I programmed a Neural Network in python. Feedback every kind is appreciated. I tried to use some vectorization but it turned out to become quite a mess. Because you can't append to numpy arrays I sometimes needed to use numpy arrays in list and sometime I could use just numpy arrays.
Is there a way to make It look cleaner?
Author: Lupos
Purpose: Practising coding NN
Date: 17.11.2019
Description: test NN
from typing import List, Dict # used for typehints
import numpy as np # used for forward pass, weight init, ect.
# logging
import logging # used to log errors and info's in a file
from datetime import date # used to get a name for the log file
import os # used for creating a folder
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class NeuralNetwork:
def __init__(self, x: List[float], y: List[float], nn_architecture: List[Dict], alpha: float, seed: int, custom_weights_data: List = [], custom_weights: bool = False) -> None:
Constructor of the class Neural Network.
x : List[float]
Input data on which the Neural Network should get trained on
y : List[float]
Target/corresponding values for the input data.
nn_architecture : List[Dict]
Describes the architecture of the Neural Network.
alpha : float
The learning rate.
seed: int
Seed for numpy.For creating random values. For creating reproducible results.
self.level_of_debugging = logging.INFO
self.logger: object = self.init_logging(self.level_of_debugging) # initializing of logging
# Dimension checks
self.check_input_output_dimension(x, y, nn_architecture)
np.random.seed(seed) # set seed for reproducibility
self.input: List = self.add_bias(x)
self.y: List = y
self.output_model: float = np.zeros(y.shape)
self.alpha: float = alpha
self.layer_cache = {} # later used for derivatives
self.error_term_cache = []
self.nn_architecture: List[Dict] = nn_architecture
self.weights: List = [] # np.array([])
self.init_weights(custom_weights, custom_weights_data) # initializing of weights
self.w_d: List = [] # gardient in perspective to the weight
self.curr_layer: List = []
self.weight_change_cache: List = []
self.logger.info("__init__ executed")
# for visuliozing
self.x_train_loss_history = []
self.y_train_loss_history = []
self.bias_weight_tmp = []
def add_bias(self, x) -> List[float]:
x = np.array([np.insert(x, 0, 1)])
return x
def check_input_output_dimension(self, x, y, nn_architecture):
Gets executed from the constructor "__init__". Is used
to check if the dimensions of input and output values correspond to the neuron size
in the input and output layer.
Input values
Output Values
nn_architecture : List[Dict]
Architecture of the neural network.
assert len(x[0]) == nn_architecture[0][
"layer_size"], 'Check the number of input Neurons and "X".' # check if the first element in "x" has the right shape
assert len(y[0]) == nn_architecture[-1][
"layer_size"], 'Check the number of output Neurons and "Y".' # check if the first element in "y" has the right shape
assert len(x) == len(y), "Check that X and Y have the corresponding values."
# mean square root
def loss(self, y: List[float], y_hat: List[float]) -> List[float]:
return np.sum(1 / 2 * (y - y_hat) ** 2)
def loss_derivative(self, y: List[float], y_hat: List[float]) -> List[float]:
y = np.array([y]).T
return np.array(-(y - y_hat))
def sigmoid(self, x: List[float]) -> List[float]:
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def sigmoid_derivative(self, x: List[float]) -> List[float]:
return self.sigmoid(x) * (1 - self.sigmoid(x))
def relu(self, x: List[float]) -> List[float]:
return np.maximum(0, x)
def relu_derivative(self, x: List[float]) -> List[float]:
x[x <= 0] = 0
x[x > 0] = 1
return x
def linear(self, x: List[float]) -> List[float]:
return x
def activation_derivative(self, layer: Dict, curr_layer: List[float]) -> List[float]:
if layer["activation_function"] == "linear":
return np.array(self.linear(curr_layer))
elif layer["activation_function"] == "relu":
return np.array(self.relu_derivative(curr_layer))
elif layer["activation_function"] == "sigmoid":
return np.array(self.sigmoid_derivative(curr_layer))
raise Exception("Activation function not supported!")
def communication(self, curr_epoch: int, curr_trainingsdata: int, data: List[float], target: List[float], how_often: int = 10) -> None:
Gets executed from the method "train". Communicates information
about the current status of training progress.
i : int
A paramter that gets hand over. Current Iteration in a foor loop.
how_often: int
Is used to determine the frequently of updates from the training progress.
if curr_epoch % how_often == 0:
print("For iteration/trainings-example: #" + str(curr_epoch) + "/#"+ str(curr_trainingsdata))
print("Input: " + str(data))
print("Actual Output: " + str(target))
print("Predicted Output: " + str(self.output_model))
print("Loss: " + str(self.loss(y=target, y_hat=self.output_model)))
print("Value of last weight change: " + str(self.weight_change_cache[-1]))
def init_logging(self, level_of_debugging: str) -> object:
Gets executed from the constructor "__init__". Initializes the logger.
level_of_debugging: {"logging.DEBUG", "logging.INFO", "logging.CRITICAL", "logging.WARNING", "logging.ERROR"}
Which error get logged.
return a logger object which is used to log errors.
