into A2" & vbNewLine & "CARTON number into B2", vbInformation, "Required Data"
DoSimpleChecks = "Not Ready"
DoSimpleChecks = "Ready"
End If
End With
End Function
'@Ignore ProcedureNotUsed
Private Sub ClearOldDataButton_Click()
Call ClearSheetDataForNewUse
End Sub
Private Sub ClearSheetDataForNewUse()
With shData
.Range("A1").Value = "Paste Tracking"
.Range("B1").Value = "Paste Carton"
'//Move the cursor here for the user to begin pasting here
End With
End Sub
Form: ProgressIndicatorForm
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Call TopMost
End Sub
Module: m_fedex_tracking
Attribute VB_Name = "m_fedex_tracking"
Option Explicit
Private Enum DataColumns
[Paste Tracking] = 1 'A
[Paste Carton] = 2 'B
[Trimmed Tracking] = 3 'C
[Concat Links] = 4 'D
End Enum
End Enum
Public Sub TopMost()
On Error GoTo CleanFail
Dim beginSeconds As Single
beginSeconds = Timer()
Call LudicrousMode(True)
Call FormatColumnsAthruD
Call TrimTextofTracking
Call ConcatenateTrackingIntoLinks
Call FilterForOnlyLinksAndPasteToSheetLinks
Call LoopOpenIEandSelectAllCopyPaste
Call SetEntireRangeOfResultingPastes
Call CopyFilteredPastesToStatusesSheet
Call CreateTableofStatuses
Call CreateTableForTrackingCartonLookup
Call IndexMatchToGetAssociatedCarton
Call SetConditionalFormattingStatusColumnofStatusSheet
Call FormatColumnWidthsOfStatusSheet
Call FilterResultsOfStatusSheet
Call TakeUserHereAtTheEnd
Call LudicrousMode(False)
Unload ProgressIndicatorForm
Dim endSeconds As Single
endSeconds = Timer()
MsgBox "Time taken to complete:" & vbNewLine & endSeconds - beginSeconds & " seconds", vbInformation, vbNullString
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
Resume CleanExit
End Sub
Private Sub LudicrousMode(ByVal Toggle As Boolean)
'Adjusts Excel settings for faster VBA processing
'Code from here:
Application.ScreenUpdating = Not Toggle
Application.EnableEvents = Not Toggle
Application.DisplayAlerts = Not Toggle
Application.EnableAnimations = Not Toggle
Application.DisplayStatusBar = Not Toggle
Application.Calculation = IIf(Toggle, xlCalculationManual, xlCalculationAutomatic)
End Sub
Private Sub FormatColumnsAthruD()
Const HEADER_ROW_NUM As Long = 1
'//Format columns A:C as text, not D, because I might want it to be a clickable link in the future
shData.Columns("A:C").NumberFormat = "@"
'//If there is old generated data, clear it
'TODO: Take a look whether using private enum for columns is even necessary for this project scope with such few headers _
it was mainly done this way because I had never used private enums before.
'//Re-write the column headers of the cleared columns
shData.Cells(HEADER_ROW_NUM, DataColumns.[Trimmed Tracking]).Value = "Trimmed Tracking"
shData.Cells(HEADER_ROW_NUM, DataColumns.[Concat Links]).Value = "Concat Links"
End Sub
Private Function GetLastDataRow(ByVal xlSheet As Worksheet, Optional ByVal columnLetter As String = "A") As Long
'Function obtained from here:
'RubberDuck inspection quacks: "Argument with incompatible object type" every time the function is used, but no errors are present when running the code.
'//a worksheet's codename is passed to xlSheet;
GetLastDataRow = xlSheet.Range(columnLetter & xlSheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
End Function
Private Sub TrimTextofTracking()
Dim lastPasteTrackingRow As Long
lastPasteTrackingRow = GetLastDataRow(shData, "A")
'//Use trim function to remove leading or trailing spaces, otherwise it will mess up lookups; _
write to a new column
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 To lastPasteTrackingRow
With shData
.Cells(i, DataColumns.[Trimmed Tracking]).Value = WorksheetFunction.Trim(.Cells(i, DataColumns.[Paste Tracking]))
End With
Next i
'shData.Columns(DataColumns.[Trimmed Tracking]).EntireColumn.AutoFit
End Sub
Private Sub ConcatenateTrackingIntoLinks()
Const PREFIX_FOR_FEDEX_LINK As String = ""
Const SUFFIX_FOR_FEDEX_LINK As String = "&cntry_code=us&locale=en_US"
'//This does not include the 1st tracking number at the start of each range. _
If included, it would equal 30, which is the max number of tracking numbers that can be concatenated into a link, set by
Const ADD_TO_FIRST_STRING As Long = 29
'//First tracking number of link2 is 30 numbers after the first tracking number of link1
'Link1inD2 = C2:C31
'Link2inD32 = C32:C61
Dim lastTrimmedRow As Long
lastTrimmedRow = GetLastDataRow(shData, "C")
'//Ideally 30 Tracking numbers concatenated to form a link, then for example:& _
tracking1-30 = link1; tracking 31-60 = link 2; etc.
