
I wrote the following snipet code within Cumulocity platform.


must be in a separate thread. What is your an opinion about my code. is there any need for optimization? Thanks

LinkedList<CompletableFuture<Void>> asyncThreads = new LinkedList<CompletableFuture<Void>>();
        CompletableFuture<Iterable<ManagedObjectRepresentation>> response = new CompletableFuture<>();

        subscriptions.runForEachTenant(() -> {
            String tenant = subscriptions.getTenant();
            asyncThreads.add(CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
                subscriptions.runForTenant(tenant, () -> {
                    Iterable<ManagedObjectRepresentation> objects = inventoryApi
                    if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(objects)) {

            })); // end of runAsync()

        boolean allThreadsAreDone = true;
        do { // until all threads are done ...
            try {
                return response.get(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // wait for first result
            } catch (TimeoutException e) {
                // device with UUID Not found in time

                // check all threads are done/closed/stopped in all fashions
                allThreadsAreDone = true;
                for (int i = 0; allThreadsAreDone && i < asyncThreads.size(); i++) {
                    allThreadsAreDone = asyncThreads.get(i).isDone();
            } catch (ExecutionException execExc) {
                logger.error("Error on lookup: " + execExc.getLocalizedMessage());
            } catch (InterruptedException interExc) {
                logger.error("Error on lookup: " + interExc.getLocalizedMessage());

        } while (!allThreadsAreDone);

I want to optimize the last path of the code:

boolean allThreadsAreDone = true;
    do { // until all threads are done ...
        try {
            return response.get(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // wait for first result
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
            // device with UUID Not found in time

            // check all threads are done/closed/stopped in all fashions
            allThreadsAreDone = true;
            for (int i = 0; allThreadsAreDone && i < asyncThreads.size(); i++) {
                allThreadsAreDone = asyncThreads.get(i).isDone();
        } catch (ExecutionException execExc) {
            logger.error("Error on lookup: " + execExc.getLocalizedMessage());
        } catch (InterruptedException interExc) {
            logger.error("Error on lookup: " + interExc.getLocalizedMessage());

    } while (!allThreadsAreDone);
  • \$\begingroup\$ What does subscriptions::runForEachTenant do? Executes a Runnable? Naming suggests it should execute a Function or a Consumer of tenant. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 18, 2020 at 20:09
  • \$\begingroup\$ @AndreyLebedenko yes, it executes Runnable \$\endgroup\$
    – Fortran
    Commented Feb 5, 2020 at 14:25

2 Answers 2


I have one advice, but since the code is not compiling, it's a bit hard to make a proper review.

Instead of using an java.util.LinkedList, I suggest that you use the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService to handle the threads and use it to check the end of the threads.

        ExecutorService taskExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);

        CompletableFuture<Iterable<ManagedObjectRepresentation>> response = new CompletableFuture<>();

        subscriptions.runForEachTenant(() -> {
            String tenant = subscriptions.getTenant();
            taskExecutor.execute(CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
                subscriptions.runForTenant(tenant, () -> {
                    Iterable<ManagedObjectRepresentation> objects = inventoryApi

                    if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(objects)) {


        try {
            taskExecutor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {


        // The threads are finished.

Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1250643/how-to-wait-for-all-threads-to-finish-using-executorservice

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ If the code does not compile it's off topic and shouldn't be answered \$\endgroup\$
    – dustytrash
    Commented Jan 17, 2020 at 16:19
  • \$\begingroup\$ it is not possible to show you the whole code ;) \$\endgroup\$
    – Fortran
    Commented Jan 20, 2020 at 6:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ Calling taskExecutor.execute(CompletableFuture.runAsync( does not make much sense, since CompletableFuture.runAsync in this case we use ForkJoin internally. Instead pass an executor as a second parameter of CompletableFuture.runAsync itself. The number of threads in executor is also an open question. Also, in case of multiple parallel calls to this block, it may quickly end up in resource starvation, due to multiple executors competing for processor. Therefore it is better to pass an executor as a parameter from outside of the block, and don't shut it down. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 7, 2020 at 13:27
  • \$\begingroup\$ Also taskExecutor.execute requires Runnable docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/… \$\endgroup\$
    – Fortran
    Commented Feb 11, 2020 at 13:06

The second loop do...while can be replaced by

    asyncThreads.forEach(cf -> cf.join()); // blocks until all CompletableFutures join in any order.

Though those are not threads, per say, they are CompletableFutures.


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