# creating a directory for "logs" if the directory doesnt exist
path = os.getcwd()
name = "logs"
full_path = path + "\\" + name
if not os.path.isdir(full_path):
except OSError:
print("ERROR: Couldn't create a log folder.")
# create and configure logger
today = date.today() # get current date
today_eu = today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") # european date format
LOG_FORMAT: str = "%(levelname)s - %(asctime)s - %(message)s" # logging format
logging.basicConfig(filename=full_path + "\\" + today_eu + ".log", level=level_of_debugging, format=LOG_FORMAT)
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Test logger
logger.info("Start of the program")
return logger
# TODO: "init_weights" is work in progress.
# TODO: "init_weights" init bias.
def init_weights(self, custom_weights: bool, custom_weights_data: List) -> List[float]:
Gets executed from the constructor "__init__".
Initializes the weight in the whole Neural Network.
Weights of the Neural Network.
self.logger.info("init_weights executed")
for idx in range(0, len(self.nn_architecture) - 1): # "len() - 1" because the output layer doesn't has weights
if not custom_weights:
# "self.nn_architecture[idx]["layer_size"] + 1" "+ 1" because we also have a bias term
weights_temp = 2 * np.random.rand(self.nn_architecture[idx + 1]["layer_size"], self.nn_architecture[idx]["layer_size"] + 1) - 1
if custom_weights:
self.weights = custom_weights_data
return self.weights
def activate_neuron(self, x: List[float], layer: Dict) -> List[float]:
Gets executed from the method "forward" and "full_forward".
Activates the neurons in the current layer with the specified activation function.
x: List[float]
This are the values which get activated.
layer: Dict
A Dictionary with different attributes about the current layer.
Outputs a List with activated values/neurons.
if layer["activation_function"] == "relu":
temp_acti = self.relu(x)
# add bias to cache when not output layer
if not layer["layer_type"] == "output_layer":
tmp_temp_acti_for_chache = self.add_bias(temp_acti)
tmp_temp_acti_for_chache = temp_acti.T
# the name of the key of the dict is the index of current layer
idx_name = self.nn_architecture.index(layer)
self.layer_cache.update({"a" + str(idx_name): tmp_temp_acti_for_chache})
return temp_acti
elif layer["activation_function"] == "sigmoid":
temp_acti = self.sigmoid(x)
# add bias to cache when not output layer
if not layer["layer_type"] == "output_layer":
tmp_temp_acti_for_chache = self.add_bias(temp_acti)
tmp_temp_acti_for_chache = temp_acti.T
# the name of the key of the dict is the index of current layer
idx_name = self.nn_architecture.index(layer)
self.layer_cache.update({"a" + str(idx_name): tmp_temp_acti_for_chache})
return temp_acti
raise Exception("Activation function not supported!")
def forward(self, weight: List[float], x: List[float], layer: Dict, idx: int) -> List[float]:
Gets executed from the method "full_forward". This method make´s one
forward propagation step.
weight : List[float]
The weights of each associated Neurons in a List.
x : List[float]
The Input from the current layer which gets multiplicated with the weights and summed up.
layer : Dict
A Dictionary with different attributes about the current layer.
List with values from the output of the one step forward propagation.
curr_layer = np.dot(weight, x.T)
# add bias to cache when not output layer
if not layer["layer_type"] == "output_layer":
tmp_curr_layer_for_chache = self.add_bias(curr_layer)
tmp_curr_layer_for_chache = curr_layer.T
# the name of the key of the dict is the index of current layer
idx_name = self.nn_architecture.index(layer)
tmp_dict = {"z" + str(idx_name): tmp_curr_layer_for_chache}
self.layer_cache.update(tmp_dict) # append the "z" value | not activated value
curr_layer = self.activate_neuron(curr_layer, layer)
return curr_layer
# TODO: "full_forward" is work in progress
def full_forward(self, data):
Gets executed from the method "forward_backprop". Makes the full forward propagation
through the whole Architecture of the Neural Network.
List with the values of the output Layer.
self.logger.info("full_forward executed")
self.layer_cache = {} # delete cache used from previous iteration
for idx in range(0, len(self.nn_architecture) - 1):
self.logger.debug("Current-index (full_forward methode): " + str(idx))
if self.nn_architecture[idx]["layer_type"] == "input_layer":
self.layer_cache.update({"z0": data})
self.layer_cache.update({"a0": data})
self.curr_layer = self.forward(self.weights[idx], data, self.nn_architecture[idx + 1], idx=idx) # "idx + 1" to fix issue regarding activation function
self.curr_layer = self.add_bias(self.curr_layer)
self.curr_layer = self.forward(self.weights[idx], self.curr_layer, self.nn_architecture[idx + 1], idx=idx)
self.output_model = self.curr_layer
# TODO: "backprop" is work in progress
def backprop(self, target: List[float]) -> None: # application of the chain rule to find derivative
Gets executed from the method "forward_backprop". This method handels
the backpropagation of the Neural Network.