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 To lastTrimmedRow Step ROWS_BETWEEN_GENERATED_LINKS
shData.Cells(i, DataColumns.[Concat Links]).Value = PREFIX_FOR_FEDEX_LINK & _
concatRange(shData.Range("C" & i & ":C" & i + ADD_TO_FIRST_STRING), ",") & _
Next i
End Sub
Public Function concatRange(ByVal myRange As Range, ByVal mySeperator As String) As String
'Code came from some website
Dim cell As Range
Dim currentRange As String
Dim r As String
currentRange = vbNullString
For Each cell In myRange
If cell.Value <> vbNullString Then
r = cell.Value & mySeperator
currentRange = currentRange & r
End If
Next cell
currentRange = Left$(currentRange, Len(currentRange) - Len(mySeperator))
concatRange = currentRange
End Function
Private Sub FilterForOnlyLinksAndPasteToSheetLinks()
'//Filter column, no blanks
shData.Range("D1").AutoFilter Field:=4, criteria1:="<>", Operator:=xlFilterValues
'//Get range & copy
Dim lastConcatLinksRow As Long
lastConcatLinksRow = GetLastDataRow(shData, "A")
shData.Range("D2", "D" & lastConcatLinksRow).Copy
'//Paste selection to new sheet
'//Remove filter
'//Exit out of cut/copy mode
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Private Sub ClearAndFormatSheetPastesAsText()
With shPastes
.Cells.NumberFormat = "@"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub LoopOpenIEandSelectAllCopyPaste()
Call ClearAndFormatSheetPastesAsText
With shPastes
'//Set the first place to begin pasting; This has to be here for the rest of the sub to work.
End With
Dim lastLinkRow As Long
lastLinkRow = GetLastDataRow(shLinks, "C")
Dim IEbrowser As Object
Set IEbrowser = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Dim linkRow As Long
For linkRow = 1 To lastLinkRow
With IEbrowser
.Visible = True
.Navigate (shLinks.Cells(linkRow, "C"))
'//Wait for page to finish loading
'//this additional wait is necessary on FedEx website to ensure page is fully loaded
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:04"))
'// SelectAll (Ctrl+A)
.ExecWB 17, 0
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
'// Copy selection (Ctrl+C)
.ExecWB 12, 2
End With
'//Paste as Match destination formatting & _
FormatHTML, but with no HTMLFormatting is absolutely necessary for pasting from FedEx tracking website & _
because it keeps necessary table formatting. Tracking no., status, etc. are each kept in same row but separate columns, & _
which makes it possible to filter the results. Pasting as text or values does not work!
With shPastes
.PasteSpecial Format:="HTML", link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, NoHTMLFormatting:=True
'//Set starting point for next paste
.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
End With
'//' _
if there are 10 links, it will show 10% complete after the 1st link
Dim percentComplete As Single
percentComplete = (linkRow / lastLinkRow) * 100
progress percentComplete
Next linkRow
Set IEbrowser = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SetEntireRangeOfResultingPastes()
'//Find position of last cell
Dim lastPastesRow As Long
lastPastesRow = GetLastDataRow(shPastes, "A")
'TODO: redo this particular lastColumn variable to get rid of ActiveCell
Dim lastColumn As Long
lastColumn = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).column
'//Set range
Dim EntireRangeOfPastes As Range
Set EntireRangeOfPastes = shPastes.Range("A1", shPastes.Cells(lastPastesRow, lastColumn))
'//Filter range on Column A ascending (A to Z), so the tracking numbers are at the top
EntireRangeOfPastes.Sort key1:=shPastes.Range("A1"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo
'//Remove duplicates on Column A
shPastes.Range("A1", shPastes.Cells(lastPastesRow, lastColumn)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo
End Sub
Private Sub CopyFilteredPastesToStatusesSheet()
'//Find position of last cell
Dim lastPastesRow As Long
lastPastesRow = GetLastDataRow(shPastes, "A")
'TODO: redo this particular lastColumn variable to get rid of ActiveCell
Dim lastColumn As Long
lastColumn = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).column
'//Set range
Dim filteredPastes As Range
Set filteredPastes = shPastes.Range("A1", shPastes.Cells(lastPastesRow, lastColumn))
'//Clear entire sheet, where I will be pasting to, along with clearing any conditional formatting
With shStatus
.Columns.Range("B:B", "B:B").NumberFormat = "@"
End With
'//Copy & Paste
With shStatus
.Range("A1").Value = "Carton"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CreateTableofStatuses()
'//Since I have a lookup in column Z (column 26), & _
Set this first table to have a max of 10 columns ending in column J, so there isn't a possiblity of a table overlap error
'//Get position of lastTrackingRow
Dim lastTrackingRow As Long
lastTrackingRow = GetLastDataRow(shStatus, "B")
'//Create Table
shStatus.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, shStatus.Range("A1", shStatus.Cells(lastTrackingRow, FIRST_TABLE_LAST_COLUMN)), , xlYes).Name = "tbl_FedEx"
With shStatus
'// Write/Overwrite Headers for first few columns in case there are no cartons with status found
.Range("A1").Value = "Carton"
.Range("B1").Value = "Tracking No. or Nickname"
.Range("C1").Value = "Status"
.Range("D1").Value = "Scheduled Delivery Date"
.Range("E1").Value = "Ship Date"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CreateTableForTrackingCartonLookup()
'Copying the range from shData to shStatus seems unnecessary, but if I want, I can make a copy of shStatus and rename it or move it to another workbook for historical and sharing purposes. _
Sharing a single worksheet with all the info on it is easiest.
