It's still a working process. There are still things I would like to add, and if you have any critiques or ideas they would be greatly appreciated!
I would like to know if my code is readable.
import os
import webbrowser
import subprocess
import speech_recognition as sr
import json
from time import sleep
from difflib import get_close_matches
# defining functions that are used
def reload_files():
""" Order is: files, directories,then paths."""
found_files = []
found_dirs = []
found_paths = []
for paths, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
found_files += files
found_dirs += dirs
found_paths += paths
return found_files, found_dirs, found_paths
def find_path(file):
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
for f in files:
if f == file:
return os.path.join(path, file)
for d in dirs:
if d == file:
return os.path.join(path, file)
def file_search(file):
return get_close_matches(file, current_files, cutoff=0.4)[0]
def dir_search(directory):
requested_dir = get_close_matches(directory, current_dirs, cutoff=0.4)[0]
dir_list = []
# Iterating through the directory that was declared before.
for dirs in os.listdir(find_path(requested_dir)):
if os.path.isdir(find_path(dirs)):
dir_list.append("{}/{}".format(requested_dir, dirs))
if len(get_close_matches(directory, dir_list, cutoff=0.4)) == 0:
return find_path(requested_dir)
return get_close_matches(directory, dir_list, cutoff=0.4)[0]
print('Could not find directory "{}"!'.format(directory))
def exe(command):
duckurl = ""
command = command.lower()
order = command.split()[0]
if order == "search":
website = command.split()[1]
# if command.split()[1] in websites then it will search the website
# instead of googling it.
if website in websites:"{}{} {}".format(duckurl, websites[website], command[command.index(command.split()[2]):]))
return True
else: + command[command.index(command.split()[1]):])
return True
elif "play directory" in command:
combined_dir = dir_search(command[command.index(command.split()[2]):])
for paths, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
if combined_dir in paths:
os.system("vlc {}".format(paths))
return True
elif order == "play":
#this will play movies
file = file_search(command[command.index(command.split()[1]):])["xdg-open",find_path(file)])
return True
elif order == "run":
return True
elif order == "add":
# The second letter will be the webbsite third will be the bang
website_bang = {command.split()[1]: "!" + command.split()[2]}
with open("websites.json", "w") as websites_json:
json.dump(websites, websites_json)
return True
elif order == "refresh" or order == "reload":
print("{}ing files...".format(order.capitalize()))
global current_files, current_dirs, current_subs
current_files, current_dirs, current_subs = reload_files()
return True
print('Could not recognize command "{}"!'.format(command))
return False
# speech recognition
def listening():
with sr.Microphone() as sauce:
audio = r.listen(sauce, timeout=5)
except sr.WaitTimeoutError:
print("You ran out of time!")
return False
command_worked = exe(r.recognize_google(audio))
except sr.RequestError:
print("Something went wrong with the conection. Trying sphinx...")
command_worked = exe(r.recognize_sphinx(audio))
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print("Could not hear what you were saying!")
return False
if not command_worked:
print("Something went wrong with the exe function!")
return False
return True
# Constants
current_files, current_dirs, current_subs = reload_files()
r = sr.Recognizer()
with open("websites.json") as websites_json:
websites = json.load(websites_json)
while True: