(repost: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59665338/censoring-words-in-lua#comment105491094_59665338, as advised)
Im currently making a discord censor bot for my friend, and I was wondering if anyone with experience could help me, or if theres an easier way to complete my code.
local BadWords = {
client:on('messageCreate', function(msg)
Msg = msg.content
local msgs = string.split(Msg,' ')
for i,v in pairs(msgs) do
if BadWords[v:lower()] then
embed = {
fields = {
{name = "Bad Word",value=v,inline = true},
color = discordia.Color.fromRGB(114, 137, 218).value,
--footer = os.time(),
--msg:reply(('Blacklisted word: %s'):format(v))
if BadWords[i] or BadWords[v] then
msg:reply(('Blacklisted word: %s'):format(v))
There's nothing wrong with it, nor is it complete but my idea was to split, or concatenate all the words they send respectively, mutate into all versions of the word (i.e. farm, f4rm, type shit) and then checking the BadWord list.
Mostly what I was wondering was if there's a more efficient way to do this, or if I just gotta do what I gotta do
as a bad word since it is followed by a comma. This is because you are splitting the string at spaces and you further assume that everything between these spaces is a word. \$\endgroup\$