self.weight_change_cache = []
self.error_term_cache = []
self.logger.info("Backprop executed")
for idx, layer in reversed(list(enumerate(nn_architecture))): # reversed because we go backwards
if not layer["layer_type"] == "input_layer": # if we are in the input layer
# calculating the error term
if layer["layer_type"] == "output_layer":
temp_idx = "z" + str(idx)
d_a = self.activation_derivative(layer, self.layer_cache[temp_idx])
d_J = self.loss_derivative(y=target, y_hat=self.output_model)
error_term = np.array([np.multiply(d_a.flatten(), d_J.flatten())])
tmp_matrix_weight = np.asarray(self.weights[idx - 1])
tmp_bias_weight_t = np.array(tmp_matrix_weight.T[0])
temp_idx = "z" + str(idx)
layer_cache_tmp_drop_bias = np.delete(self.layer_cache[temp_idx], 0, 1)
d_a = self.activation_derivative(layer, layer_cache_tmp_drop_bias)
d_J = 0
for item in reversed(self.error_term_cache):
tmp_matrix_weight = np.asarray(self.weights[idx - 1])
weights_tmp_drop_bias = np.delete(self.weights[idx], 0, 1)
d_J = d_J + np.dot(weights_tmp_drop_bias.T, item.T)
error_term = d_a.T * d_J
error_term = error_term.T
err_temp = error_term.T
temp_idx = "a" + str(idx - 1)
cache_tmp = self.layer_cache[temp_idx]
cache_tmp = np.delete(cache_tmp, 0, 1) # delete bias
weight_change = err_temp * cache_tmp
# update weights
for idx in range(0, len(self.weight_change_cache)): # reversed because we go backwards
curr_weight = self.weights[-idx - 1]
curr_weight = np.delete(curr_weight, 0, 1) # delete bias
weight_change_tmp = self.weight_change_cache[idx]
total_weight_change = self.alpha * weight_change_tmp # updating weight
curr_weight = curr_weight - total_weight_change
self.weights[-idx - 1] = curr_weight
# update bias
if layer["layer_type"] == "output_layer":
for i in range(0, len(self.bias_weight_tmp)):
tmp_weight_bias = np.asarray(self.bias_weight_tmp[i])
tmp_error_term_bias = np.asarray(self.error_term_cache[i])
self.bias_weight_tmp[i] = tmp_weight_bias - (self.alpha * tmp_error_term_bias)
# insert bias in weights
for i in range(0, len(self.weights)):
self.weights[i] = np.insert(self.weights[i], obj=0, values=self.bias_weight_tmp[i], axis=1) # insert the weights for the biases
# TODO: "train" is work in progress
def train(self, how_often, epochs=20) -> None:
Execute this method to start training your neural network.
how_often : int
gets handed over to communication. Is used to determine the frequently of updates from the training progress.
epochs : int
determines the epochs of training.
self.logger.info("Train-method executed")
for curr_epoch in range(epochs):
for idx, trainings_data in enumerate(x):
trainings_data_with_bias = self.add_bias(trainings_data)
self.communication(curr_epoch, idx, target=self.y[idx], data=trainings_data, how_often=how_often)
self.y_train_loss_history.append(self.loss(y[idx], self.output_model))
def predict(self):
Used for predicting with the neural network
running = True
pred_data = []
for i in range(0, self.nn_architecture[0]["layer_size"]):
tmp_input = input("Enter " + str(i) + " value: ")
self.full_forward(np.asarray([pred_data], dtype=float))
print("Predicted Output: ", self.output_model)
print(" ")
running = input('Enter "exit" if you want to exit. Else press "enter".')
if running == "exit" or running == "Exit":
running = False
running = True
def visulize(self):
data = {"x": self.x_train_loss_history, "train": self.y_train_loss_history}
data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["x", "train"])
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
sns.lineplot(x="x", y="train", data=data, label="train", color="orange")
plt.xlabel("Time In Epochs")
plt.title("Loss over Time")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# data for nn and target
x = np.array([[1, 0]], dtype=float)
y = np.array([[0, 1]], dtype=float)
# nn_architecture is WITH input-layer and output-layer
nn_architecture = [{"layer_type": "input_layer", "layer_size": 2, "activation_function": "none"},
{"layer_type": "hidden_layer", "layer_size": 2, "activation_function": "sigmoid"},
{"layer_type": "output_layer", "layer_size": 2, "activation_function": "sigmoid"}]
weights_data = [np.array([[2, 0.15, 0.2], [2, 0.25, 0.3]], dtype=float), np.array([[4, 0.4, 0.45], [4, 0.5, 0.55]], dtype=float)]
weights_data = weights_data
#, custom_weights=True, custom_weights_data=weights_data
NeuralNetwork_Inst = NeuralNetwork(x, y, nn_architecture, 0.1, 5)
NeuralNetwork_Inst.train(how_often=100, epochs=500)
, you can append numpy arrays :) \$\endgroup\$