Just for fun, I created a script called TinyBF which can compress Brainfuck programs into a format half their size. For example, take a famous hello world program clocking in at 78 bytes:
When put into TinyBF format, it is only 39 bytes:
The steps for encoding are:
Translate all characters in the input using the following dictionary:
{'>': '2', '<': '3', '+': '4', '-': '5', '.': '6', ',': '7', '[': '8', ']': '9'}
.Split the string into chunks of two characters each - pad the last item with a trailing zero if it is only one digit long.
Make a string using the resultant charcodes of the previous list.
Without further ado, here's the compress and decompress methods (tinybf.py
def compress(code):
"""compress(code): Compress a string of Brainfuck code into TinyBF format."""
translated = code.translate({62: 50, 60: 51, 43: 52, 45: 53, 46: 54, 44: 55, 91: 56, 93: 57})
return "".join(chr(int(translated[pos:pos + 2].ljust(2, "0"))) for pos in range(0, len(translated), 2))
def decompress(code):
"""decompress(code): Decompress a string of TinyBF code into Brainfuck format."""
translated = "".join(str(ord(c)) for c in code).translate({50: 62, 51: 60, 52: 43, 53: 45, 54: 46, 55: 44, 56: 91, 57: 93})
return translated.rstrip("0")
And here's the script/output I used to test it:
import tinybf
original_code = "--<-<<+[+[<+>--->->->-<<<]>]<<--.<++++++.<<-..<<.<+.>>.>>.<<<.+++.>>.>>-.<<<+."
compressed_code = tinybf.compress(original_code)
print(compressed_code) # 7#!00"7!'!7?,,,?#B!?.>!$,.>?!.
print(len(original_code), len(compressed_code)) # 78 39
new_code = tinybf.decompress(compressed_code)
print(new_code == original_code) # True
Any advice on the code or improvements I could make? I'm also looking for name advice if possible - I settld on TinyBF for this question, but I also considered Braincrunch and Tinyfuck, so if you have thoughts on those, that'd be great.