'//Set range of first four columns
Dim trackingCartonLookup As Range
Set trackingCartonLookup = shData.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
'//Copy & paste range far enough from the first table
'//Find position of last cell in range
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = shStatus.Range("Z1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Dim lastColumn As Long
lastColumn = shStatus.Cells(1, shStatus.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).column
'//Create Table
shStatus.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, shStatus.Range("Z1", shStatus.Cells(lastRow, lastColumn)), , xlYes).Name = "tbl_trackingCarton"
End Sub
Private Sub IndexMatchToGetAssociatedCarton()
Const DOUBLE_QUOTE As String = """"
'//To display a message upon N/A, replace vbNullString with "text" (including the " " around text)
On Error GoTo CleanFail
With shStatus
'//Index Match
.Range("A2").Value = "=IFNA(INDEX(tbl_trackingCarton,MATCH([@[Tracking No. or Nickname]],tbl_trackingCarton[Trimmed Tracking],0),2)," & EXPLANATION_IF_NA & ")"
'//To prevent error, Autofill down--only if the table has enough rows
If .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count > MINIMUM_TABLE_ROWS Then
.Range("A2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("tbl_FedEx[Carton]")
End If
End With
'@Ignore LineLabelNotUsed
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 1004 Then
'// Win 7 32-bit, Excel 2010 32-bit VBA 6.5 gave this error until I changed the formula to this
shStatus.Range("A2").Value = "=INDEX(tbl_trackingCarton,MATCH(tbl_FedEx[[#This Row],[Tracking No. or Nickname]],tbl_trackingCarton[Trimmed Tracking],0),2)"
MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
GoTo Continue
End Sub
Private Sub SetConditionalFormattingStatusColumnofStatusSheet()
Const COLOR_GRANNY_APPLE As Long = 13561798 'Same as the Style "Good" fill color
Dim statusColumn As Range
Set statusColumn = shStatus.Range("tbl_FedEx[Status]")
With statusColumn.FormatConditions.Add(xlTextString, TextOperator:=xlContains, String:="Picked Up")
With .Interior
.PatternColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
End With
End With
With statusColumn.FormatConditions.Add(xlTextString, TextOperator:=xlContains, String:="In transit")
With .Interior
.PatternColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
End With
End With
With statusColumn.FormatConditions.Add(xlTextString, TextOperator:=xlContains, String:="Delivered")
With .Interior
.PatternColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
End With
End With
End Sub
Private Sub FormatColumnWidthsOfStatusSheet()
With shStatus
'//Resize columns 'Carton', 'Tracking', & 'Status'
.Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 26
.Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 26
.Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 26
'//Autofit 'Paste Tracking', 'Paste Carton', & 'Trimmed Tracking' columns
.Range("Z:Z", "AB:AB").EntireColumn.AutoFit
End With
End Sub
Private Sub FilterResultsOfStatusSheet()
Const COLOR_GRANNY_APPLE As Long = 13561798
With shStatus
'//Filter out the blanks in column 1 - disabled for now
'.ListObjects("tbl_FedEx").Range.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="<>"
'//Filter on the green color
.ListObjects("tbl_FedEx").Range.AutoFilter Field:=3, criteria1:=COLOR_GRANNY_APPLE, Operator:=xlFilterCellColor
End With
End Sub
Private Sub TakeUserHereAtTheEnd()
With shStatus
'//Navigate the user here to view the results
End With
End Sub
Private Sub progress(ByVal percentComplete As Single)
'Progress indicator code from here:
ProgressIndicatorForm.Text.Caption = percentComplete & "% Completed"
ProgressIndicatorForm.Bar.Width = percentComplete * 2
End Sub