I'm parsing out specific values on web pages with BeautifulSoup. However, since I'm using RegEx, my program is taking forever to run. Would love ideas on how to speed this up.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import datetime
import json
from progressbar import progressbar
import pdb
import pickle
import re
class Listing():
def __init__(self, custom_name, **entries):
self.custom_name = custom_name
self.date_accessed = datetime.datetime.today()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.custom_name)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.custom_name == other.custom_name
def __repr__(self):
return self.custom_name
def list_to_dict(rlist):
# QUEST: There are multiple colons in many of the entries. I couldn't
# figure out how to use re.split where it only split the first occurence
# so instead I replace only the first occurence and then split that new str
list_with_replace_str = [re.sub(":", ":REPLACE", e, 1) for e in rlist]
temp_dict = dict(f.split(":REPLACE") for f in list_with_replace_str)
clean_dict = {}
for key in temp_dict.keys():
clean_key = key.strip()
clean_value = temp_dict[key].strip()
clean_dict[clean_key] = clean_value
return clean_dict
def parse_listings(listing_objs):
def parse_financials_div(financials_soup, listing_obj):
financials_text = financials_soup.text
financials_list = financials_text.split("\r\n")[:-1]
financials_dict = list_to_dict(financials_list)
not_included = []
for key in financials_dict:
if "*" in financials_dict[key]:
financials_dict["notIncluded"] = not_included
for key in financials_dict:
financials_dict[key] = int(
re.sub("[^0-9]", "", financials_dict[key]))
except Exception:
return financials_dict
except Exception as e:
print(f"error {e}")
def parse_details_div(details_soup, listing_obj):
details_tag_list = details_soup.contents
details_str = " ".join([str(element)
for element in details_tag_list])
details_list = details_str.split("<dt>")[1:]
strs_to_tags = [BeautifulSoup(detail, "html.parser")
for detail in details_list]
details_text = [tag.text for tag in strs_to_tags]
details_dict = list_to_dict(details_text)
return details_dict
except Exception as e:
print(f"error {e}")
def parse_category(product_json_soup, listing_obj):
product_json_str = product_json_soup.contents[0].replace(
"\r", "").replace("\n", "")
product_json_str = product_json_str.replace(
"\'", "").replace('\\"', '').replace("\t", "")
product_dict = json.loads(product_json_str)
category_str = product_dict["category"]
category_list = category_str.split(">")
category_list = [category.strip() for category in category_list]
listing_obj.category = {}
listing_obj.category["parent_category"] = category_list[0]
listing_obj.category["sub_category"] = category_list[1]
except Exception:
listing_obj.category["sub_category"] = "Not Present"
def parse_address(address_json_soup, listing_obj):
address_json_str = address_json_soup.contents[0].replace(
"\r", "").replace("\n", "")
address_json_str = address_json_str.replace(
"\'", "").replace('\\"', '').replace("\t", "")
address_dict = json.loads(address_json_str)
listing_obj.address = address_dict["address"]
# Parse available listing fields into a dict
print("Parse financials and details for listings")
for listing_obj in progressbar(listing_objs):
index = listing_objs.index(listing_obj)
length = len(listing_objs)
soup = BeautifulSoup(listing_obj.response_text, "html.parser")
# Parse category
category_json_pattern = re.compile(r"\"@type\" : \"Product\"")
category_json_soup = soup.find(
"script", {"type": "application/ld+json"}, text=category_json_pattern)
if category_json_soup:
parse_category(category_json_soup, listing_obj)
# Parse address
address_json_pattern = re.compile(r"LocalBusiness")
address_json_soup = soup.find(
"script", {"type": "application/ld+json"}, text=address_json_pattern)
if address_json_soup:
parse_address(address_json_soup, listing_obj)
# Price details
financials_span_pattern = re.compile(r"Asking Price:")
financials_span_soup = soup.find(
"span", text=financials_span_pattern)
if financials_span_soup:
financials_soup = financials_span_soup.parent.parent.parent.parent
financials_dict = parse_financials_div(
financials_soup, listing_obj)
listing_obj.financials = financials_dict
f"Financials not present #{index} of {length} {listing_obj.url}")
# Listing Details
details_soup = soup.find("dl", {"class": "listingProfile_details"})
if details_soup:
details_dict = parse_details_div(details_soup, listing_obj)
listing_obj.details = details_dict
except Exception as e:
print(f"error {e}")
def run_listing_calculations(listing_obj):
# All in price
extra_costs = 0
price = listing_obj.financials["Asking Price"]
for item in listing_obj.financials["notIncluded"]:
if "Real Estate" not in item:
extra_costs += listing_obj.financials[item]
if isinstance(price, int):
all_in_price = listing_obj.financials["Asking Price"] + extra_costs
all_in_price = listing_obj.financials["Asking Price"]
listing_obj.financials["allInPrice"] = all_in_price
# Multiple
all_in_price = listing_obj.financials["allInPrice"]
cashflow = listing_obj.financials["Cash Flow"]
listing_obj.financials["Multiple"] = all_in_price / cashflow
except Exception:
listing_obj.financials["Multiple"] = "N/A"
def parse_listings_from_pkl():
with open("/Users/work/Dropbox/Projects/Working Data/bizbuysell/listings20191231.pkl", "rb") as infile:
listing_objs = pickle.load(infile)
print("Validate listing responses")
listing_resp_validated = []
for listing_obj in progressbar(listing_objs):
if "Soup test failed" not in listing_obj.response_text:
except Exception:
print("Perform listing calculations")
for listing_obj in progressbar(listing_resp_validated):
financials_present = hasattr(listing_obj, "financials")
if financials_present:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here's a link to the .pkl
file needed to run this.
Here's a gist with the example HTML response and product_json_soup
is undefined in your code. Add more context and post a testablecategory_json_soup
content \$\endgroup\$cProfile
for the larger program to the gist. Let me know if that helps. I could put in the entire function, but it's more or less just tweaks on this, and it seems there
operations take the longest. \$\endgroup\$